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Posts posted by bionic56

  1. Great vids. Great reviews. Can't wait for the high res pix. Thx for the audio as well. By watching those latest vides, it's easy to tell the vocal issue wasn't studio monitors. It's venue related. The acoustics are great, but Axl's vocals are be drowned out by the crowd and the guitars. Too bad. I have no clue why soundcheck didn't resolve this. Oh wait, yes I do... Axl doesn't do soundchecks. The visuals are amazing though. I see pro shot video cameras all over the stage so I expect we'll see this released on Argentina TV just like the previous Argentinian GNR shows.

    Bring on Lima!!!

    yeah i agree mic lets hope this great run for axl and the boyz continues !!!!!!!!!!! hope they play twat, catcher and prostitute more tho

  2. 6 songs from the new album? That is an all time low for this tour...

    I'll let you correct you

    more negative crap here


    sorry i dont see it as negative crap at all, 6 songs from the new albulm,3 of which we have heard a million times before live anyway, it is poor but hey at least axl looks and sounds cool i suppose !!!!!!!!!!!!!n people are allowed to critisize when its granted you know !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Looks like 1980's American News :P lol

    lol is the tv station gonna show the concert? or just clips? or nothing?

    I have NO idea...asking the same thing myself..

    About 15 minutes ago they showed some pro-shot from a previous show and said there still was a line 10-blocks long of people getting into the stadium.

    Yeah i saw that too mate it looks like its gonna be at least another hour just to let those fans in

    I don't expect GNR til 12am local

    yeah agree mate i love the late starts

  4. Looks like 1980's American News :P lol

    lol is the tv station gonna show the concert? or just clips? or nothing?

    I have NO idea...asking the same thing myself..

    About 15 minutes ago they showed some pro-shot from a previous show and said there still was a line 10-blocks long of people getting into the stadium.

    Yeah i saw that too mate it looks like its gonna be at least another hour just to let those fans in

  5. guys i agree with you its a whinge but for godsakes this forum sucks you say one negative thing and you all cry like big babies, the setlists are on the poor side, but the shows still seem to be kickin ass so its all good, some of you need to grow up a touch, how can you be fans if you cant have a balanced view,.

  6. Very sad to hear that the venue got trashed by heavy winds. I seen some people questioning how... Well, I do audio/video rigging and staging. I can tell you this. The stage, temporoary or permanent, is built well. What happens is the rain soaked ground gets soft and the support braces under the main stage, begin to bowe (bend) causing a lot of tension on the braces, other supports, scaffolding etc. All this shit weighs a ton. Then when the wind catches the structure, down it goes. Picture a house, with a basement. If ya have any crumbling support, it will bring down the house, literally. If the basement is built with a solid foundation, under the concrete. It is rock solid. Sounds pretty childish to explain it like this but it is the case. If it was indeed a tornado, then anyone can tell you, the venue got lucky. I remember the concert in Calgary with couuntry artist Tim McGraw. A small tornado ripped through that area and tore the staging to pieces.

    I would assume, if there is a re-scheduled show tomorrow night. GNR will indeed be using the Brasilia/Belo Horizonte/Alegre stage. Smaller but it is easy to setup and there shouldn't be any damage to it, if it was in storage. That small stage can be built in a few hours vs. the full show stage that takes 9+ hours from ground to rigging.


    Glad 2 hear everyone is safe. Hope the fans don't hold this against Axl and GNR. It's one of the downsides of an "open air" stadium. Would have been a killer show. From what I've read, fans seem to be quietly disgressing about the show cancellation. Probably quite thankful they weren't in there when this happened. If fans were in the venue. It's almost a certainty that there would be fatalites.

    Props to all of the rescue workers who evacuated quickly and got the place under control.

    And give it up to Axl, for personally tweeting out the message to his fans instead of a sign at the gate.

    Let's hope for another show tomorrow!

    its amazing it only takes 9 hours to put the full stage up, you guys must work your asses off, people forget how important the stage crew are for the tour to work, i now have a new appreciation for you guys , im glad noone was badly hurt

  7. Ok,GNR is my fav band,but when i am talking about the band with my friends many just find them ok,they are more metal guys,hard metal guys, i agree with them

    that Axl voice sometimes is annoying(and slash is overated) overall but for me he is a great song writer and a performer more than a singer.

    I agree with them that some gn'r songs are overated,November rain,paradise city,welcome to the jungle....but when it comes to Estranged,stop!

    The first 8 min are the best you can listen in world music,whatever it is pop,rock,metal.....it is Axl at his best,even his voice is ok and mike clink does a good work....slash amazing,even matt. :D

    So is Gn'r the best band ever?no!is Estranged the best Song ever?for me, it is.


    All i can say to your post is YAWN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. So, I was watching TMZ last night and they decided to post a disclaimer before going on to the next segment. It said something along the lines of "the following clips are very disturbing and aren't suitable for all viewers" or something like that. it then says "We are going to show you a sweaty Axl Rose".

    They then show some stills of the recent surprise gig in New York at the beginning (clothes look normal) and then they go on to show that he is completely drenched in sweat...completely drenched. Did anyone else see this TMZ...what was he playing a gig in a sauna?

    three words YOURE AN IDIOT sorry got owned really get a life

  9. i really cant see gnr fitting in at reading the fans there are just little student hicks, christ they had a heart attack over snow patrol a few years back, i reckon download the best bet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Look its not the real guns n roses of course not, most people that are into the nu gnr are huge axl fans me included, but after recent events they are tons more credible and dj ashba is a huge fact on that along with axl regaining his voice so people will start viewing these guys in a positive light. My only wish is that axl and slash would just bury the hatchet once and for all, not a reunion just say fuck we made history so we can at least be civil to each other, its pointless all this bitching between them they are both genises so kiss and make up LIFE IS TO FUCKIN SHORT AXL AND SLASH

  11. how can he justify 70 quid a ticket and not play catcher or twat !!!!!!!!!!!!!! hmmm im thinkin maybe slash has a point about him, and axl is my idol !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Because he didn't play your two favourites?? He can't play what everybody wants all of the time.

    who said there my favourites, dont cry like a baby because i said something negative, go to mummy she will make it all ok !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You're the one making ridiculous conclusions about Axl based on a fucking setlist.

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dont cry are you in love with axl, maybe you could change him, bless you poppett

  12. how can he justify 70 quid a ticket and not play catcher or twat !!!!!!!!!!!!!! hmmm im thinkin maybe slash has a point about him, and axl is my idol !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Because he didn't play your two favourites?? He can't play what everybody wants all of the time.

    who said there my favourites, dont cry like a baby because i said something negative, go to mummy she will make it all ok !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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