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Status Updates posted by uruguns

  1. Como estas? Te hablo en español porque veo que sos argentino.

    Te quería preguntar dónde viste el leak por primera vez... Si fue YouTube o algun otro sitio, porque me gustaría saber si la versión que circula es un YouTube-rip comprimido o  un mp3 con la mejor calidad disponible

    1. GNRfanMILO


      Hola. El archivo original es un mp3 de 6mb llamado “SchoolsOut.mp3”.

  2. Hi, what's up? What do you mean by "Marc has footage of the band working on scom as it was being made"?

    Is that footage available in some form? Or just pictures?

  3. unexpected, where do we go now?

  4. you allow so many worthless, uninteresting, boring and silly threads, yet you don't lose opportunity to censore anything i post. Why aren't you a bit more coherent ;)


  5. did he say that in Chile

  6. What's your favorite song from CD II?

  7. are u still a gnr fan?

  8. Even if you were not a good mod, or abused of your power, you didnt deserve that from -none other than- Axl. I have encountered feelings about this.

  9. Last Seen: Today, 06:05 PM

    Really? Damn.

  10. ZOMG RLY????!!1!1!!

  11. oh god every time I see your personal photo it makes me lol.

  12. funny. I've never seen Slash wear a bucket :\

  13. Masterful trolling. 10/10

  14. Do you really pride yourself calling people nerds on the internet? Obviously you do if you go around bragging about it. Very sad I must say.

  15. lol rammstein suck *trollface*

  16. Your sig confuses me though...

  17. 5 stars for a fellow viewer of the light.

  18. lol thats an old slogan for motorola mobile phones.. just crossed my mind lol

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