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Status Updates posted by SunnyDRE

  1. No. But I do write on Literotica.com.

    My handle is: TedSploogent.

    Happy reading.

  2. I thought you might find this amusing.

  3. I actually used it at work today - didn't really use it out loud, but I thought it - when a co-worker who I hate and want to kill - cause she's a cocksucker started talking to our boss - about someone who was just recently hired, that I have taken under my wing......which she hates.

  4. Ya know - it's weird - or maybe I'm weird....but I could see "subconsious fucking jealousy," being a new catch phrase.........like "bling bling" , "hasta la vista" or "I'm king of the world."

  5. Gawd.

    Please, don't tell me you think username is wise.

    Geez. If anything he falls right inline with Apollo, in terms of spouting ignorant BS.

  6. No I didn't. But I'm going to take this to the pm system - prying eyes.

  7. Good post here. http://www.mygnrforum.com/index.php?showtopic=165666&pid=2698973&st=45entry2698973 - Some of what you say is how I feel - but you are much better at finding the words. Axl should not get free pass for this. To many on here want to give iy to him. You can be a fan of a artist, and admit he/she said or did some douchebag shit.....God if only people understood that ...

  8. terrible poster

  9. worst poster on this forum

  10. I'm bored. You wanna come over and watch a movie?

  11. By spreading "your love" all over other people's comment section, you and chaos make me so jealous.

    guess i need to up my game.

  12. Yeah......its pissing me off to. Jean, is a snake in the grass!!!

  13. Estaba viendo algunas de sus Caos y comentarios sobre los perfiles de otras personas. Haha .. dos Debe me odian o algo así. Porque eres amable con todos, menos yo.

  14. Someone has to keep GNR-Dave's legacy alive.

  15. What is the name of the song those two girls are singing? It's very catchy, to me..and I can't speak or understand a single word of Spanish..lol.

  16. But naw - I'm not going to delete it. You meant it.


  17. That new video is great.

  18. Pretty sure you're a loser in real life. - Hans_moleman


  19. And to think, I thought we had something special. I was almost convinced you where going to fly over and see me. **sarcasm**

  20. @NG

    Nobody is telling what you want - but for you and a couple of other girls to act like there isn't a pattern with alot of you and that many of you do the same things, act the same way - and a guy with a little intelligence, might can't figure it out - but at least have a better plan than most is stupid.

    And arrogant.

  21. Some of those dudes, have been "everywhere" to.

  22. @Chaos, from your postings in that thread - it seems to me, that you are the one who doesn't know what a relationship is.

    Your posts are so one-sided and non-forgiving, I wonder if you've ever been in one.

  23. Geez........your becoming to popular.

    I remember when I was your only friend - and you no comments on your profile.

    I'm so jealous.

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