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Posts posted by ll_tj1

  1. Bon Jovi in the number one with a BRAND NEW ALBUM and Guns #36 with an album about the good old days. Oh well... he who laughs last...

    Except that Bon Jovi's Greatest Hits sits at number 20 on the same chart..........compared to GnR's greatest hits at number 36. So your point is.........

    Probably meant how everyone already has GNR'S in duplicate.
  2. The Robin/Bucket band had more potential to do some really, really cool stuff. That band could have really made a mark for itself. Those two guys could have pushed Axl Rose to new heights. The current band is great, but I think they will keep GnR sounding more like classic GnR. Isn't that why Axl hired DJ, to keep that 80's hard rock sound alive?

    I'm not saying either one is better. I would have liked to see each group put out a couple albums.

    The first band would have pushed Axl to create a pretty exciting new band. The current group will give us classic GnR sounding songs.

    Just out of curiosity, why or how would Bucket and Finck raised Axl to new heights? I mean, they haven't raised anyone else or even themselves to new heights, so how is it they would have done so for Axl? I get it if its your personal favorite version of the band, to each his own. But to say flat out without out question or doubt that they alone would have raised Axl to new heights is just an opinion.
    Anything that people post on here is just their opinion. So not sure why you felt the need to point that out. Every post in the four pages of topics were people's opinions - are you calling them all out as well?

    Do I really have to explain the difference of songs like Better and Shacklers to you compared to DJ's work with Motley Crue or Six AM? You seriously don't see the difference?

    Songs like Better, Shacklers and even Scraped are NOTHING like anything Axl has ever done before.

    I guess maybe you just haven't listened to any of the back catalog that these guitar players have been part of. Have you listened to anything that NIN has done?

    Go listen to Bucket's solo work, some Nine Inch Nails and the three GnR songs I mentioned...............then compare that to Bumblefoot's solo work and the music that DJ has been part of.

    After that, if you don't think that Bucket/Robin wouldn't have pushed Axl creatively..........but that DJ will..........then I'm really not sure how to even discuss this with you.

    Lol. Sorry man. Haven't been around much lately, didn't know this was such a touchy subject for you, especially since I don't know you. I wasn't questioning anyone's opiniun. I was just asking, what made you think that Finck and Bucket would raise Axl to new heights? I mean, cause they didn't. Am I wrong there? They were in the band for years, played live, recorded some songs, yet no new heights. I wasn't comparing anyone to Ashba, Slash, Fortus, BBF, Yinga Yanga Ding Dong, or anyone else. I was just asking you a question, not because I wanted to argue with you about it, because I was interested in a perspective I don't see. That's it. I don't give a shit about comparisons with all these guitar players. I, me, myself, think the current band puts on a great live show. And before you blow another gasket, I'm not saying Bucket & Finck didn't. I'm just saying, I like the current group better. Obviously you don't, and that's cool. I just didn't get the whole "new heights" thing. So I asked you about it, and somehow, to you, that meant I was calling out all posters opinions and then you threw in some rambling shit about Ashba, not sure what he had to do with all the new heights Axl would have reached had Bucket and Finck stayed. Not to mention the fact, didn't they both quit?
  3. The Robin/Bucket band had more potential to do some really, really cool stuff. That band could have really made a mark for itself. Those two guys could have pushed Axl Rose to new heights. The current band is great, but I think they will keep GnR sounding more like classic GnR. Isn't that why Axl hired DJ, to keep that 80's hard rock sound alive?

    I'm not saying either one is better. I would have liked to see each group put out a couple albums.

    The first band would have pushed Axl to create a pretty exciting new band. The current group will give us classic GnR sounding songs.

    Just out of curiosity, why or how would Bucket and Finck raised Axl to new heights? I mean, they haven't raised anyone else or even themselves to new heights, so how is it they would have done so for Axl? I get it if its your personal favorite version of the band, to each his own. But to say flat out without out question or doubt that they alone would have raised Axl to new heights is just an opinion.
  4. I'd like to see somebody sing like Axl for two hours, and then do it for another hour. If I do a GNR song I have to have a change of pace song after, just to keep a consistent vocal over the course of a two hour show, much less 3 hours. It's easier to sing high like Mark Slaughter (i dont like him either) than it is to sing like Axl. Plant is difficult to sustain as well as is Freddie. Those guys are who they are because they could do what most never could, much less do it for 3 hours!

    I kind of agree with this statement in the sense that it is difficult to sing like Axl (or Brian Johnson/Chris Cornell/Robert Plant, etc) for extended periods of time. But then again, it's their job to do so. If it was the only thing that I was responsible for then it shouldn't be too onerous to get my vocals in shape to accomplish the task. It's kind of like giving credit to celebrities for being in great shape. It's their fucking job; what else are they going to do with their time? It would be easy for me to be jacked as well if I had trainers and personal dieticians keeping me on track.

    Trust me, you would be able to sing that long in that style if you worked on it every day. It wouldn't be easy and would take a lot of commitment, but it's not something only a few people can do if everyone were given the same opportunity.

    I did work on it everyday, lol. There's a lot of people here who have heard me sing, I can cover Axl, Freddie, Plant, The great Shannon Hoon, Mark Slaughter, A pretty good variety of vocalist, just can't sustain Axl for two hours straight. And my voice is in shape, for 41
  5. I'd like to see somebody sing like Axl for two hours, and then do it for another hour. If I do a GNR song I have to have a change of pace song after, just to keep a consistent vocal over the course of a two hour show, much less 3 hours. It's easier to sing high like Mark Slaughter (i dont like him either) than it is to sing like Axl. Plant is difficult to sustain as well as is Freddie. Those guys are who they are because they could do what most never could, much less do it for 3 hours!

  6. Axl Rose = Axl Rose

    Buckethead > Bumblefoot

    Richard Fortus = Richard Fortus

    Robin Finck > DJ Ashba

    Brain Mantia > Frank Ferrer

    Tommy Stinson = Tommy Stinson

    Dizzy Reed = Dizzy Reed

    Chris Pitman = Chris Pitman

    NuGuns > CurrentGuns

    Axl Rose (00/02) < Axl Rose (Current)

    Buckethead < Bumblefoot

    Richard Fortus = Richard Fortus

    Robin Finck = DJ Ashba

    Brain Mantia > Frank Ferrer

    Tommy Stinson = Tommy Stinson

    Dizzy Reed = Dizzy Reed

    Chris Pitman = Chris Pitman

    NuGuns < CurrentGuns

    Hey, just a couple differances of opiniun

  7. I've been a fan of the band since 87/88, after WTTJ came out, but before SCOM broke big, they sold me on there live show. I thought the Bucket/Finck (I refer to this as the circus years) era was laughable. I'm in no way questioning what great musicians they are. They are great! But so far removed from what GNR was. A 5/6/7 man band where the music was great, the singer was amazing and all of the musicians interacted with the fans in one way or another. I never got that feel from the Bucket/Finck, Johnny Rotten playing bass band. Not to mention, in my opiniun, arguably Axl at his lowest point vocally. Axl wil never be the Axl from my late teens and early twenties, just as Freddie, Elton, or Plant were never going to be the same to there eras. But I've seen the new band, the Fortus/Ashba/BBF led version. And these guys are great. Maybe Ashba does try to hard, or maybe people are just looking for something to bitch about. I'd rather the guy try to hard than not try at all and just stand there to shred with a bucket on his head. BBF shreds, and he puts a ton of showman ship into it. And back to Axl, I don't give a shit what anybody says. The guy is a great, great frontman (and before anyone accuses me, YES, I like Slash to, and Duff, Izzy, Steven, Matt, Gilbeys, ect. None of them have given me a reason to hate them, I don't understand that) one of the greatest of all time. So what if he's odd, eccentric, borderline crazy. So what if he doesn't sound like he did in 1987, 89, 91, 92, 06 or whatever year you think he was at his "very best". Who cares. He still brings what the majority are incapable of on most nights. The original band will always hold a place in my youth, those songs trigger great memories and heartbreak. But this brand new version of the band, is great all on there own.

  8. I didnt stay up for the midnight release at Harmony House, but I did buy it that morning. It was released the year after I graduated high school, we all had a great summer that year and UYI's were in everyones cassette player. But we all still busted out Lies, and AFD. And at the same time we were still into Metallica as well, until the Black album that is, at least for me. But yeah it was a big deal. They were the biggest act on the planet! It's funny that even back then GNR had a rabid fan base that could never get enough. They released Lies, and while it was great, it was "just" an EP. We wanted a WHOLE record. AFD came out in 1988 (I Think) We waited 3 years for "NEW" GNR music. And we thought that was a long time to wait. Had we only known! Although I personally never expected much more just because I didnt think there was any way these guys would stay alive long enough to do more. LOL. In the area I lived in Michigan, GNR were loved by everyone, the stoners, the jocks, the preppies, they were universally received. And I dont care what anyone says, grunge did not single handidly wipe out GNR. GNR killed GNR. They left, disapeard. They sold out every stadium up until the final show of the UYI lineup. Its nothing like grunge having finally stamping out what was left of watered down hair metal scene. Guns were still releavint, they just allowed themselves to fade away. Then Cobain blows his mind out and "BOOM" He was a superstar. Watching the whole Cobain thing made me wonder, was Jim Morrison as huge as he became, before or after overdosing? Joplyn? Hendrix? I'm not old enough to have see them or to know if they became bigger after death, or were they big before. But Cobain sure did. But back to What did we think back in the day?? I thought it was some of the best music I've ever heard!

  9. I think it's possible that Axl is just not willing to put himself out there to be judged by anything new he has to offer. Personally, I think CD was great, but with all of the criticism he has had to endure before, and after the release of CD, I'd be thinking "fuck it" its just not worth it. Even his so called fans constantly attack him, like he owes us something. He doesn't owe anybody anything, just like nobody owes him anything. I don't think I could handle the amount of public bashing this guy has taken over the years, deserved or not. I think I would have blown a gasket, and I'm guessing most other people would as well. I hope he releases something prior to team Brazil getting there hands on anything. But it is what it is. Just my opinion by the way.

  10. I think no matter how good, sleazy or epic it would've been, a new GNR CD would've "flopped" at the time, but would've had tons of promotion money behind it, and would've gone platinum.

    Axl should've put an industrial project out with Pitman, Freese, Finck, Youth & Howerdel with Trent Reznor producing (and a few guest appearances) and just put it out there under an assumed name and do a short club tour, and wear a disguise. I think Axl should've put the frontman thing aside for a few years and just had fun creating music, instead of try to outdo himself.

    I disagree. A new album around then would not of been as big as appetite, lies, or illusions but it would not of flopped. Yes the music industry was quite different during that time, but gnr had the name, reputation, and catalogue to over come those things. Metallica remained relevant, so did van halen, ac/dc, and aerosmith. I see no reason why gnr wouldn't have also. And besides all of us long time fans were still there waiting. Gnr's fan base, as big as it is now, was twice this then. I believe the album that I spoke of in the original post would have gone to #1 and sold around 5 million copies.

    Definately would not have flopped. GNR were still huge even after the announcement that Slash was gone. They were just to big to flop.

  11. I've been wondering ever since the Kimmel show, why did BBF go on with him? Especially if he's so miserable. I would have expected Ashba. He's the one who promotes Axl and GNR whenever the opertunity presents itself. Seems BBF just like screwing with GNR fans. He's gotta know anything negative he does or says will be blown up in theses forums. He probably just sits back and laughs at it all

  12. Do I agree with it? No. Was it unacceptable? Probably. But Bumblefoot is a big boy, he certainly doesn't need anyone to stick up for him. He had to know it was likely to happen, he can't be that niece. Every GNR forum is just full of assholes just trying to stir shit up, get people twisted. But I'd rather deal with and just ignore the little bitches in these forums than the alternative, of which is the Communist run HTGTH. Did Bumble deserve it? Fuck no. But to say he shouldn't have expected it is stupid. That's why people like Axl and Slash would never come into an uncontrollable environment and talk openly to fans. Its a lose lose situation. Sad, but true. People are dicks!

    but axl has been here several times

    Yeah, he has. But COME ON MAN!!! You honestly believe it wasnt under a controlled enviornment?? How many emails did he return? How many REAL questions did he take?? It was all screened. Just like his Dexter account, you really think you can PM him??? Come on man.....

  13. Do I agree with it? No. Was it unacceptable? Probably. But Bumblefoot is a big boy, he certainly doesn't need anyone to stick up for him. He had to know it was likely to happen, he can't be that niece. Every GNR forum is just full of assholes just trying to stir shit up, get people twisted. But I'd rather deal with and just ignore the little bitches in these forums than the alternative, of which is the Communist run HTGTH. Did Bumble deserve it? Fuck no. But to say he shouldn't have expected it is stupid. That's why people like Axl and Slash would never come into an uncontrollable environment and talk openly to fans. Its a lose lose situation. Sad, but true. People are dicks!

  14. There are just way to many backstage clips, up close clips, and other footage that some random fan could never get there hands on. This video is real. Whether you like it or not is up for arguement. The fact that its real, really isnt. I mean come on! In the last 15 years how much backstage footage has there been of Axl or anyone else in NUGNR? Theres footage from the tour bus for christ sake. I'll say this. It's either real, or......someone in the band/inner circle/team Brazil made it. I'm going with it's real. And who cares??? It's over. The time for that video has came and gone. I thought it was cool to see the band actually interact like a band.

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