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Posts posted by ll_tj1

  1. Hell no. Team Brazil very well may be what's best for Axl, as to provide the guy with the most stable family environment the guy has ever had, and who knows, maybe that's what's best for him period. I don't know, but I most certainly do not believe Team Brazil is what's best for GNR. How could they be? They have no Expierince within the music industry, they have no contacts, no clue! They are learning on the fly. That's what you do with a band that's just starting out and drawing 100/150 people. Not an established act. What kind of weight can Beta throw around within the music industry?

  2. He tried to get Axl sacked from the band before UYI. Bad move.

    He didn't try to do that. He made a suggestion and all due to Axl's behaviour which was far more unaceptable than the other members who were actually drug addicts but still were more professional than him at the time...

    Seriously? You really believe everyone else in the band was behaving professionally? Come on man. Nobody was behaving professionally. Absolutely nobody. And if it was your band, and you were surrounded by people that were barely able to keep their heads up, wouldn't you take control of your band or your business? I mean seriously even if you're a business owner if your partners were f***** up and drunk all the time and sticking needles in their arms to the point where they were unconscious for days at a time, wouldn't you take control to? That's not to say the things he actually did or the way he went about it were right, but to say that everyone else was professional and Axl alone wasn't is just ridiculous. Your smarter than that. I've read a lot of your posts. You sound really pissed at Axl more than anything. I think if everyone would honestly realize, all 5 of these guys fucked this band up. They all took part in its demise. Not just the guy who took control over it all, all be it to an obsessive level. And another thing. Illusions did not kill the band either. Illusions are great and I'm thankful we have at least the 3 full length records, and the one EP from the orignal band. Do I wish it woulda lasted longer? Fuck n A yes I do. But all this blaming Slash, Axl or whomever manager they had is just stupid. All 5 members put themselves where they ended up. It may be your or others opiniuns some are more responsible than another, I for one do not. They each made there beds, now there lieing in it. Just seems Duff and Izzy are the only two not completely filled with either bitterness or regret. And good for them.
    I agree, everyone played a part in the destruction. I dont mean to single Axl out, I only wanted an opinion on the management.

    I did not intend to single any one statement out, I certainly understand where your coming from. I also understand where Andre is coming from. I was just trying to point out the obvious. A lot of us are so passionate about this band that when things seem to hit come to a hault, or even worse, we believe it may be all over, we, myself included, ive done my fair share of blaming and bashing Axl and Slash mostly. But honestly at one point or another, I've pointed fingured at all of them. But, we hit that wall of frustration and it boils over into this kind of stuff. And I just think its counterproductive, for life in general. Not just GNR related crap.

    Andre-wasn't trying to attack your post my friend, I've read many of your posts over the years. And you always seem to have very interesting points. I was just simply pointing out I didn't agree with you that Axl was unprofessional more so than anyone else. That's all.

    "Many of my posts"? dude I just signed up here, are you confusing me with someone else maybe?

    But anyway I know what you mean, We get so frustrated about everything & I have gone through peroids where I hate Axl & then I love him again & the same for Slash/Izzy/Duff etc etc....

    It's foolish to blame any one person for the downfall of the band (no one has that much power unless you let them) when it took all 5 of them to build it & all 5 to tear it down.

    I think we fans overanalize it because we want answers & we get bored when nothing happens.

    I thought Niven was an interesting guy who seemed to have a lot of answers & I guessed everyone here had strong opinions about him..

    Spark - The "I've read many of your posts" was meant for Andre. Sorry for the confusion
  3. I'm not putting all the blame on Axl, but isn't it funny that even though they were all fucked up and all drugged up, they kept their shit together and still were able to be on shows on time, while the other Madonna would be having dinner somewhere and making his audience waiting?! Isn't that extremely funny? i think it is...

    The fact is, Axl quit the band, and wanted to sign all his then members so they could sign out their careers to him and so he could have control in the direction of the band, also what's so suttle about it is that he completely changed their financial status in GNR... making Axl the one who would have more 0's on the paycheck...

    Your right, his whole diva complex was quite ridiculous. But no worse than Mercury, Roth, Weiland, ect, the list goes on and on. For whatever reason, singers are fucking crazy. It's difficult to find a great one that doesn't have serious me, me, me issues, and believe the world revolves around them. As to the guys that were fucked up making it to shows on time, Its a given they all had "handlers". People who's job it was to keep them happy and at the very least know where they were, and escort them wherever they wanted to go. It's not like Slash, in his state, could just fly into Philidelelphia, and hop into a car and drive all over town on his own. People were put in charge of them to keep them satisfied, and certainly to prevent them from bringing any harm to anyone else, ala drunk driving ect. These ever changing people in each differing city were also individually responsible with getting them to there show on time. And it's not like any of them didn't like playing live. They loved it. So as long as they weren't going thru withdrawals, and had been kept happy, or just left alone the day of the show, I'm sure it wasn't that hard to knock on Duffs hotel door and say "Mr. McKagen, your limo is waiting for you, and is ready to leave"
  4. I like OMG as well, although, it did take time for it to grow on me. I hope someday we can hear a mastered version of it. The End Of Days version is clearly a demo in the way it sounds. Certainly would sound better if it were remastered. But to answer your question, no, I would not like a predominantly industrial sounding GNR record. Everything GNR should be blues based rock n roll. Plain and simple.

  5. He tried to get Axl sacked from the band before UYI. Bad move.

    He didn't try to do that. He made a suggestion and all due to Axl's behaviour which was far more unaceptable than the other members who were actually drug addicts but still were more professional than him at the time...

    Seriously? You really believe everyone else in the band was behaving professionally? Come on man. Nobody was behaving professionally. Absolutely nobody. And if it was your band, and you were surrounded by people that were barely able to keep their heads up, wouldn't you take control of your band or your business? I mean seriously even if you're a business owner if your partners were f***** up and drunk all the time and sticking needles in their arms to the point where they were unconscious for days at a time, wouldn't you take control to? That's not to say the things he actually did or the way he went about it were right, but to say that everyone else was professional and Axl alone wasn't is just ridiculous. Your smarter than that. I've read a lot of your posts. You sound really pissed at Axl more than anything. I think if everyone would honestly realize, all 5 of these guys fucked this band up. They all took part in its demise. Not just the guy who took control over it all, all be it to an obsessive level. And another thing. Illusions did not kill the band either. Illusions are great and I'm thankful we have at least the 3 full length records, and the one EP from the orignal band. Do I wish it woulda lasted longer? Fuck n A yes I do. But all this blaming Slash, Axl or whomever manager they had is just stupid. All 5 members put themselves where they ended up. It may be your or others opiniuns some are more responsible than another, I for one do not. They each made there beds, now there lieing in it. Just seems Duff and Izzy are the only two not completely filled with either bitterness or regret. And good for them.

    I agree, everyone played a part in the destruction. I dont mean to single Axl out, I only wanted an opinion on the management.

    I did not intend to single any one statement out, I certainly understand where your coming from. I also understand where Andre is coming from. I was just trying to point out the obvious. A lot of us are so passionate about this band that when things seem to hit come to a hault, or even worse, we believe it may be all over, we, myself included, ive done my fair share of blaming and bashing Axl and Slash mostly. But honestly at one point or another, I've pointed fingured at all of them. But, we hit that wall of frustration and it boils over into this kind of stuff. And I just think its counterproductive, for life in general. Not just GNR related crap.

    Andre-wasn't trying to attack your post my friend, I've read many of your posts over the years. And you always seem to have very interesting points. I was just simply pointing out I didn't agree with you that Axl was unprofessional more so than anyone else. That's all.

  6. He tried to get Axl sacked from the band before UYI. Bad move.

    He didn't try to do that. He made a suggestion and all due to Axl's behaviour which was far more unaceptable than the other members who were actually drug addicts but still were more professional than him at the time...

    Seriously? You really believe everyone else in the band was behaving professionally? Come on man. Nobody was behaving professionally. Absolutely nobody. And if it was your band, and you were surrounded by people that were barely able to keep their heads up, wouldn't you take control of your band or your business? I mean seriously even if you're a business owner if your partners were f***** up and drunk all the time and sticking needles in their arms to the point where they were unconscious for days at a time, wouldn't you take control to? That's not to say the things he actually did or the way he went about it were right, but to say that everyone else was professional and Axl alone wasn't is just ridiculous. Your smarter than that. I've read a lot of your posts. You sound really pissed at Axl more than anything. I think if everyone would honestly realize, all 5 of these guys fucked this band up. They all took part in its demise. Not just the guy who took control over it all, all be it to an obsessive level. And another thing. Illusions did not kill the band either. Illusions are great and I'm thankful we have at least the 3 full length records, and the one EP from the orignal band. Do I wish it woulda lasted longer? Fuck n A yes I do. But all this blaming Slash, Axl or whomever manager they had is just stupid. All 5 members put themselves where they ended up. It may be your or others opiniuns some are more responsible than another, I for one do not. They each made there beds, now there lieing in it. Just seems Duff and Izzy are the only two not completely filled with either bitterness or regret. And good for them.
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  7. No he should not. The Guns N Roses name itself is well documented as being Axl's when it first formed. Had Slash and Steven not ended up on the Seattle gig because Traci Guns (the only person with a legit beef, regarding the Guns N Roses name since his last name is the first word in the band name, but has no legal grounds since he quit, walked away, and gave Axl his blessing to keep the name) bailed on the band, had Axl, Izzy and Duff found another guitar player and drummer, there'd only be two original members. Axl n' Izzy. And Izzy doesn't want it, was never his to begin with to make a claim to it. Axl started GNR, continued and fought for GNR, to his near ruin. Something Slash obviously was never willing to do. Duff and Izzy either. Izzy, intelligently, chose life, and sobriety over GNR, and if you want to point fingers here, I'd point them directly at Slash and Duff as the two main drug and alcohol antagonists that didn't even try to assist there so called friend by at least attempting to keep the smack and booze directly out of Izzys face. And then Duff, again, another smart move, was also at the time he decided to hang it up making the choice to sobriety for his health and because he now had children. He absolutely needed to leave the lifestyle behind if he wanted a future with his family. And Slash straight up quit because Axl and Duff didn't want to agree with him becoming the predominant songwriter along with Axl. Axl and Duff both agreed they didn't care for Slash's southern rock direction he was all or nothing pushing. And felt they needed to bring in another strong songwriter into the fold, Slash felt that songwriter was himself. When they didn't cave in to his threats he quit. Plain and simple. And yes, Axl is not without his own level of guilt the way he tried to take over. But really, that began during the AFD recordings and continued thru UYI or we would have never gotten songs like SCOM, November Rain, Estranged ect, onto the albums being that Duff and Slash are on record as stating they were against these type of songs, especially SCOM from ever being on a GNR record. So yeah, I think he's deserved and earned the right to keep the name if nothing more than by bringing the name to the band, taking a leadership role when everyone else in the band was to fucked up to take care of themselves, much less lead a successful rock band, or even have any insightful or helpful input. Being the only one who never quit his band, and fighting for it for decades without backing down, while suffering tremendous personal loss in doing so.

  8. We all know Axl does not take the easy road, or look at things the way most people do. And a lot of artists seek some kind of "muse" for inspiration. A kind of artist's alternative to writers block, if you will. The question is, does Axl take this literally? Is he literally waiting for a muse to show up, even if months, years, decades go by? Is this still connected to Stephanie Seymour in some way? There were several mentions of "the muse" in Merck's 2006 letter, see the excerpt below.

    I thought it made sense on some level with Chinese Democracy - the incredible amount of pressure and weight of expectations were surely enough to suppress creativity and prevent him from getting truly inspired. However, once the album came out (though I still believe Axl changed his mind and tried to prevent it from happening), with this tremendous weight off his back, and the follow up essentially ALREADY RECORDED, that the next one would be easy. Even for a perfectionist like Axl.

    It has now been 5 years of silence and bullshit.

    Is Axl waiting for a muse that will never come back?

    A segment from Merck's Letter - 2006

    The reality is all of this year's touring was planned and agreed between Axl and myself, with a view to the album being in the stores before the 31st of December '06. This was confirmed by Axl in numerous interviews - most famously at the MTV Video Music Awards. We planned the tour in February, just after Axl's birthday and we were supposed to finish the album in May, before it started. We sent our engineers to New York, where we all waited, for over a month, for the muse to come but she never arrived. We then scheduled sessions in London in August and had our engineers meet us there at the end of the English tour. August came and went and once again the muse did not show. We postponed our proposed radio date of Labour Day for the first single and we came back to LA and tried to finish before the San Francisco, Las Vegas and Los Angeles shows but yet again she eluded us. Axl then asked me to postpone the North American tour which was due to start on 24th of September by a month and finally, early in that period after the euphoria of Inland Invasion, Axl made a break through and got two or three very productive days under his belt.

    At this point we were very excited as Axl's feeling was that we had two or three days of work left to tidy things up and we still had three weeks before the tour started, so we were in good shape. Unfortunately the muse disappeared just as fast as she came and the tour started with no single at radio to support it and the album still needing two or three days of work. Despite this, it was a break through period as Robin, Bumblefoot and Frank had all made important contributions to the album that made it even stronger. By the way none of the above is meant as a criticism of Axl. It is the reality of trying to create something special under incredible pressure from the public - that wants and DEMANDS the record - and the record industry - that NEEDS it. The creative process is not something you can dictate and Axl is a true artist.

    I know I'm being very repetitive in multiple threads, but, if Axl really turned over a demo of a fully completed album with all new songs in 2010, as we have been told by what i believe is an extremly reliable source in MSL, and the label has chosen to sit on it, how is that Axls fault? And I know a lot of people over hear don't think of MSL the way I do. He has always been up front and honest with me, and of all the various sources of GNR info we've had over the years, he has by far given us the most info, and the most info that has been proven. Therefore when he says something, especially reporting it of his own website, I believe him 100%. Which leads me back to, how is no new material Axls fault when he has very likely already handed over new material to his label 3 years ago.
  9. I know that you want new music..... but haven't you realized that Axl & Co don't have any. NOTHING! NADA! the vaults are empty.

    People believe that Axl is sitting on a mountain of music & not releasing it, where as I believe :blink: he has parts of songs & some weak riffs & maybe a melody or a jumbled mess of lyrics, but that's not enough for a album. I have seen Van Halen digging up scraps from Eddie's vault for an album & they didn't have anything great.Secondly, I can not believe ANY studio even considering working with Axl again in this life time after the mess of the last album.

    I think every studio that Axl went to told him, he either get's 'the old line up together' or the studios are not interested. Axl has a bad reputation & everyone in the music biz knows that & they stay away from him because of it, his work ethic & attitude are as outdated as VHS tapes. No one wants to work with that kind of mentality anymore.In all honesty do you think Axl has been blacklisted in the music industry, after the CD debacle?Don't get me wrong, I love Axl & I'm not trolling (at least I think I'm not) but I can't understand why you can't see HE HAS NO NEW MUSIC.

    Whatever songs NuGnr have, are mostly junk or not up to Axl's standard or some such thing.

    & his management team are appalling & useless, if he wants to be taken seriously again he needs new management.

    If he wants to keep his current manager & stay as he is, then he deserve what he gets.

    Or do you believe he has new music but he can't get a record deal?


    Was I ranting? :question:

    I'm asking you this question because I believe your sincere about what your saying, but as to your belief that there is no new music.

    What about the full length demo album of all new material Axl handed over to the label in 2010?

  10. No way axl ever read the letter... id be surprised if hes even aware of the attempt... he obviously knows people wanna know when there'll be a new ablum, but his guess would probably be just as good as ours at this point

    I say they do a cover album of all the shit this lineup has covered live so far to hold ppl over

    Great idea, and would literally take one day to record. Could be in stores in the blink of an eye. But if UMG already has a record of completely new music, and has had it in there possession since 2010. Has not only, NOT released it, but hasn't even hinted as to a possible release date, then why record a cover album? Why record anything new at all? Thats my entire point here. Way I see it, UMG has set GNR back an indefinite amount of time. If there was a timeline in place, and I realize that's a big IF in the world of GNR. But if there was, and it was similar to what Axl said about "same channel, same time" or however he hinted around to it way back when. And what Baz said about three releases, broken out over a certain amount of time, when he referred to Axl being like George Lucas planning in advance regarding Star Wars. Then say CD2 was slated for a 2010 release. CD3 releases in 2012. Then I'd say it would be completely logical to assume the CURRENT band was writing and recording, especially since the vast majority of CD2 & 3 had been completely done since, say...2009, including the re recording of parts by any current members. Which would mean outside of touring, they would have had since 2010 to begin working up new songs. That gives them 3 years exclusively working together, as a band, focusing on there collective new ideas without the burden or weight of the CD sessions hanging over them. I'd say its easily plenty of time for the rest of the band, excluding Axl, to have recorded, produced and mastered many instrumentals, and would be waiting for Axl to lay down lyrics, and record his vocals. Of which he to has had 3 years, outside of touring, to focus on one new album, and 12 new tracks. So lets give them some room here. Since they have been touring machine with the releases of CD2 & 3, ttake a full year off. Slate a release of the current bands first full length record together, with nothing from the CD sessions, in 2014. That's 3 new records within 6 years. Instead CD2, or whatever it's gonna be called, sits at UMG collecting dust with absolutely no collective future. If I'm Axl, or any other member of the band, I'm now fully and completely reserved to being a touring band only. I mean, why torture myself with creating more music that my record label has no intentions of releasing?
  11. One of the best GNR songs on either UYI, and one of my top 10 favorite GNR songs of all time. I like all the music, lyrics are some of Axl's best, especially the verses. I think the song would have been better received had the chorus been used less. I think it's to repetitive, and s used to many times. Woulda been less repetitive of a song had they only used it in the middle and the end. And if Axls vocals weren't so burried in the mix at some points. But, that's just my opinion. First time I heard this song I had to pull out the disc insert and read the lyrics because I was floored by what I thought I was hearing and had to put it all together. Great song.

  12. Just wondering, if GNR already gave the label a new album of material in 2010 as has been said, and the label has chosen to sit on it, and not release it, what is GNR's next move? Give the label another one? Or wait until they release it? I don't know what the right answer is. I'm just making the point of, what are they supposed to do if they have already turned in new material 3 years ago?

  13. I get what you mean, but those are not the Greatest Hits. Ain't It Fun and Since I Don't Have You? Seriously? What about Sympathy For The Devil? That song was not a hit, definetly not one of the GREATEST HITS.

    I agree 100%. The song, while I do like it, didn't belong. Ain't it Fun was a joke to me. It's not even in the top 5 songs on TSI. How the hell does any song from TSI get on there? I like TSI, but there are so many more better songs.

    Bacardimayne - excellent point as SFTD was a new release so it does make sense. Hadn't thought about that. Don't agree with it, but its a great point.

  14. Yes, it is very hard to sing live. You don't have to take my word for it. Play the instrumental and sing along with it. I'm not saying to try and sing it like Axl, or even sing it well. I'm saying just try it. You will notice you will be out of breath before you can finish a verse, or starting one, the octave changes are also difficult because of this same reason of how many words are in each verse and how long and short you hold notes. I know somebody here will bring up using proper breathing technique, and thats true, its a must just to even attempt it. I'm by no means saying it can't be done, clearly it can. I'm just answering the question as to whether or not if its a difficult song to sing live. And it is.

    I've done it without running out of breath. Not that you'd want to hear the results though.

    I think Axl could make it through. Might not be a great rendition in his current vocal state, but Im pretty sure he could sing it from start to finish.

    Did you begin to sing it at a slightly higher register than what's normal for you, and then max out you vocals in all the high parts? I find it hard to believe you were able to do it that way. Not saying you can't, just highly doubting it. I admittedly can not do it, and I'm by no means a great singer, I have been doing it for a long, long time, and I have covered this song, so I know how hard it was, at least for me. Beginning the song say you used your normal speaking voice to sing it. This would mean your no where near pushing your vocals to there limits. And pushing your vocals is the only way you can get a clue as to this songs difficulty to sing live.
  15. This guy nailed it:

    Spectacular version.

    This guy did a great version, but he made it his own, which is artistic, and is what made it fantastic. But no where near the level of difficulty Axl sings it. He's reversing the way the song was originally done. He sings it at what sounds like his peak level, while slowing the song down, and going into an even lower register where as the original goes way up, and these parts are even further slowed down. This version doesn't push his vocals to there limits and he intelligently gave himself forever and a day to breathe between versus. Even sentences. Awesome job. The guy is very talented, I've seen many other videos of his.
  16. The band's played it in rehearsals, but they haven't pushed for it the way they did Estranged. I'm surprised he didn't give it a go at the residency.

    Comes down to it being a long song where he'd rather do 2 shorter songs, it's hard to sing, but not hard for them to play. But half the AFD songs are hard to sing.

    They did that song in the middle of a 2 hour set back in the day. Maybe he should have done the song as one of the encores. There's a lot of UYI songs that aren't hard to do.

    He "don' wanna' do iiit" and "what was I thinkin'" apply to this.

    As far as anything to do with Slash or it being his baby, any time they play a riff of his live at a GNR show, all those riffs are his "babies".

    You definatly got that right. Regardless of how SCOM came to be, or any other songs, everyone of those GNR riffs are most definatly Slash's baby. I just find it humorous that a song he was joking around with, kinda messing with Axl because he wanted nothing to do with the song, ends up being not only his most famous riff, but one of the most famous riffs in rock history. With all there childish issues they have between each other, I find it laughable that he has to play it in nearly every set he plays, and its gotta aggravate him a little bit knowing Axl made it come to fruition.
  17. Whether its hard to sing or not, its Slash's baby song. Axl and his new Guns aren't going to play a song that is so Slash dominate because Slash is "the cancer". That really is the bottom line about it. Its a total Slash song and Axl doesn't play those, unless they are songs like Paradise City or Sweet Child O Mine that he has to play.

    Well, in reality SCOM is Axl's baby, especially since Slash hates the song and came up with the intro as a joke making fun of the song itself. So really, Slash owes Axl big time for writing the song and then choosing to use the riff Slash came up with to make fun of Axl and his song, and getting in on AFD. Because we all know that is now his signature riff. And as much as he hates the song, he still plays it every night. It must be torture. To hate this song so much, go on record so many times saying as such and then being forced to play it every night because its his most famous guitar part and the knowing that Axl was right all along. And as far as I had been led to believe, PC was a joint effort. Not just Slash.

    If I recall correctly, Slash played what would become the intro just to warm his fingers, and it was Izzy who asked him to replay it and came up with chords. Axl wasn't even there when they wrote the music. Axl came after with lyrics.

    Axl already had the lyrics written and was trying to get the band to put music to it. Slash began playing a circus intro, making fun of Axls song, which evolved into SCOM after Axl heard it from another room and asked Slash to play it again, and said, that's it. This is documented on the VH1 GNR Behind The Music, with Slash and Steven both saying that's exactly how it went down. Slash goes on to say, as he does in so many interviews, that he hates the song, but it obviously worked and Axl deserves all the credit for it because Slash and other band members have admitted they were never planning on taking the song seriously.
  18. Whether its hard to sing or not, its Slash's baby song. Axl and his new Guns aren't going to play a song that is so Slash dominate because Slash is "the cancer". That really is the bottom line about it. Its a total Slash song and Axl doesn't play those, unless they are songs like Paradise City or Sweet Child O Mine that he has to play.

    Well, in reality SCOM is Axl's baby, especially since Slash hates the song and came up with the intro as a joke making fun of the song itself. So really, Slash owes Axl big time for writing the song and then choosing to use the riff Slash came up with to make fun of Axl and his song, and getting in on AFD. Because we all know that is now his signature riff. And as much as he hates the song, he still plays it every night. It must be torture. To hate this song so much, go on record so many times saying as such and then being forced to play it every night because its his most famous guitar part and the knowing that Axl was right all along. And as far as I had been led to believe, PC was a joint effort. Not just Slash.
  19. Yes, it is very hard to sing live. You don't have to take my word for it. Play the instrumental and sing along with it. I'm not saying to try and sing it like Axl, or even sing it well. I'm saying just try it. You will notice you will be out of breath before you can finish a verse, or starting one, the octave changes are also difficult because of this same reason of how many words are in each verse and how long and short you hold notes. I know somebody here will bring up using proper breathing technique, and thats true, its a must just to even attempt it. I'm by no means saying it can't be done, clearly it can. I'm just answering the question as to whether or not if its a difficult song to sing live. And it is.

    Indeed. Even in his prime he was struggling A LOT with this song.

    Your exactly right. The song is a mother fucker to sing live.
  20. No music. Easy answer for me. I saw them live a couple years ago and it was the best show I've ever seen by any band. Including the one I saw when GNR opened for Aerosmith. And I now a lot of people that have went to see them over the last 5/6 years and every single person thought they were incredibly good. So I find it laughable when "shitty vocals" gets brought up obsessively all the time, every ingle day. I know there are plenty of YouTube videos that clearly shows Axl not being anywhere near the top of his game. But the good and great shows heavily outweigh the bad. IMO. My frustration with the lack of new music has shifted however to the label, not Axl. After hearing the news that GNR supposedly turned in a record to there label in 2010, and the label has chosen to sit on it. Makes no sense at all.

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