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Posts posted by MillionsOfSpiders

  1. 10 minutes ago, ArthurMorgan said:

    With all due respect, I think you’ve (and some others here) misread the question. The question was «How do you feel about Myles singing Guns?». The OP even says «apart from the fact that he does not sing it well». 

    So the question, if I’m not mistaking, is not about the quality of Myles’ performance. It’s about wether or not you feel anyone but Axl should perform these songs with Slash.

    Yeah, I couldn’t be arsed to read it properly, just saw the title and the replies and responded to that :awesomeface:

    Anyway, I think Myles is totally wrong for GnR songs. He makes them all sound the same and dull as ditch water. 

    GnR songs worked with Rod Jackson, his WTTJ was pretty great and Scott weiland did a good job with ISE. 

    So I don’t feel it’s disloyal to Axl to enjoy it when Slash plays GnR with another of his singers ..... just Myles sucks so bad at it. 

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  2. 4 hours ago, Kittiara said:

    Mine went to the Manchester 2006 concert with me. There's no way I'd be able to drag him to London, Dublin or Glasgow.  I think there are a million-and-one things he'd rather do instead.

    It’s shit that they don’t play Manchester any more. Adds on double the expense going to London or Glasgow when you live in the middle of the UK <_<

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  3. I believed that if I ate an apple seed then a apple tree would grow in my stomach. 

    I hated the plug hole in the bath because I was convinced a great white shark could get through it and into the bath with me. 

    Sometimes when I was riding my bike I thought a pterodactyl might swoop from the sky and carry me off to its nest on top of a volcano, so I’d pedal like mad to get home :lol:

    • Haha 2
  4. Someone posted this on e-festival forum:

    I work for Ticketmaster (LN) and we got an email today about an announcement coming this week for a huge Guns’N’Roses show in the summer at Tottenham Hotspurs Stadium...any chance they could be at Mad Cool being a Live Nation band? Or are we thinking they’re far too expensive? 

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