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Status Updates posted by TheSpecialist

  1. Golan Globus movies are some of the most unintentionally hilarious flicks of all time. Where have you been btw? Anything Goes suffers without Angie's acerbic wit...heh

  2. I jumped the gun. I figured CD was never coming out and so I said fuck it and got myself banned. Totally lost interest in the band at that point. Like a month later the album comes out. Now we're back to playing the waiting game again.

  3. Thanks man. I guess pretty much everybody knows at this point. So much for keeping my identity secret. Damn that stallone thread. haha

  4. Oh I have a feeling he's still lurking around here ;) Good to see you're still posting TIU...

  5. Great post on the billboard thread. Too bad it's going to fall on deaf ears.

  6. Thanks. You'll learn like the rest of us that debating people here is a waste of time. Just insert a snide comment here and there to relieve tension. As you've probably realized by now, Muskie/Gunzen is a fool of the highest order.

  7. I bet he has Beta and Del James check his closet at night to make sure Slash isn't hiding in there. What a fucking loser. In any case it's curtains for fake gnr. Time for Axl to pack up and call it a day.

  8. I hate to say it but maybe it would be better if Axl just fades back into obscurity. This latest rant of his was embarassing.

  9. Axl's interview was pathetic. When will this guy ever get his head out of his ass?

  10. Axl's masterplan phase 2: Tour 7 months after failed album was released. This guy is a marketing genius.

  11. It's politics and Brangelina are the "it" couple right now. Leo is quickly becoming one of my favorite actors. I never thought the guy from "Titanic" would start shaping up to be the most promising actor of his generation...

  12. You might be right. The oscars always have that herd mentality where one picture with momentum sweeps all the awards. It looks like leatherface is a lock. Doesn't change the fact that Leo should have won this year for Revolutionary Road.

  13. I've heard nothing but good things about Valkyrie. I know Cruise has had a PR problem after his public meltdown on Oprah....but for some reason I find the guy much more likeable now. He's attained that quirky craziness that Nick Cage has. He looks like the the type who could lose his mind at any given moment.

  14. Changed for Her Majesty.

  15. Ha Thanks. Yeah I finally decided to call out Shades. Why should you have all the fun? ;) But seriously he's been surprisingly civil so far...

  16. And don't be dissing my collateral avatar woman. It was either that or Nick Cage wearing a bear suit in "The Wicker Man"

  17. Your posts in the Film thread are sexier ;)

    But you dissed Pump up the volume :( Slater and his receding hairline have never been better (aside from Heathers ofcourse)....

  18. Out of apathy. I just lost interest in the band after so many false starts and the leaks had done nothing to change my mind. A friend ended up sending me the entire album anyway. No point throwing good money after bad.

  19. I have a confession to make. I didn't buy it either.

  20. Ffranky! How's tricks?

  21. Slash and Duff's face after hearing "This I love" = Priceless.

  22. Be honest. How long ago did you stop listening to Axl's album?

  23. Axl should just nail himself to a cross already and get it over with. Meanwhile the hunt for a new session guitarist to replace Finck continues. Best Karaoke Band Ever.

  24. How the hell did Reeves get into that movie? Then again Keanu "Ted" Reeves somehow found himself cast in Bram Stoker's Dracula, Much Ado About Nothing, and Bertolucci's Little Buddha. It boggles the mind.

  25. You don't know what you're missing with Carnivale. Rent it woman. It's very much like AG but a lot more intricately plotted. Nice sig btw. I don't remember the end of Dangerous Liaisons, is there a suggestion that the Malkovitch character does indeed fall for the virtuous Pfeiffer character even if he does choose to hurt her?

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