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Status Updates posted by Dariablue

  1. Hello, my dear. How are you?

  2. Wow, Spuffy's a pimp! Impressive. That was very brave of you to tell her. I'll pm you some of my pics.

  3. I hope you had an excellent birthday.

  4. Oh and extra :wub: for being a No Doubt fan. I do believe I've taken over your comment section. :/

  5. Spuffy has a girlfriend! :P Is this the FMP chick? No Doubt was awesome! I'd never seen them before so I'm glad we got tickets. Fifth row! I posted a few pics in my ND thread. You should look. I want to post more, but I don't want to listen to people bitch about it.

  6. I spent most of last Thursday at the pool. Hadn't done that for awhile so it was a lot of fun. I need something else to look forward to since my No Doubt concert has come and gone. I got some really good pics though, so that's good.

  7. Ah, Rudolph Special - memories.

  8. Aw, thanks! That's sweet. I can still stalk your posts though (in a purely non-scary way) so I guess it's okay for you to be on private. ;)

  9. Sadness. It didn't work. :( Since when are you on private?

  10. Happy Birthday! You have the same birthday as a very good friend of mine. Congratulations.

  11. I hope you feel okay after having your teeth ripped out of your head. And I raised you up a star. You're welcome. :)

  12. 5 Stars. Awesome sig!

  13. Yeah, it's apparent that he's given up judging from my profile and how he has to disagree with me on the board at nearly every turn. It'd hate to think what it'd be like if he was still trying. I've heard rumors of a new album, but I haven't heard anything concrete. Hard to tell with her.

  14. Well at least it was a fair trade-off. What movies did you watch? Did you jump in your lap? I almost did that once.

  15. Haha! 4 hours for a guy shoe shopping is like an eternity. That was nice of you to go with her though. Awww. :) Did she at least get some good FMPs?

  16. So what are your after school plans? World domination? Life at mygnr isn't the same without NG and Angelica. :( I'm on my final warning - days numbered and such. I guess I'll be on my best behavior.

  17. Just seems like a book you would enjoy.

  18. Have you heard of Tucker Max?

  19. *swoon* Maybe Sunny should take lesson from you to improve his 'game'.

  20. Wow, Spuffy, you've changed...and you grew breasts. Nicely done.

  21. Dude, where did you go?

  22. Hey. Whatever happened to Shawn? He hasn't been around for awhile.

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