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Posts posted by ashysdad

  1. Also..as I've said before, it needs to sound like original Guns N Roses this time. Radio won't accept it otherwise.

    Maybe so, but this band will NEVER sound like the old band. Unless there's a reunion it's simply not possible.

    With respect to musicianship however, I'd take Bucket over Ashba any day. Just get Ron to re-do Robin's parts and the album will be spectacular.

    Also I don't believe for a second that Axl is producing an entirely new album in a short time frame. Whatever we do get will be mostly based on the CD sessions IMO.

  2. he wanted to use all these "weird chicken noises" or whatever and he got a little bit too experimental for the rest of the bands taste.


    Who cares? Anyone who thinks BH was good for GNR is just fooling themselves. This has been argued and debated like a dead horse. Polls have even been done. Most people think BH is a joke.

    Just like the polls where BH is voted the best nugnr guitarist?



    Not to mention that this place historically hasn't exactly been a beacon of free speech. 99% of members that publicly admitted liking Buckethead were banned. That has all changed now. Don't expect the majority to be BH haters any more.

    Look, GNR isn't the same band as it once was. BH would not have fit the old band, I'm not denying that. BH was good for newgnr and the new sound Axl was going for. Chinese democracy would have probably never seen the light of day if he didn't join.

  3. How different do you think things would be if Buckethead hadn't left? I think it would have been easier for Axl to get support from the record company if Bucket was still around. He would have been a potential marketer's dream. Just the new image needed to sell the band in the US.

    Well if Axl gave Bucket more creative control we'd have about 7 albums by now. Axl didn't utilize him to his full potential. If Bucket never left I'd also say that Finck would have had to go a long time before he did.

    I agree that Bucket would have made the band very marketable.

    The whole thing is depressing really.

  4. Some amateurs will say no because they know they don't have what it takes to do the job without making themselves look like first class dumbasses in front of everyone.

    If only Finck realized this and turned down the offer.

  5. The rumour is that Axl was trying to get Buckethead back which is why they took so long to call Ron. This is 100% a rumour though and there's nothing tangible to back it up.

    Actually Del James verified it in a press release. 100% truth.

    Thanks for bumping the month-old thread for that. Look, my fact recollection of events that transpired 4 years ago might not be perfect, so you'll have to allow me this minor indiscretion. :thumbsup:

    No worries, nothing personal :)

    The press release was archived over at gunsnroses.us. That was a while ago though and I can't find it now after the site has changed. Maybe someone who has it could post it here.

    When I talk about the new band with people outside the forum the only member they know of or ask about (other than Axl) is Buckethead. He was the one with star potential. From here on out it's going to be all about Axl. I think Axl can shoulder it but he's going to have to release some new material in the not so distant future if he wants to carry on in a meaningful way. I think a lot of us would like to see Axl take a shot at becoming popular again but I don't know if he'll do it or not. Otherwise we're probably looking at a tour every 4 years and maybe another album. Either way I'll always listen to the music and go see him play live.

    Agreed, Randy :thumbsup:

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