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Posts posted by Val22

  1. I hated that he blacked out the faces of everyone but his on the GNR cover tattoo.

    what? give a pic to prove it

    He didn't.

    nah, it's over 25 years old, it has aged just like all tattoos. stupid people spreading stupid rumors that's all

    Are you sure? Because when GNR played the 2002 MTV awards I could have sworn the tattoo faces looked blackened out. I'm pretty sure it looked like that. I really hope he didn't because that tattoo is fuckin awesome!

    Guys when I first met him it was one of the things I Looked at, maybe because all the rumours about it etc...

    as of 2010 tour dates, Axl's AFD tattoo is 100% NOT BLACKED OUT OR COVERED UP IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM!

    Well, than I stand corrected. If I were Axl I would get it re-done. I know tattoos fade, but it really looked so dark.

    Most of them fade and look very light, his arm looked darker, but maybe it was the show.

    Anyway, glad he still has it.

  2. I'm surprised that after all these years, Axl hasn't gotten any new arm tattoos.

    I hated that he blacked out the faces of everyone but his on the GNR cover tattoo. I think he'll regret it one day. I know things have changed, but that image is so iconic and that tattoo was awesome.

    Too bad Axl can't wear those little red or white shorts anymore, then we'd see that tattoo. lol

  3. There's 2 more documentaries on You Tube - Untold Story (mostly interviews) and Freddie's Loves (mostly about his gay lifestyle).

    The footage I'm talking about could be on one of them or an unauthorized bio, sorry I can't remember where exactly.... it was a short clip.

    I think the best thing that happened in the 90s is that people in the closet started to come out little by little and other than Westboro Church, people didn't really care that much, and now we're seeing gay marriage becoming a part of society. My opinion is that it helps promote monogamy and doesn't make people feel they should be ashamed of who they love. It's not like we're going to see some fucking going on in the streets. I don't want to see a middle aged couple getting it on with the windows open either, or be in a hotel room listening to it at 2AM, but we've all experienced one or the other.

    Yeah, congratulations to the state of New York for making gay marriage legal. I know gays are hoping that one day it'll be legal in all 50 states, but coming from NY and now living in Dallas, I don't see it happening especially in the southern states.

    The south is still very much about 50 years behind the north in their way of thinking. It's all due to their religious beliefs. I say that if there is an all mightly God he made all things and that includes gay people.

    I say live and let live. If you choose to be gay or straight or whatever and you are happy and not harming yourself or anyone, God bless you.

  4. Thanks for the replies. I will definitely be watching for sure now.

    I assume since it's the 90's that Axl has those horrible dreads on his head! lol

    Nah, it's from 90 or 91 I think.

    Yeah, after I realized it was the 90's I knew Axl would look really good.

    Anyway, can't wait to see it.

    Thanks for the video. Axl looked so good and he really did a good job.

    God, I remember Queen. They were huge in the 70's and their music was so amazing. My husband's favorite song was We are the Champions. They would always play it when the hockey team the Islanders would win. lol

    This was a pretty good one- Magic Years is pretty detailed, and there's another one that talked about Freddie's "secret life" where he spent a lot of time in NYC in the early 80s and you could see the writing on the wall, and I remember he was doing a radio promo tour for "Innuendo" where Scott Muni said he looked great... I'm sure Fred was completely spent by then as soon as he got out of the studio, and was putting on a brave face.

    Now if someone says they have HIV, people show a lot of love for them and way more support than back then.

    I've seen backstage footage of the Jazz tour, and I doubt they're showing some of that on Bio.

    Still no word on the movie with Sacha Baron Cohen, or Miles Davis with Don Cheadle... or Marvin Gaye.

    It's a shame that Freddy had to die so young. He lived his life the way he wanted to, no excuses. Unfortunately, AIDS was kept a big secret because the powers that be thought it was the gay disease. Maybe if people were more tolerant of others and more honest this disease would die out.

    Anyway, Freddy Mercury was one of a kind and so is Queen's music.

  5. Ummmm serious.... What was the purpose of this thread. Your basing this argument off of a cup. I go into rock merchandise stores all the time and have purchased easily over ten/fifteen different chi dem. shirts/new logo shirts. I've also seen AFD/UYI shirts as well, big fucking deal. Just like i see 'kill em all' merchandise right next to 'death magnetic' merchandise and what not...

    You have to assume Axl pulls all the GN'R strings, and gives the thumbs up or down to GN'R Merch.

    Axl: "I haven't been involved much in any of our merch and the reasons are it's been a mess legally for years."

    - from the forum chats

    I'm surprised by that statement. I figured nothing GNR related got passed without Axl's okay. Maybe he's just happy people still want GNR merch.

  6. I checked my tv guide and it says that next week on the Bio channel there will be a special about Queen and it's being hosted by Axl Rose.

    I'm hoping we actually get to see Axl and not just hear his voice, but I'm not sure. I know I'll be watching to hopefully see and hear Axl host this special.

  7. I got a GNR mug with the yellow logo about 2 years ago in a store at the mall.

    They had all 80's metal and rock stuff.

    I wish I could have gotten one with the art cover on it.

    rockabila.com has tons of GNR stuff. Some of it is pretty expensive, but they have many items you can't get anywhere else.

  8. Dude there is no GNR without Axl. As for Led Zepplin, when they did get together for some shows everyone was there including Robert Plant except for John, who was dead.

    Led Zepplin were like brothers and when John Bonham died, that was it. They felt you could never replace him. Also the around the same time, Robert Plant lost his son. Too much death, so they called it quits.

    Led Zepplin will always be one of the best rock and roll bands of all times, as will GNR, but there wouldn't be a GNR without Axl. No way.

  9. LOL, that little feud happened like 20 years ago. i doubt they are still angry at each other.

    Right, because Axl isn't one to hold a grudge.

    lol. Really it takes too much energy to keep holding grudges. The best revenge is to be successful, which Axl is. At least Axl can still sing. I've seen Motley Crue 4 times and each time Vince gets worse and worse. We fans do most of the singing. Thank God the band still rocks!

    Vince should let go having any more facelifts and lose some weight so maybe he can start actually singing again. lol

  10. Possible scenarios for a reunion:

    1. They reunite and make an AFD style album

    Fan Reaction: "Meh... they're just copying AFD... these guys are just a bunch of old boomers livin on the past and trying to remember the good ol' days,they should try doing something different... time to move on, guys! This is tarnishing the Gn'R legacy!"

    2. They reunite and actually do something different

    Fan Reaction: "Meh... this is not the reunion I was expecting! I wanted an AFD style album to remember the good ol' days!

    They should try approaching their old stuff... time to remember who you are, guys! This is tarnishing the Gn'R legacy!"

    Yeah there will be some fans who will bitch and moan no matter what. Let's face it there's no going back to the AFD days. GNR were 25 years younger then and now they're older, so things will be different no matter what. I bet they would still kick ass with the old stuff and possibly new stuff, but since Axl and Slash don't seem to want to make up, I doubt a reunion will happen.

    Axl talks to Duff and Izzy, but has said how much he hates Slash and Slash wants an huge apoligy from Axl.

    I have a guitarist friend who's actually a friend of Izzy's. He's met Duff and Slash. Izzy left GNR because he felt they were getting into the corporate business instead of the music business. When GNR did the video for You could be mine and Izzy found out Arnold would be in the video, he knew it was time to go. Now izzy does whatever he wants to do, but is still friends with Axl.

    Whatever the reasons Axl hates Slash and vica versa, at this stage of their lives, if there's no solution there never will be. These guys are pushing 50. If they wait long enough they will probably forget what they are angry about, but then who the hell wants to see 70 year old men singing GNR songs! lol

    Let's face it time is running out and since everyone has moved on and still getting royalities from the GNR music and still playing GNR songs live with whatever bands they're with, I'd say we fans are the only ones losing out.

  11. I've seen other bands that have played new stuff from their upcoming cds and it's cool.

    I just want Axl and GNR to do a US tour. I wouldn't care if they did some new stuff. Haven't they played songs from CD for years before it was released?

    I would welcome new stuff from Axl and GNR because then it would mean he's actually meaning to continue as a band and singer.

    I just want a US tour. Is that so much to ask?

  12. Everyone grows old. There's nothing anyone can do about it but learn to accept it and go with it.

    Axl is still talented and since there are singers and bands that are way older than he is and still rockin, I'd say as long as he feels good and can still rock, he should continue to do it.

    Fans still flock to see Axl and GNR's music will go on being important to many older and newer fans, so I say age is just a number and as long as you are in good health and want to do what you want to do, go for it.

    it seems that Axl doesn't handle anything very well.

    Well in this case Axl has no choice as do any of us. Like I said growing older is a fact of life and I would rather grow older than the alternative, which is death. lol

  13. A7x are my second favorite band of all time behind guns. They to me are the new guns n roses. They have a epic guitar player in syn a great rythm guy in zacky, jc at bass and a fantastic frontman. The rev was probably one of the best drummers of all time also. They are extremely underrated and it is crazy how mast people don't know who they are. Saw them in orlando last week and could only think of how great it would've been to see them

    and guns together.

    Dude I agree with everything you said! Right on!

  14. I've met M. Shadows, Zachy, Syn and Johnny at a Hot Topic signing.

    I have their death bat tattoo on my upper right bicept and underneath it is a GNR tattoo. Shadows noticed both my tattoos and told me how he loved GNR too.

    I've seen them live 5 times and M. Shadows usually has a bandanna underneath a backwards baseball cap like Axl wore in the GNR early years.

    Not that it wouldn't be awesome to see him in biker shorts! :)

    Damn, A7X were lucky enough to open for Axl and the new GNR in Europe, M. Shadows sang a song on Slash's new cd and then jammed with Duff. I'd say these guys are living the dream. Now too bad those guys weren't all playing in the same GNR band.

    anyway, A7X are one of my all time bands up there with GNR. These guys rock 110% live! And their cds are fuckin awesome.

  15. I read this and was very surprised that this guy was trying to force Axl into an original GNR reunion. Part of me was hoping he would have a leg to stand on, so there would HAVE to be a GNR reunion.

    Oh well, guess not.

    As for how many lawsuites Axl has going on, his lawyers are probably the ones going crazy trying to juggle them all.

    Axl doesn't worry about nothing because worrying is a waste of his fuckin time! lol

  16. Haha Appetite still sells a shit load every year. Sometime in the 2000's it was selling upward of 200,000 copies a year... No point in a remaster. The thing is a monster. Not even mentioning the Greatest Hits CD which has some not so good songs on it.

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure AFD still sells. More and more new younger fans discover GNR everyday. They're songs are still played constantly on the radio and let's face it, GNR was one hell of a band back in the 80's and 90's, so eventually anyone who likes rock music will find out about them soon enough and buy their cds. I just recently bought GNR lies.

  17. I was watching the new American Idol on Tuesday and the singers were singing songs from Elton John.

    Anyway, the producer who was helping the singers with their performances mentioned to one girl how she had to sing this song with Axl's range and some other singer, who I don't remember who it was, because once I heard Axl Rose mentioned my mind went blank. lol

    Anyway, I was like, yeah, someone else realizing how amazing Axl Rose's voice is.

    Wonder if Axl was watching?

    They have this guy on the show this year, that sings all rock songs and his awesome. He performed Judas priest's you got another thing coming and blew the judges and crowd away. I would love for a rocker to win this year.

    Maybe he'll get to sing a GNR song one day.

  18. I thought the same thing. If Axl wants to be late, he'll be late and have his people pay the fine.

    I read this on blabbermouth.net and then Sebastian Bach explained why Axl is late so much. He said it takes Axl 45 minutes or more to get his voice ready to sing Sweet Child of Mine.

    Okay, that makes sense, but then again, if Axl knows this, then he should start getting his voice ready in plenty of time to be on time for the concert! lol

    you know back in the 70's, my mom waited alot for acts like Rod Stewart and the Faces, who were always late. Back then no one seemed to mind waiting and once they hit the stage all was forgotten and everyone had a blast. Back then, bands played shows for 2 hours or more, so they made up for being late.

    If GNR did a US tour and came to Dallas, I wouldn't care how much I had to pay for the ticktes or how long I had to wait for Axl, I would do it in a New York minute, if Axl and GNR would actually do a full US tour.

  19. I've never heard any songs from CD here in Dallas,but the local rock station plays GNR songs everyday, usually the songs with the original lineup.

    I think when CD was released they might have played Better, but I never heard it.

    Like I said, GNR have made amazing songs, so they will always be played on rock stations around the country.

  20. Just watched Alice Cooper on the 'Joy Behar ' show.....(I know...wife had JB on, not my thing). Anyways- Alice Cooper was the guest. Dude was awesome. He mentioned how he met Elvis once and that Elvis was so protected by his people. He couldn't think, breathe, pee, crap or do anything without his people being around. Alice even saw Elvis months later and Elvis tried to say hi or whatever and his people shuffled him away in a hurry. Is Axl too protected/insulated? Wonder what would happen if he could break those chains & get away from the hangers on and yes men (Beta etc....). The users & hangers on. I don't know, Alice was interesting though.

    I think you think too much, Axl is not in the situation you are describing.

    I agree.

    Elvis was addicted to prescripton drugs and all those so called protectors did nothing to really take care of him. Elvis's problems stemmed from an over protected mother. I don't think Axl has that problem.

    Axl chose his life. I doubt anyone is telling Axl what to do or how to live! Axl has been on his own away from his family since he was very young. I'm sure he's been taking care of himself for a long time too. Some people just don't like being stuck in a crowd of people all the time. Besides most of those people aren't really your friends they are just using you.

    Elvis was an amazing singer and entertainer, but privately he had alot of issues and unfortunately no one really helped him cope with them.

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