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Posts posted by invisible_rose

  1. For me it has to be:

    1. Street of Dreams outro - I love Axl's vocals with the kickass solo behind it

    2. Bucket's TWAT solo

    3. The last couple of minutes of Catcher In The Rye

    4. The bridge in Better is sick, I wish there were more hard rocking moments like this throughout the album

    5. The outro to Prostitute

    Pretty much this minus Catcher - probably the worst song GNR have ever done IMO.

    I would replace 3 with the solo in If The World.

    I'm disappointed that you think this, I love that song!

    The outro to Prostitute is something else, really special. Great song.

    Don't be disappointed. Music is all about personal preference.

    I personally believe Catcher and This I Love are terrible songs. I also don't have a lot of time for November Rain.

    Give me Nightrain, You Could Be Mine and There Was A Time any day.

  2. For me it has to be:

    1. Street of Dreams outro - I love Axl's vocals with the kickass solo behind it

    2. Bucket's TWAT solo

    3. The last couple of minutes of Catcher In The Rye

    4. The bridge in Better is sick, I wish there were more hard rocking moments like this throughout the album

    5. The outro to Prostitute

    Pretty much this minus Catcher - probably the worst song GNR have ever done IMO.

    I would replace 3 with the solo in If The World.

  3. They bash Axl for destroying the GN’R legacy, his voice, dress sense, and the Axl Rose megaphone thing at Reading labelling it ‘embarrassing’.

    I think the correct would be Axl saving the GN'R legacy, and I don't know how a music magazine can bash a voice when the voice is amazing. And dress sense? lol

    And the Megaphone Incident at Reading was one of the most amazing GNR thing this year.

    Way to go, Kerrang!

    I enjoyed the gigs I went to, but...Kerrang kinda have a point I'm afraid.

  4. It is indeed scraping the barrell, but lets face it - its realistic and that is whats annoying.

    Certainly no earlier than July IMO.

    No way! There is no reason what so ever for july. If this thing is being mixed as we type, than June at the latest. Even if it took 1 more month (all of march--again, no reason it should) that will still give time for 1st single 4/1/07, 4 to 6 weeks promo, and out by may-june. By saying sept, we are giving it almost another year? I think they are running out of excuses. You can only keep saying legal BS for so long, than it is exactly that BS! My Lord, Notorious BIG is dead, and he is releasing an album on 3/6/07?

    There is no reason for an album to take over 10 years, but this has. Lets face it, mixing isnt going to be over as quickly as we hope. I'd love them to have a single out for the tour, but my bet it they won't.

  5. I was at that show. Great rant by Axl about the city council!

    Although I miss Bucket, I think any of the new shows are better than any of the 02 shows purely because of Axl's voice.

    The band sounded great in 02 - esp Bucket - but Axl sounded like a 10 year old :(

  6. Ok, short and sweet topic.

    I've waited to the end of the tour before casting my opinion, but Bumblefoot......I'm just not a fan. Don't get me wrong, I've tried, and I know the guy is an amazing musician - but nothing he has contributed to the band in a live setting has blown me away (with the exception of Don't Cry). His presence is total overkill.

    One thing this tour has certianly cemented is just how good the combo of Finck and Forus are, amazing team and super stage presence (my opinion of Finck has shot straight up after hearing him live, the 'sloppy' criticism's are seriously unwarranted when you hear the guy in front of you - he brings something pretty unique to GNR). But Bumble, ....I dunno..... hopefully he will make me eat my words when the album comes out

    It's not even the fact there are 3 guitarists, it's just sometimes his playing really blows..... His playing sounds imprecise, rushed, and really OTT (at least he's good for a showboat - we've all seen his cabaret 'right hand up the neck' trick. Oh, and at least he's a nice guy). I'm not against virtuoso guitarists, far from it, but at least Bucket hit us with some memorable solos and was remotely melodic. Bumblefoot's style (so far) is just pure guitar wank........he should put less emphasis on speed and technicalities and hit us with a bloody decent tune...!!



    I agree with you. Don't get me wrong - Ron is a great guy etc... - but I think we've been spoiled by Buckets solos. Clearly, we'll never forget Mr Slash, the original, the one and only - but as far as shredding and more modern sound goes its hard to top Bucket's ability. His solos were modern and new to GNR yet followed Slash's melodic outline. Ron really is (at this moment) showing how fast he can go.

    There is absolutly no way on earth the Nightrain solos are better now than in 02.

  7. Jesus. The leaks were not planned.

    The tours, the festivals, the single, the video, the album release are all a reaction to the leaks.

    Thats why its such a fucking MESS.

    Don't you guys get it yet???

    Oh, yeah, they planned a whole tour, a failed album release, and canned their manaager all because of reaction to some demo versions leaked? That makes no sense. Bottom line, The leaks were done to tease the European tour. Axl appeared o nthe MTV awards to promote the US tour.

    The plan was to have the album out for the US tour, but, in the GN'R way, things got fucked up, and it fell apart. Typical Axl,. Lets see what happens next

    They would have released the remainder of IRS and possibly TWAT. They certainly wouldn't have release 4 tracks given that we've already heard The Blues and Maddy from an album that will have 13 tracks. They certainly wouldn't release a demo of the proposed first single. It would have made more sense to actually release the song! The tour was rushed that is clear. Why do you think that they released dates in a phased manner rather than as a whole tour?

    Also why did the songs sound so bad live when first played? Remember TWAT? If it was planned these songs would have been nailed.

    As for Axl appearing on the MTV awards - it could have been any show.

    Everyone loves a conspiracy theory... <_<

    The leaks were obviously planned. It was part of the scheme to get all the GNR junkies jacked up and for us to start spreading the word and excitement so we could go to the shows so they could make money to finish the album. The tour was a big cash grab, which is obvious now.

    I'll agree the tour certainly didn't hurt GNR's pocket, but as we can pretty much call this another failed tour it didn't do their rep any favours.

    How many of the people at the shows actually knew the new songs? How many actually liked them? Remeber the reports of people not really responding?

    90% of the GNR junkies as you call them would have gone to see Axl and his bunch of merry men regardless of whether there were leaks or not. Its just great for our SMALL community (in releation to GNR's fanbase) that we had these leaks to keep us sane from the years of silence!

  8. Jesus. The leaks were not planned.

    The tours, the festivals, the single, the video, the album release are all a reaction to the leaks.

    Thats why its such a fucking MESS.

    Don't you guys get it yet???

  9. Well those letters are really long and they practically don't give any new cool info.This dude wants to know if Axl cursed,scream,broke some things,stuff like that.The letters are too damn long to read and personally I don't like ppl who talk too much about a small thing like that.They usualy invent excuses when they post long letters like those.

    Long? Do you have ADHD?

  10. Merck is a nice guy.

    For ages we've said he "ruled".

    Now Axl decides he's he's not really working and most people turn.


    Merck tried as hard as he could. The only reason this album is not out is Axl.

    10 years!

  11. The problem is the line-up. People know it's not Guns N'Roses.

    This is a great statement and I wish more people, specifically on this board, would realize that. rock3

    The new album isn't going to fix that problem... Ticket sales will improve if it's released, but the difference won't be spectacular.

    Surely that depends how the album goes down with the potential new fans...Might be the greatest thing since sliced bread or might bum out. Only one way of finding out.

    If dedicated fans of the old band get along (mostly) with the new band then why would casual fans give a shit?

    That's debatable, to say the least...

    I'd agree with you to an extent - but lets face it after seeing shows people are coming round to the idea of the new guys. Esp after the leaks and Ron being the new nicest guy in the world.

  12. My guess is that they had a date in mind. They realised they were going to miss this and tried their hardest to make it by the end of the year.

    They WILL know now whether or not they will make it. They need to make an annoucement before people figure it out for themselves. Saying this - who really cares other than a few thousand fans on these message boards?

    The general buying public dont care thats for sure. They buy the album when its out and they see promotion. This is the vast majority of the potential new fan base that GNR will target. GNR know people here will buy regardless - so why bother bowing to our demands.

  13. The problem is the line-up. People know it's not Guns N'Roses.

    This is a great statement and I wish more people, specifically on this board, would realize that. rock3

    If dedicated fans of the old band get along (mostly) with new band then why would casual fans give a shit? As long as they hear Axl belt out NR, Sweet Child and Paradise City the vast majority don't mind if Slash is playing or not.

    The main problem is that GNR simply aren't very popular at the moment. They haven't got any official new material and haven't released an orginial album in 15 years. Thats why people aren't showing up.

  14. imagine if the 'FREE' surprise gift is a copy of the long long long awaited new guns n roses album CHINESE DEMOCRACY???

    Yeah right, keep dreaming. We probably won't see CD until early to mid 2007.

    i was kidding yeah, its called sarcasm, its the only thing keeping me going nowdays, dont expect to see CD in 2007 either. 2027 maybe???

    I know, I was just being funny. As for the 2027 release, you might be onto something there. :rofl-lol:

    Its such a shame, everyone seems to be realising that this '13 Tuesdays' comment was a load of bullshit

    there seems to be a few diehards left who think this year will happen , i guess it cant be completly ruled out until 01/01/07 but what the hell after that???

    True that. The 13 tuesdays comment was obviously just a tactic they used to keep us all interested. The sad thing is, I think if it doesn't come out by years end, this is really it for some people. Me, I'll just patiently wait and when it comes out, it comes out. Afterall, I've waited all this time, I think I can wait some more. LOL

    I wasn't waiting until they told me there was something to wait for. The 13 Tuesday's statement suggested that waiting was now an option rather than just watching time for GNR to go by.

    This is the first time they made a promise or even suggested a release date. This by default puts people into a waiting state.

  15. Chinese Democracy still could be released this year!....

    Not in the stores in 2006....but online at gunsnroses.com ....tuesday December 26th 2006...How cool/possible would it be?

    for the true fans....BETTER

    later in stores,2007 for everyone...

    Just keep hoping,sorry

    Because....there are only 4 tuesdays left in 2006...

    And the 26th is last tuesday...

    I don't know

    Your threads were merged into this one because they discuss the same issue.

    Please don't keep starting new ones on the same topic.

    What's your opinion, Madison? Will the album drop before the year ends?

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