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Posts posted by SylvesterStallone

  1. I've only seen Bogus Journey.

    "Dude I can't believe your mom divorced your dad, and married mine..."

    "Shut up Ted!"

    "I totally possessed my dad!"

    Classic dialogue right there... :rofl-lol:

    You owe it to yourself to see the first bill and ted movie. I'm surprised you missed it during it's original run. It was quite a pop culture sensation back in the day...

    Becket: broken arrow is a guilty pleasure. I can't believe the nemesis for travolta is christian slater though. The guy is like 5'8 and built like a 15 year old girl.

  2. Had a lousy night with a couple pseudo intellectual acquaintances who wanted to see some boring ass documentary about libertarian socialism. I came home tired and depressed after that ordeal. Thankfully I had some cold Sake in the fridge and Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure in my dvd player. B)

  3. Rumblefish is a unique picture, for sure. I thought Dillon was just okay in it, although I can sympathize with the people who think he came off like a cheeseball. Mickey Rourke stole that movie, though, and ran a couple of yards with it. The Motorcycle Boy is one of the great mystery characters of American cinema and it was played with such intricate subtlety.

    Any admirers of Park Chan Wook? Oldboy, anyone? Breath-taking is an understatement.

    Rumblefish was okay...honestly if it wasn't for motorcycle boy, I would have turned it off halfway through it. Coppola was in decline with this one. I'm watching Year of the Dragon after many yrs and it is hilariously bad. Horrid dialogue and acting. I bought it for it's cinematography but goddamn...cimino is one indulgent director. The ending is just garbage. Yet...the oliver stone script is kinda edgy and even though Rourke over acts...he's kinda magnetic in the movie...basically it's a guilty pleasure. :P

    Now Old Boy rocks. I haven't been mind fucked like that since memento. Park Chan Wook, Beat Takeshi, and Steven Chow are probably my favorite asian directors.

  4. What's eating gilbert grape is one of my all time favorite movies. Easily my favorite depp movie with Edward Scissorhands close behind.

    Con Air is a hell of a lot of fun...I mean it's Nick Cage...ofcourse it rules. :P

    Taxi Driver is a classic...that lost the Best Picture Oscar to the little film that could: "Rocky". :D

  5. The dialogue is a riot. And the performance of Brian Thompson...seriously, what the fuck was he on? :lol:

    It was sublime. Spittle flies from his mouth after every utterance. "I want your eyes PIG...I want them!"

    Even the scenes without dialogue rule. Sly cuts frozen pizza w/ a scissors....while wearing gloves.... :rofl-lol:

    So when are you watching the ode to machismo that is Tango and Cash ? ;)

    On another note, has anyone seen The Insider? Beautifully filmed and acted...I haven't seen it in years....but I fell in love with it all over again when I watched it yesterday...

  6. Phil Collins - In The Air Tonight

    That image of Don Johnson racing his ferrari at night after a drug lord is etched into my brain forever after hearing the immortal drum beat of In the Air Tonight in the Miami Vice pilot episode...

  7. Satan Trilogy

    Devil's Advocate - Reeves/Pacino/Theron.

    Ninth Gate - Depp/Polanski

    Angel Heart - Mickey Rourke/DeNiro/Lisa Bonet/Parker

    Yep I own all three and watch them religiously. heh.

    But Devil's advocate really doesn't belong with The Ninth Gate and Angel Heart which are both in a class of their own. Rosemary's baby probably fits in better...

  8. I saw 10,000 BC at the weekend. Not bad, quite funny and dramatic. Suppose I'll see The Golden Compass next week. Nicole is parading her rack again. Dead Calm 2, please.

    I saw 10,000 BC at the weekend. Not bad, quite funny and dramatic. Suppose I'll see The Golden Compass next week. Nicole is parading her rack again. Dead Calm 2, please.

    I saw Repo Man other night. This is basically Death Proof of the 90s.

    I caught Demolition Man on Cinemax. Funny action comedy set in the future.

    "I'm gonna make you regret that for the rest of your life, all 2 seconds of it" - maybe misquote but close enough.

    Repo Man and Demolition Man both rock. Repo Man is better than Death Proof by a country mile.

    "Past is over John, time for something new and improved!" "Its a brand new world, sorry you gotta go!" :rofl-lol: I love demolition man.

  9. Willow - I revisited this movie. It's a classic. Val Kilmer is the man.

    Love Stinks - truly a guilty pleasure. I enjoyed it.

    Cabin Boy - Great. Another guilty pleasure.

    I am Legend - sucked. Book and the original ridley scott script was much better.

    Dirty Pretty Things - loved it. wonderful movie.

    A very long engagement - excellent.

    The Horseman on the roof - Enjoyable.

    Volver - thumbs up

    Caligula - This was my kind of movie. Gross excess and exploitation. The production values are dated obviously but it's still quite interesting to see the uncut version of this movie.

  10. I hear a lot of people saying Dangerous is a really underrated album nowadays. It certainly came out at an interesting time in music history.

    It's a VERY underrated album that was lost in the hype of Nevermind and Ten. Some of the songs on that album like "who is it", "give in to me", "in the closet", etc are spectacular pop songs. It's his highest selling album after Thriller and probably his peak in terms of talent. 1/2 of the album which his producer Teddy Riley contributed has dated considerably, but Michael's contributions stand the test of time on that album.

    As for Prince, I am a huge Prince fan but comparing Mike to Prince is like apples and oranges. MJ as a pop artist and showman absolutely blows away Prince. I love Prince's songs, but let's face it...he really can't compete with Mike when it comes to creating memorable singles. Purple Rain is just as commercial as Thriller but the difference imho is that songs like "beat it" and "billie jean" were far more revolutionary and stand the test of time better than top cuts from Purple Rain like "when doves cry" and "little red corvette"...

    Prince and MJ are both versatile and can tackle songs from almost any genre, they both are great song writers and performers. The difference i think is that MJ became so preoccupied with packaging a hit album with singles that he started selling out as an artist. Dangerous really is the last classic Michael Jackson album (Although most fans from the UK seem to think BAD was his last good album) although his later albums have one or two solid tracks here and there. Prince not only has more credibility as an artist, he has challenged himself more and his songs are far more varied and diverse than what MJ puts out these days.

    Prince's best album to me is Sign O' The Times and imho that album blows away Thriller, Bad, and Purple Rain. Prince is a more challenging and ambitious artist while Michael Jackson is a supreme expert in crafting melodies and memorable pop singles. Could MJ do what Prince does? Yes. I'm sure Mj could pull off an album like Sign O The Times...but he seems more preoccupied with selling albums and breaking records rather than pushing himself and trying to reinvent his sound.

  11. Oh god...I'm pretty sure I accidentally saw some of that on cable once. Tara Reid plays some sort of scientist, right? :lol:

    Young Boy: My mommy says that there is nothing to be afraid of in the dark.

    Edward Carnby: Your mother's wrong, kid. Being afraid of the dark is what keeps most of us alive.


    You are one of the biggest Uwe Boll fans I know bassy.... :rofl-lol:

    I really don't care how many bad movies Christian Slater makes nowadays, he will always be the cool kid from Heathers and Pump up the Volume for me...

  12. Yes, but you didn't get the far superior (and entertaining!) 2010, so you fail.

    hey,have you already done the triple feature of 2001,Solaris and Stalker

    Right up your alley,a trio of overlong,pretentious,self-important,philosophical and in the end pointless mixes of "art" movies and sci-fi.

    I have the perfect triple threat for you.

    1. Tango and Cash, 2. Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man, 3. The Last Boyscout.

    Watch those three movies with a group of friends on a friday night and take a shot of vodka everytime someone says a one liner. You all will be dead halfway through Tango and Cash. Go for it man.

  13. IT the TV movie was crappy compared to the book. That's to be expected though, the book was phenomenal and any film translation would have been inferior. Tim Curry as Pennywise scared the crap out of me as a kid though.

  14. I actually own the fucking soundtrack (the lame ass songs, not the score). And the DVD. :lol:

    I do too. I still listen to "Tonight is what it means to be young" on rare occasions. :book:

    I love Verhoeven. Anyone seen Black Book?

    Saw it, loved it. His dutch films seem to be stronger than his american films...this is the case with a lot of foreign directors where their american work gets diluted to some degree in it's authenticity.

    I can't believe Verhoeven is wasting his talents on a Thomas Crown Affair sequel with Pierce Brosnan. Who was clamoring for that sequel? :blink: It's like the news of Val Kilmer being the voice for the knight rider car....what a waste of talent.

    i finally got round to watching john rambo today, i thought it was pretty good & pretty fuckin violent

    Glad you liked it. Nobody wields a .50 cal anti-aircraft gun quite like Sly. Great theater experience. I hope his version of Death Wish comes out even better...

  15. But so awesone! Every lame action sequence, every groan inducing line of dialogue, every retarded directorial flourish! I love it all. The only non guilty pleasure is Ry Cooder's instrumental score, which is superb.

    Most definitely. I actually own this film on dvd... :rofl-lol: It's hard to believe at the time Walter Hill was considered to be one of the world's greatest action directors and Spielberg was a frequent visitor to this film's set....I wish there was a sequel though....the further adventures of Tom Cody and Doc...there were so many possibilities Angelica... :no:

    Have you seen Better off Dead w/ John Cusack? Looking at your sig, I think that might be right up your alley...along with a healthy dose of Parker Lewis can't Lose.

  16. Showgirls is one of my fav movies. Love the aqua-fuck scene. Verhoven is underated, he's excessive but fun.

    I like directors who take risks and thumb their nose at the establishment. There are industry darlings like Spielberg and Ron Howard and then there are mavericks like Verhoeven. Give me the latter any day of the week.

  17. Okay, a non-substantive film recommendation - Streets of Fire. Dafoe! Paxton! Teenage Diane Lane! Moranis! Pare! So bad it's magnificent. I really do love it to death. :wub:

    Oh. My. God. Someone besides me who is a fan of this minor classic? :oI can dream about you is one of my favorite vintage 80's pop songs. I don't care what anyone says, Willem Dafoe's villain was menacing and Diane Lane melted me into soft butter. The movie is a train wreck, but oh my is it a hoot.

    I love the whole opening and end sequences where Diane Lane lip synchs some god awful 80's songs. Gaaahhh...so bad. :lol:

  18. There is way too much love on here for substantive films (I'm not talking about Pursuit of Mediocrity here) and dramas. What the fuck. Forget the art for a second, film as a medium is about escapism.

    Anyone seen Showgirls recently? It's hilarious and touching. One woman's brave journey into the unknown world of striptease...it's really quite bold and poignant. There is some profound subtext there behind the T/A. It's Verhoeven's trademark sleaze and exploitation distilled into it's trashiest essence. Sheer brilliance. Follow that up with the x-rated cut of Robocop and end with Conan the Barbarian. It's a guaranteed shot in the arm for anyone who is sick and tired of lousy limp dick oscar bait...

    If you are a fan of thrillers and enjoy a nice mindfuck here and there check out : Dot The I w/ Gael Garcia (who rules), Primer, and Intacto. You will not be disappointed...

  19. I tried with The Wire. I tried quite hard because David Simon was partially responsible for Homicide, which is one of my all time favorite shows. But it never grabbed me. From the handful of episodes I saw, there's nothing in the writing or acting or overall execution that I could reasonably find fault with. I just didn't care.

    Maybe I'll try again eventually, an awful lot of people whose taste I admire dig it.

    It took me about 6 or so episodes to really get into it. I was thinking of moving onto another show around the 3 episode mark myself. It gets a lot better though, particularly towards the end. Definitely worth revisiting in your case...

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