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Posts posted by mrandyk

  1. I had heard the Australia dates were off now.

    They were never officially announced, only the 3 Japan dates.

    I know they were never officially out there, but I had heard that they are not in the plans anymore after they were strongly rumored for this fall.

  2. People comparing this to other bands playing entire albums are reaching for straws. Those situations are nothing close to being similar to Axl's current band.

    No offence it is exactly the same situation.

    Like Megadeth doing Rust In Peace last year.

    That was the exactly same situation, Groghan.

    I hang out at the Megadeth forum sometimes and this was not a problem. They were very excited and very greatful for the Rust In Peace anniversary gig.

    GNR has some of the most annoying and pathetic "fans" on earth.

    That's actually a great analogy, volcano. Marty Friedman and Nick Menza were not a part of the 20th Anniversary tour for Rust In Peace, and yet it happened and everyone I know that likes Megadeth really enjoyed that experience.


    This is so different. Most of Rust in Peace is never played, usually only 3 songs with some of them never having been played live before. Most of Appetite is played every god damn night. Dave Mustaine is Megadeth, Axl is only a part of GNR. Very different situations.

  3. I remember having a holographic charizard in elementary school B)

    That was the thing to have to be the coolest mother fucker in school.

    I remember Pokemon cards got "banned" from our school because kids were talking too much about them and carrying them around too much. :lol:

    Yeah mine too, also the Gameboy games. Their excuse was that we weren't exercising during recess anymore, we were spending too much playing the game with each other. Bullshit excuse, not even one of us knew how to play.

    I like Magikarp the most just because of how worthless he is, I find it funny.

  4. Looks terrible.

    I never liked Heath Ledgers Joker. The movie just got overpraised cause he died, in fact I think he was the worst Joker Ive ever seen, the guy would have done an excellent job playing 2-face instead that would have suited him way more. The guy who played 2-face was boring as fuck and they killed him off. He spent 2/3rds of the movie as harvey dent and they just kill him off. gay.

    On top of that they just fucked up jokers character. He's just some guy who decided to put on clown makeup and be the Joker nobody knows who he is and hes got no back story. Sorry no that's unacceptable.

    Joker is a man named Jack Napier. He was a failed comedian who used to work at the Ace Chemical plant. He was gonna do the mob a favor for some cash cause he was a poor bastard then his wife died. But he had to do the mob job anyway or theyd have killed him. He dresses up as the Red Hood (Who the second Robin Jason Todd eventually comes after hes killed by Joker and brought back to life by Raa's Al Ghul) he wasnt a real criminal, Batman shows up, he stumbles into a tank of acid, Batman didnt save him and his skin is turned white and hair green. That aint fuckin makeup! And you wanna know how he got those scars? HE FUCKING DIDNT! there are no scars! Just Christopher Nolan trying to be deep. No scars. No makeup. Jack Napier gets pushed into a tank of acid. There ya go. If you were wondering if he had a real backstory there it is. Dont believe me? look it up.

    Heath Ledger was stupid. MARK HAMILL FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now about this new movie. It has some slight chance to redeem itself but I doubt thats gonna happen. Bane sucks. I havent even seen it and already Bane sucks. Why is he the same size as everybody else?

    Hes supposed to be a huge muscle bound steroid monkey almost as big as killer cros, this is some asshole in a hannibal mask created by Nolan. None of the characters actually resemble the actual characters, this is like its own unique universe. Good enough movies but theyre just all wrong!

    Also The guy playing Batman.... PERFECT Bruce Wayne. Very well done. But his voice as Batman pisses me right off. "I DONT WEAR HOCKEY PADS!!!!!!!"

    Shut the fuck up!

    This could be an interesting movie. Bane was a boring choice though. Catwoman you could kinda see coming. I hear some weird things about Robin at the end but the name theyre using for him is probably the name of the actual actor cause I havent heard Dick Grayson get mentioned at all. Thats the first Robin. Is it even really him?

    Also I heard they were casting Robin Williams to play Hugo Strange. But unfortunately I heard that was a false rumor, could have completely redeemed the series as he would have done an excellent job as Strange and that would have made an amazing movie.

    I dont know about this one though. Begins was great, Dark Knight they fucked up on too many things and this one looks pretty bad. Is it better than Dark Knight?

    These aren't comic book movies. They are serious films that happen to star a comic book hero. All the villains are made to be plausible in real life. That's why Joker has makeup, Bane isn't full of venom, and Ghul dies. Nolan wasn't trying to please comic book nerds, there is no pleasing them anyways.

  5. I thought it was great, and a few notes:

    - I definitely had a bit of a difficult time understanding Bane sometimes, and as he was great, he was kind of boring

    - Anne Hathaway did a great job as Catwoman

    - JGL was great as well

    - Gary Oldman, as usual, was fantastic

    With that stuff said, here are some spoiler related notes:

    -The way they killed Bane was stupid. Extremely too quick and it should have warranted something else

    -I don't think the Robin stuff at the end was necessary, unless of course they're setting themselves up for something. But, I don't know, even then...

    All that said, I very much enjoyed it and I'd give it an 8.5 out of 10.

    Also, did anyone else catch the reference to

    Killer Croc?

    haha i did catch that reference!

    would have been cool for blake's legal name to be tim drake or dick grayson but thats ok, the robin part was easy to understand for casual fans (which there are tons of for this series) and it was more than a nice fan service. the main thing with blake was that

    it is implied that he would become batman

    Well of course, that's exactly how the series was supposed to end. Bruce Wayne hands Batman off to someone else. I just wish that his legal name wasn't fucking Robin, so damn stupid. I really take issue with about every part about the ending.

    That scene with the cops running at the thugs. Bane gets no exit at all. Wayne Enterprises is broke, so how does Blake pay to maintain being Batman? They implied that Bruce was in his helicopter 3 seconds before that bomb went off, and he was fine? That scene at the cafe with Alfred, fucking cheesy. Blake's real name is Robin? Just go ahead and tell me you think I'm a dumbass.

  6. I just got back! Driving over there, was like driving to a rock concert. Meaning, excited! As you can tell Batman is my favorite character in history. Everyone envolved did a fantastic job! I was really looking forward on Anne Hathaway delivering a fantastic job. And she did do that indeed! It had the perfect twist and perfect ending! I don't want to write too much about it, and run the risk of spoiling anything. So, as a fan of the comics, good job Nolan! :thumbsup: I will be going again tomorrow. One word,RISE!

    Perfect twist? The twist meant nothing at all. And the plot of the ending was exactly how it was supposed to be, but the execution was terrible. Just plain cheesy.

  7. Probably the worst of the 3, but it's still a good movie. Bunch of people came out saying the ending was shocking. Fucking morons.

    it reminded me of the ending to a certain graphic novel i love, so i totally dug the ending

    The ending was nothing special at all to me since it was damn cheesy at times, then just exactly what one should expect the rest of the time. They ended it the way they were supposed to, but the execution was pretty lame imo. The whole movie feels like it could have been done better. Bane works, but they could have come up with a way more interesting way for him to endanger Gotham.

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