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Posts posted by Bards

  1. GN'R guitarist DJ Ashba says a new Guns N' Roses record is on the way

    Where did he say that?

    He didn't.

    It's the collective mass psychosis of the young & the hopeful talking again.

    It's safe to say, by the time a new Axl albums hits the stores Dj Ash would have long moved on, and GN'R will consist of a new line of attention seekers, eager to boost their careers.

    No you're dead wrong on this one mate. Axl inspires Ashba and Ashba inspires Axl, I bet good cookies we'll see an amazing album coming out of those 2. Ashba won't leave Axl.

    I accept your wager of good cookies. What are we talking here, Mr. Christie's?

  2. I just want to make one thing clear. I *liked* Chinese Democracy. I'm not going to say it's not a deeply flawed album but I bought it, I listen to it, I enjoy it. But trying to argue it was a success is a fool's errand.

  3. There was a lot of promotion and attention around Chinese Democracy. But people were watching the fall of Rome going on when it came out. Who's going to buy music when they might be out of a job? If they can hear it online as much as they want for free, they might have just decided to pass on buying it in the store.

    That's awesome. The new reason CD wasn't a success is the economy :rofl-lol:

  4. but you're counting songs that aren't either done, or released yet, what if he decides to re-record them?

    You're counting chickens that haven't hatched yet.

    Exactly! If GN'R decides to release an album with the remaining songs, the album has a guarantee of profit, even it sells only half copy, because all the costs to it are paied.

    Axl is genius B)

    You're assuming those songs are finished and won't be worked on any further or have DJ or Frank or any other musicians re-record parts on to them. Axl may decide to re-record his vocals. There's a hundred variables there. Plus the label isn't going to be keen on ponying up more dough for work on a subsequent release or promoting said release when they spent millions and millions on CD and got burned. Best Buy, Wal Mart or another retailer isn't going to throw a bunch of money at an exclusive after Best Buy is left with millions of unsold units of what was supposed to be the biggest comeback album ever. Moreblack is right.

  5. GSP got bloodied up by a fighter with the worst stand-up in the division.

    Again, he was fighting with one eye after the first two rounds and still outclassed Shields.

    Shields grappling may be better than Diaz's but he didn't have a gameplan in place that allowed him to use it.

    Every time Shields did attempt a takedown it was shrugged off.

    As far the BJ Penn argument, the main reason Penn got so badly beaten in the fight was the size difference

    Hughes and GSP are roughly the same size. Penn had no problem working his jits against Hughes in the 2nd fight until he gassed. I'd say it was more than just size.

    I like Diaz, but I see nothing that would indicate to me that he would beat GSP unless GSP wanted to turn it into a boxing match. Given his penchant for effective gameplans, I don't think that would happen. Truth be told, Diaz hasn't fought a top-level opponent in a long time. I'm not blaming Diaz for Strikeforce being unable to lure better opponents for him, but them's the facts.

  6. My friend said it best when he said "Man I'm tired of GSP being able to effortlessly cruise past the top contenders and then be upset with his performance". He's beaten Alves with a torn groin and Shields with one eye. They may have to do a Tonya Harding style kneecapping on him in the locker room prior to his next title defense just to keep things sporting.

    Aldo-Hominick was great drama and I was screaming my lungs out for Mark to put him away at the end. The Waterboy tossing Diaz on his head was great fun and of course Joe Rogan had the line of the night with "no can defend" after Machida's crane technique adaptation. Plus....flying triangle!

    UFC put on a hell of a show for their largest to date.

  7. rock stars should shut the fuck up especially when they've got nothing interesting to say

    Well look at it this way. The interview was with Del James. As we all know Del and Axl are best buds. Del is the one that choose to put that in the article. And I always like it when stuff like that comes out in an interview. It proves he is just as normal any any other guy.

    I like things like that too. And robots are cool so... :kiss:

    Yeah it's a little window into normalcy that makes Axl more palatable given what's gone on. I think it's cool he still has that childlike wonderment about him sometimes. If he could bring that part of him out more, it would be good for everyone.

  8. Spagghetti incident is completely underrated.

    So many good songs on this album with a wide varaiety. It's one of those albums you can put on and just listen all the way through. Not a single bad track. And it really showcases Duff's ability as a singer and a musician. There is one track (I can't remember which right now. I think it's Look At Your Game Girl) where Duff done everything on the track.

    It was "You Can't Put Your Arms Around a Memory". Duff recorded it for his solo album but the guys persuaded him to put it on TSI instead.

  9. Sonnen/Bisping TUF has also been brought up

    thats (probably) not happening. sonnen fucked over way too many people in the past year.

    Valid - although I'd pay good money to see him fuck over one more...

    His real estate thing has finished with a fine and probation - he just needs to apologise to Kiser and the committee (due to his response to drug testing and lying) and he'd probably be okay...

    Kizer is still mighty pissed at Sonnen : http://www.mixedmartialarts.com/news/317944/Kizer-Sonnen-must-answer-for-PEDs-lies-fake-tapping--the-felony/

    With the Strikeforce merger, do any of you think there is any chance of a Strikeforce spin off of TUF?

    No. Spike wouldn't allow it and Strikeforce will cease to exist when the Showtime deal is over anyway.


    Another great interview about his early years (cool mention about Guns using Fastbacks gear back in 85):

    after seeing this interview I'm curious about the particular strain the interviewer had been smoking, cuz that seems like some heavy shit

    lol wtf

    That's Narduwar, and that's always been his "character". He's kind of a Vancouver counter-culture legend. He used to have a show on MuchMusic (Canada's MTV for those who don't know) and promotes a lot of indie bands/concerts here. Also a fellow fixture on CITR FM.

  10. It's one of the album's "Epics", so if it was played at every show, it wouldn't be as special when it actually does get played.

    November Rain gets played every night.

    I'd like to hear it more but understand if it's too rough on Axl's voice.

  11. I think a remastered AFD would do really well. No one thought Greatest Hits was going to do much of anything and look how well that did. People love the old songs, and that's not a slight on the new band. Having a 25th anniversary edition of one of the biggest and baddest hard rock records of all time would be something the casual fan on the street would pick up.

    I echo the concerns about how a remastered edition would be mixed, but it's not like I wouldn't check it out.

    As usual, the ones trying to turn it into an old vs new debate are missing the point. People loved AFD, people would love a 25th anniversary remastered edition with a few goodies. It has nothing to do with what Axl is doing now.

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