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Posts posted by Bards

  1. Also - James Irvin lost... again. This man is on a serious slide (as well as being banned from fighting in the US).

    He literally needs to smash up some rookies and get some form of confidence back.

    Irvin took a dive for a quick payday. Someone I know made the joke that "you could actually hear cartoon foot running sound effects when James Irvin ran to cash that check".

    Irvin collects a check

    As for Jones, good on him. Great performance. Although I'll make Shogun's excuse for him as he looked out of shape coming back from knee surgery, much like he did against Griffin. But hey, now we've got Jones-Rashad and Shogun-Rampage 2 on tap and this makes me happy.

  2. Here's the deal, and staying on topic: Slash makes it seem like all the band's dysfunction and malfunction was entirely Axl's fault. Well, that's bullshit and you know it, and that's what Axl is salty about.

    By that token, Axl has never taken any ownership of the situation. It's always "everybody left me, I was left all alone", etc.

    Slash has admitted he has an ego, Slash has admitted he said things he shouldn't have said. I've never seen Axl admit he ever did anything wrong ever. There's always a lot of explaining away, but never a situation where he realizes that maybe *just maybe* he did something wrong. As much as I love the guy as a performer, his "blame everyone but me" attitude grates on me.

    eh it doesn't matter who's fault it is I bet axl and slash can both be pricks at times but they are both cool and respectable guys. There is no need to point the finger at one or the other over shit that went down back in 1996

    This is something I can get behind.

  3. Oh man.

    [*]Years of pro-Slash manipulation in the media by Slash himself

    Or giving his side of the story when asked. Sure he said some things he shouldn't have and admitted it. I giggle when I see anyone refer to it as "media manipulation" though like he's Fox News spreading propaganda.

    [*]The Guitar Hero lawsuit

    Nothing to do with Slash. The lawsuit is against Activision.

    [*]Royalties lawsuit

    Duff was involved in that too. Axl and Duff seem to get along now.

    [*]Selling out at SuperBowl, playing Guns songs with random groups

    Why would the Super Bowl aggravate Axl? As for playing songs with other groups, he's not playing anything he didn't have a hand in writing. Much like Axl does with his band and the old AFD material.

    [*]Not being allowed to re-record and release a new version of SCOM (or even the whole AFD), even if it was just to "screw" the old band out of royalties

    That was a record company decision, no?

    [*]Showing up drunk at Axl's porch, and Slash didn't admit it until after a long time

    This I understand as it bugs me when people show up drunk at my porch. But Slash didn't even see Axl, just left a note with an assistant (perhaps Beta). How much anger could that possibly cause?

    But I guess if people are determined to be upset with someone, they'll find a reason.

  4. Late to the party but I'm pretty disgusted with the Sanchez-Kampmann decision. It just goes to show that as long as you're winging your arms around wildly it doesn't matter if you're actually making contact.

    Someone made the joke about Matt Riddle using the Bart Simpson offence "I'm going to move my arms like this, and if you get hit it's your own fault!". Applies to Sanchez's last outing as well. I know Kampmann can cry himself to sleep on the $160K bonus he got, but he still should have had the W.

    Plus: Shogun will win.

  5. the reason they broke up seemed to be that Slash quit. the rest was just drama. Axl is late isn't a great reason to quit. my guess is that axl doesnt like slash because of the way he portrayed the break up for 10 years as axls fault? after sifting thru this stuff for a decade that's all i came up with. i can buy axl controlling the band. slash wanted to roll with what they had his way, axl held off. it was frustrating. but slash quit. quit, fine but dont blame axl for staying on?

    I don't think it's a question of blaming Axl for staying on. But when *everyone else* leaves and has been able to work with each other and hang out with each other except one guy, that kind of tells you where the problem lay.

    I know someone will point out Axl and Duff reconciling, and yeah that's good news...it only took close to 15 years of them not talking.

    Maybe Axl has some sort of abandonment issues around Slash leaving. That's the most logical thing I can come up with. It's really puzzling the way Axl has built Slash up in his mind as this evil person that's out to get him with the statements he's made, "cancer" et al and the incredibly confusing press release based on Slash showing up at his house a few years back.

  6. Where the fuck did I confirmed that?

    Oddly enough the post in this thread where you basically said that the board hadn't done anything legally wrong is gone now. WEIRD, huh?

    Do you have any idea how much this forum cost to run? Some people like to think that this forum is making a lot of money, well think again!

    I'm 100% with Eric on that one. This place is a hobby that cost him a lot of money and there's no way he would have taken the chance to

    loose more. It's so easy for you to be on your computer and complain about other people decisions. You don't like it here? You don't need to stay.

    I said nothing about the board and its financial status.

    All I said was I disagree. I think the C&D letter was meaningless intimidation from the Axl legal camp and nothing that could have been advanced to a higher level. Legally, Eric was in the right but chose pacification. That's his decision to make and I never said otherwise.

    If you or the other mods are that upset that I don't agree then just send me a C&D letter ;)

  7. You can't threaten someone legally based on hurt feelings.

    GN'R has a very competent legal team which obviously determined a legality which effectively tied MyGN'R's hands up.

    No, they sent a C&D letter hoping to scare Eric and it worked. There's a difference.

    Knowing GN'R's history worth the courts, if you were Eric, would YOU have taken your chances after getting a cease and desist letter? Even if it's thrown out by a judge, there are still court fees and the nuisance of having to deal with it all.

    I refer you to part of a post I made earlier in the thread:

    As I said before, the C&D letter is complete bullshit and there's no way Eric is in an actionable position. Montrealer has basically confirmed that since. Personally, I would have chucked it and not given it a second thought, as I do with any frivolous legalities I encounter. Since I don't own the site, I can accept that Eric chose to go another way to pacify Axl and his legal team. I don't agree with it and I think it sets a bad precedent, but c'est la vie.
  8. You can't threaten someone legally based on hurt feelings.

    GN'R has a very competent legal team which obviously determined a legality which effectively tied MyGN'R's hands up.

    No, they sent a C&D letter hoping to scare Eric and it worked. There's a difference.

  9. I am not at all surprised that Guns N' Roses threatened MyGN'R with a legal document. In my opinion during the M.S.L saga the powers that be took a far too lenient approach to what was effectively a situation which could have potentially led to the destruction of “new” GN'R.

    Whether you believe that or not, that has nothing to do with the legality of the situation. You can't threaten someone legally based on hurt feelings. Or better yet, "potentially" hurt feelings.

  10. I don't really understand the anger directed at Axl that I read in this thread. I can assure you that if anyone thought they were going to share information about me, inappropriately obtained, that would negatively impact my life or those important to me in any way I would hunt them down with wild abandon. I would use every measure I could to block it off. I would hire lawyers, and tough guys if I had to.

    I also completely agree with mygnrforum's decision to take the content down in response to the legal letter. I might have made a different decision if I had the time and resources to challenge it. But I know I am not yet a paying member, nor are most that I see here. Plus it has been mentioned many, many times that Eric has a real job that keeps him very busy. So how did you (whoever) anticipate he would put the time and $ towards that battle?

    If Axl just decided to sic his legal team on MSL himself, that would be one thing. I don't think anyone would disagree that MSL brought that response on himself. But threatening fan websites where discussion of something embarrassing for Mr. Rose would POTENTIALLY take place? That's jumping right into the ridiculous with both feet.

    As I said before, the C&D letter is complete bullshit and there's no way Eric is in an actionable position. Montrealer has basically confirmed that since. Personally, I would have chucked it and not given it a second thought, as I do with any frivolous legalities I encounter. Since I don't own the site, I can accept that Eric chose to go another way to pacify Axl and his legal team. I don't agree with it and I think it sets a bad precedent, but c'est la vie.

    On that note, how sad is it that Axl has turned his legal lap dogs on websites where people support him the most? It reads like a comedy. "Axl: How can New GNR win over the hearts and minds of the people? Lawyer: I've got an idea. We threaten to sue any fan site that discusses something potentially embarrassing. Axl: Brilliant! Run with it!"

  11. I hope that this will shut people saying that GN'R has control over this board. If they did, why would they use a lawyer letter?

    They didn't before, it looks like they may now.

  12. The C&D letter is a load of shit. Eric is in no actionable position here. But despite that, it seems to have spooked him. That was the letter's only intent and the only thing it could achieve.

    I'm disappointed he decided to bow down and censor the discussion this way. I suspect now that there's been a precedent set, anything Axl doesn't like will be met with a similar response and a similar result.

  13. Man he looked badass in '06.

    Yeah the synthetic weave made him look great.

    Who cares if it was synthetic or not? I'm curious why do you feel the constant need to remind people of that. None of our business, and celebrities have "artificially manipulated" their appearances since day one.

    The phrase "none of our business" should be word-filtered on this forum. If nothing seems to be our business, then why bother to discuss anything?

    Secondly, yes celebrities have artificially manipulated their appearance since day one. And people have been commenting on it since day two.

  14. I have always wondered if Kurt was still alive if Nevermind would still get the full credit it gets. I doubt it! Good album, but not great.

    I believe it would. That one album completely changed the musical landscape at the time and defined the sound of the decade. I thought Illusions should've ranked higher but have no qualms with Nevermind at #1.

    As for other inclusions, I'll agree with the Chilis fans that say Blood Sugar may have deserved a mention but I wasn't all that high on Californication as an album. I too would have preferred just one Pumpkins inclusion. Soundgarden and AIC are both worthy mentions, and I would have absolutely loved to see Jane's "Ritual" on the list. The guy who said 3rd eye blind deserved a spot hurt my head.

  15. my point is that no one should really care what went on behind the scenes

    Why not? It's a direct effect on what happened to the band and why the classic line-up don't play together anymore. Have you ever seen a fan of any band say "They broke up. I have no interest as to why."

    im not going to judge or believe anything unless im there first hand.

    What an incredibly narrow way to go through life. You don't believe ANYTHING unless you witness it firsthand? Gravity must have been a real bitch of a lesson for you.

  16. I haven't read Slash's book (I really should) but I've always thought that Axl and Slash's falling out was over Yvonne, not Stephanie (although Stephanie did come on to Slash) is this in the book?

    The Yvonne deal was pre-AFD.

    Stephanie came on to Slash?

  17. Hopefully, Axl (the Indiana native) is on his meds, and agrees to do the show. It’s always a shame when a great band lets squabbles put a premature end to their creativity and ability to thrill an audience. GNR is long past its creative peak, but for 12-minutes, I would sit still in front of a TV to watch them rock.

    Another moron who doesn't understand jackshit to GNR and Axl. It's because of retards like him that a reunion won't ever happen.

    Yeah. THAT'S why.

  18. The Springsteen performance was '94.

    I'm guessing Axl spent most of the mid-late 90's taking a pronounced disinterest in what his bandmates were doing which is why we wound up with a new band in the first place.

    also: didn't you just make a huge faux-emotional "internet retirement" like a day ago?


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