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Posts posted by Orsys

  1. Okay, I'm a techy but I'm not in any way a camera buff. I'm leaving for Europe in a few weeks and it's time to get that digital camera. I have looked at the Canon PowerShot SD780 IS and Canon PowerShot SD960 IS but that's it so far.

    I need small size, not expensive (less than $300CDN ideally), good for wide (scenic) and close shots. Good indoor and outdoor shots. Records movies.

    Any thoughts?

  2. "borakrc" is also followed by the Official's Megadeth twitter, and also by Def Leppard, Lady Gaga, Anthrax, and others. That's weird...

    Hmmm, wonder what they have in common. A publicist perhaps?

  3. I have said it many times. It should be:

    Axl Rose


    Duff McKeagan

    Izzy Stradlin

    Dizzy Reed

    Steven Adler

    Matt Sorum

    That is it.

    If the criteria is 25 years since they created music that changed music then I would agree with this list, except maybe Matt. I thought the music was written but Adler could not set the timing so they dumped him got Matt and Matt played the written songs. If true, then I wouldn't include him. If not (he contributed to writing, maybe someone can check UYI liner notes for me) then include him.

  4. BH is way more diverse than Ron, BH experiments a lot with his music, while most of Rons stuff is the same old boring BS.

    Plus BH can play anything Ron cannot. Ron can just shred and thats about it. Who cares that he can play superfast if he has no feeling.

    BH has songs that will tug on your emotions, Rons stuff is all mindless BS or silly crap.

    What tugs on your emotions is completely subjective and individual.

    But we get it. You're not a fan of BBF. You're a big fan of BH.

    Not everyone shares your sentiment.

    Nuff said.

  5. Of course that is the reason why. They dont understand simple logic.

    BH is THE guy Axl wants everyone else is plan B, C D or what ever.

    They think if Axl really wanted BH back they would not have auditioned anyone then when BH didnt come back (which is what happened) they would have been empty handed.

    Axl is always trying to get BH back, anyone who doesnt think otherwise doesnt know jack about this band.

    Actually, Axl wanted Joe Satriani and was relieved when BH left the band so he could focus on Joe. Joe had other irons in the fire and couldn't take the gig, recommending BBF. Axl took the recommendation seriously but primarily to keep that tie with Joe just in case. But if Axl could get Joe, it would be Joe all the way. Anyone who knows Axl knows this.

    From the same source that gnr-dave uses.

  6. Its not bullshit, its all true, and you know it is. You can try to deny it all you want but we all know Axl still wants BH back and he was trying to get him back all the way up until the hammerstein show.

    You are a fool if you dont think Axl would drop Ron if BH said he wanted back in.

    Axl isnt stupid, he knows what he has in BH. Robin left TWICE and Axl took him back.

    Dont be stupid and think he would not take BH back.

    You really are a fool and dont know shit about this band. You can believe what ever makes you sleep at night but you know I am right.

    And denying makes you look like a jackass.

    Answer this, if Axl was not trying to get BH back before the hammerstein gigs why did Ron join so late?

    Why wasnt he at rehearals way before that like when Axl went on the eddie trunk show?

    You cant answer that one can you? If Ron was always the guy he would have been there, he would not have joined just weeks before the gigs.

    I would love to see you explain that one away. OH thats right you cant and wont.

    It proves even more Ron was Axls last choice as a replacement and had to go with him because he had no one else.

    What has Axl said to substantiate any of what you are saying? I've never heard any of it before from any of the band members or management.

    I guess I'm asking for your sources, and not just conjecture.

  7. The only reason Ron is in this band is because no one else wanted to join and put up with Axls BS.

    Ron was Axls LAST choice. Everyone Axl tried to get turned him down expect for Ron. And of course Ron wouldnt turn him done, he can now whore out the Gnr name and try to make himself big.

    So Axl is now stuck with him. Axl still wants BH back to this day and would take him back and drop wrong in a heartbeat, anyone who thinks otherwise is lying to themselves.

    BH is by far the best guitarists this band has ever and will ever have. Its a shame Axl dicked around for so long that he made BH leave.

    Now we are stuck with Ron who butchers Slashs and BHs solos. Its really a shame all the talented this band had in 2000-2004 now we are just stick with left overs.

    Izzy was not kidding when he said time went by and it became a joke

    Not saying you're right or wrong, but how do you know all of this stuff?

  8. When I think of prodigy, I think of someone exceptionally talented and the talent almost comes easily to him/her. In that way, I think of Ron as a prodigy in how he appears to almost easily change the type of music he plays, quickly adapting without what appears to be a lot of preparation or thought.

    As opposed to Slash who I do not consider a prodigy. He is good, but is pretty restricted in scope. I think he gained his talent through shear determination and hard work.

    Likely they have both been at it for about the same length of time, but Ron appears significantly wider in his application than Slash. Not to make it a comparison thread, but just to illustrate my point.

  9. Guess BBF got plenty. He tweets...

    "Thanks for all the great videos! So many, will need a month to watch them all...! Been listening to all the CDs I got as gifts, some classic stuff, some really cool local bands. OK, time to get off this computer and play some guitar... gnite!! :D "

  10. It makes me sick that peopole would pick sides of past Gnr!!! Why pick on Slash or Axl, they created the old shit... Now Axl and former Gnr and current members created CD... No need to pick on anyone...

    And that's great. That's your opinion. Are others allowed their opinions as well?

  11. It's not really a song, but a ditty and it pops into my head when I'm walking from time to time and tough to get rid of it. It's Hail to the Chief, but not the actual words. The words I heard James Garner (I think) sing in a movie once. (he was the President)...

    "Hail to the Chief, I'm the Chief and I need hailing"

    over and over. Makes me nuts.

  12. a woman in 3d getting rooted during the middle of Rocket Queen, haha, thats a sure soldout concert tour in the U.S.A :thumbsup:

    Rooted? That's such a turn on.

    Axl and DJ already headed back west. Bumblefoot had tweeted something about working on re-releasing an album and going to see Fozzy. So I don't think much is going on.

  13. Hang on boss, Im analyzing the degrees that his hand was at against a more 'confident wave' say by the queen or the president,

    I will then perform a digital comparison to say what degrees difference makes that wave awkward as opposed to a happy wave.

    Bare with me

    Cool, in the meantime, I'll calculate the impact of the weight of the pimp ring on the twist of the wrist of waving hand, and the height of the waving arm.

  14. he and beta look really happy there! :)

    kinda weird that there are "shooting girls" with him when there are no gigs now... well, i´d rather stay out of any comments..

    I wondered about those girls too. Neither looked like Vanessa and both looked very young. Were they the shooter girls?

  15. Yup, plays great, good vocals, cute effects. In my head I was playing the drums along with him (cause in my head I can play like Neil). And he's hot!

    Subdivisions is such a great song. See Rush is on my list of things to do before I kick it.

  16. He stated the same line in his book, I remember reading it and cracking up at his choice of words :lol:

    Slash knows Axl better than any of us, I'd take his word for it.

    There's a small handful of people who could prob. say they truly know Axl, but I'm not convinced Slash really knew him that well. They had a good working relationship that ran its course in the end.

    Based on information derived from the internet and small meet n greets?

    Slash freakin lived with the man at a point in his life and shared arguably their greatest moments in life together side by side. Anyone whose read his book knows he has an understanding and respect of Axl Rose on a deeper ingrained basis (surpassing "working" relationships) than easily anyone on this org. Ashba included :rolleyes:

    Yeah, I think Slash actually makes the effort to understand where Axl is coming from and accepts him as he is as a result. That's more than most do regarding Axl.

  17. Maybe Axl's scared of being murdered by an exploding microphone. Fuck man. Use your fucking melon. The fucking CIA have killed lots of people with exploding fucking cellphones when they answered it. Have you ever actually given any thought to how many freakshows that are out there that might perhaps want to hurt the fucking guy? Probably not right? Therefore you're obviously not that fucking bright are you? Remember that dude that went by the name of John Lennon smart guy? I'm just assuming that Axl isn't really into getting fucking murdered like John did. But hey what do I know right?

    Pretty easy for Axl to run over to Del and switch microphones just before the end of Paradise City and throw away a clone microphone that's much cheaper than the expensive ones that he knows are safe and prefers to use now then isn't it? I'm probably fucking wrong though right? Just like everyone else around here. You need to fucking wake up and smell the fucking coke burning man. Go and do some research and then feel free to spout off at the mouth mr. brainiac.

    Okay, two things to say:

    1. That's a whole bunch of passive aggressive behaviour in your comments. If you're any older than 12, you might want to get that checked out.

    2. I'm a girl.

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