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Posts posted by ManetsBR

  1. As weird as it sounds, I think it would be easier for Guns N' Roses to reunite than Velvet Revolver. And I'm not only talking about VR's original line-up, I don't even see them with a new singer. Given the current situation, I don't think Slash would reunite with Duff and Matt if Axl wasn't involved. I know they did at the Hall Of Fame, but that was a single night event and, as far as we know, they thought that were chances that Axl would show up.

    I don't know, I think they are afraid of - by getting together full-time again - burning their last chances of reuniting GNR. Otherwise I believe they would just have packed Myles Kennedy and made a HOF line-up tour. But I think that would be kind of the last nail in the GNR coffin, and perhaps they know that. Or maybe they don't give a shit - what I doubt.

    What do you guys think?

  2. I'm not sure but you being located in Brazil doesn't help much to the search. I guess Google will preferably show results related to where you are located than global search.

    This search should also be performed from a machine located in Northamerica and Europe.

    I could chose if I wanted it to show data from a specific location or the whole world. I chose the latter.

  3. I didnt want to create a topic about this, so i will ask it here.

    Some people claim that Axl still reads this boards, and that he even posts stuff on an alternative account.

    My question is, what makes you think that he would choose to come to this specific forum? Or are you saying that he does this in all the big GNR forums?

    Thanks :)

    I think he probably reads and perhaps posts on all of them. I mean, wouldn't you? If there was a forum where people discuss my life and my work I'd definetely read it all the time and post there.

    And the fact he comes here is known. Mods and admins have said more than once. Which is no surprise, really. This is the biggest and most significant forum out there. Every now and then some other forum pops up and steals some of the spotlight, but eventually they die, while MyGNR stays alive.

    Actually, a few years ago when this forum was struggling, they helped.

    Who is "They" and how did "They" help?

    Axl did come in here in 2008 and other GNR forums, I guess he owns a laptop and knows what is twitter and Youtube, so I can assume he would come here sometimes and see what is being written, Maybe some one who always talks negative about Slash and always defends Axl could be the Real Axl Rose

    Well, I don't know who exactly "They" are. It's someone from inside. Team Brazil, if I'm not mistaken. A few years ago when MyGNR was about to die they put some money on it in order to save it. Which is why censorship was absurd at the time, they were all over it. So many people were banned, for the most stupid reasons... Even I was banned :lol:

    That was when Guns N' Fn' Roses appeared, gathering all the banned members.

  4. I didnt want to create a topic about this, so i will ask it here.

    Some people claim that Axl still reads this boards, and that he even posts stuff on an alternative account.

    My question is, what makes you think that he would choose to come to this specific forum? Or are you saying that he does this in all the big GNR forums?

    Thanks :)

    I think he probably reads and perhaps posts on all of them. I mean, wouldn't you? If there was a forum where people discuss my life and my work I'd definetely read it all the time and post there.

    And the fact he comes here is known. Mods and admins have said more than once. Which is no surprise, really. This is the biggest and most significant forum out there. Every now and then some other forum pops up and steals some of the spotlight, but eventually they die, while MyGNR stays alive.

    Actually, a few years ago when this forum was struggling, they helped.

  5. Well... Prince is known for just letting the recorder on for hours while he does whatever it is, right? I don't know if Axl ever reached that level, but if he didn't, I'd bet it was close. All the stuff we've heard so far... Tom Zutaut said Axl once had over 70 demos. And according to that Geffen dude there were about 40 CDs of the band playing, so I'd assume those 70 songs were not mere jams. But well, who knows?

  6. Yeah, the manage Guns N' Roses and Axl, but I agree that they exaggerate. A couple of weeks ago they were posting about and sharing Del Jame's stuff non-stop. What the hell? 99,99% of the fans read this and think "who the fuck is that guy?"

    I'm sure some people even unfollowed and/or unliked Guns N' Roses on Facebook. I'd have done it if it was a casual band for me, posting nonsense "behind the scene" stuff on my feed.

  7. I was just making the point that he has in fact wrote a cross over rock hit in the 2000s, something that not many, if any, other bands have accomplished. You can like or hate BuckCherry or Crazy Bitch all you want, but the fact is that is probably the most successful rock song of the last 15 years, maybe longer. So you can like or prefer Myles all you want, but I've yet to see people run to the dance floor when one of his songs come on at a bar.

    What? I had never heard of that band before this thread, imagine the song... Of course, I heard it, so I could give my opinion, but it's definetely not the most successful rock song of the last 15 years or longer... I'd say The Strokes, Green Day and Linkin Park would like to have a word.

  8. Oh yeah, that :lol:

    And I wasn't even complaing, if I recall... But I don't blame her, seriously. Take a look at her profile, she - and anyone from Team Brazil, really - can't post a single picture of whatever it is without a ton of dumb comments. On the case you mentioned, it was a picture of them getting on a plane, and I posted "On the way to the studio to finish the new album" or something like that. It was a totally innocent and easy going comment. If I'm not mistaken, there were other comments, though. I think there were, and some people are really mean and stupid.

    I mean, I don't think the Guns N' Roses profiles should address stupid remarks, but if people are taking the time and effort to actually come to your personal profile to say stupid things, go for it. I just think things should be very well separated. In Team Brazil's case, their instagram profiles are really personal, any GNR mentions are really rare. But as soon as they post something people flood'em with stuff like "TELL AXL I LOVE HIM !!!! POR FAVOR". It's hilarious :lol: and creepy.

  9. The original image didn't have the glass and the writing. It's an official photohraph, taken by Kat Benzova. Someone added the glass, then whoever the hell runs the GNR social medias found in a random GNR fan board, probably Paradise City, and shared it. Yes, yes, they used a fan art to tell some other fans to fuck off. Yep. Anyway, then he/she decided that the message wasn't clear enough, so added the It's So Easy lyrics to emphasize it. It's ridiculous, and they do it all the time. I often see them post something just for in a couple of minutes delete it and post again with some minor change. I mean, what the fuck? Who the hell does that? Does he/she knows that this is not their personal page, but a big band's page? It's totally unprofessional. They're also often picking up these lame fan images and sharing around with some lyrics that had nothing to do with it. And there are also the silly "edgy-wannabe" criptic messages that don't say anything.

    But Bumblefoot's status? The band's status? The plans? Anything that matters AT ALL?! Nope, nope, nope and nope.

    Seriously, don't even get me started on the GNR social media :lol:

    • Like 1
  10. No. I prefer Josh Todd over Myles Kennedy, but well, honestly there aren't many singers out there who I wouldn't prefer over Myles... I definetely don't prefer Josh over Weiland, though. Weiland was perfect for what the guys were trying to do with Velvet Revolver. He is a great frontman. Sings, composes and performs well. And he has something the other two of them lack: personality. Josh's and Myle's voices are just too hollow and generic. Which is perfect for the crap rock they play, really.

    Thing is, Josh's and really, the whole Buckcherry act is ridiculous. Too "cool" and "edgy" and "fuck yeah rock n' roll fuck you". Imagine if that guy was playing with Slash? Slash has already gone into a direction I personally don't like, and Josh if was his singer, then... His albums would be way more formulatic dad-rock. It would be awful.You know who'd pair very well with Josh Todd? :lol: You know...

    Anyway, I believe Slash needs a singer with a personality, with an iconic voice. He's a fantastic guitarist, but only when he has a solid background. His Guns N' Roses stuff is amazing, and so was Velvet Revolver. His first solo album had very good songs, mainly the ones sang by good singers. But any other thing he has done without a great singer turned out to be utter shit, in my opinion.

    • Like 1
  11. They honestly believe that there are "haters" among the fans.

    I think if you read the facebook comments you will find it is not all rainbows and butterflies

    I find it hard to believe that anyone actually HATES Guns N' Roses. Some people are just unsatisfied with a few things, some people more than others. It's natural, with everything in life. It's lame and unprofessional from them to even acknowledge and address it.


    And how about a band acting professionally and focusing on their "fans" rather than their so called "haters?"

    They can't address the fans concerning BBF or the status of a new album.....but they worry about the haters?

    Sure glad every other band that I follow go the opposite route concerning fans and haters.

    Couldn't have said it better myself. You can really see what "the band" priorities are.

  12. They honestly believe that there are "haters" among the fans.

    I think if you read the facebook comments you will find it is not all rainbows and butterflies

    I find it hard to believe that anyone actually HATES Guns N' Roses. Some people are just unsatisfied with a few things, some people more than others. It's natural, with everything in life. It's lame and unprofessional from them to even acknowledge and address it.

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