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Posts posted by ManetsBR

  1. I'd like to state that I didn't write this article nor had anything to with it being written or published at all.


    For us Guns N' Roses fans, the drama "Guns N' Roses V. Ron 'Bumblefoot' Thal" was longer than expected. And it didn't have a happy ending. In this special article we'll tell you reader all the details that weren't shown to the public.

    Bumblefoot and Team Brazil - and an unfriendly relation

    A little blue bird told us that the Lebeis had a series of problems due to the former GNR guitarist, inclduing him publicly saying that the band disturbed his solo carreer, that the late starts bothering him and that he was outworn and tired of the new album. Backstage, Ron told a member of the Axl Rose - Fã Clube that Axl was not responsable for things not working out with Guns N' Roses, that it was purely Team Brazil's fault. In response, Team Brazil said, in the background that "Bumble is very hard to handle, because he wants things to happen his way, and that's not how it works. Who runs the band is Axl Rose and the Lebeis." After Ron talking too much about his possible departure from Guns N' Roses, Team Brazil scolded him and then he didn't touch the subject again. Recently he told a lot of it to Rolling Stone, though.

    Bumblefoot and DJ Ashba- A crisis of jealousy.

    According to people connected to Axl Rose, Bumblefoot didn't accept that DJ Ashba was closer to Rose and had more fans. This jealousy between Ron and DJ created a lot of conflicts between them.

    Bumblefoot and Guns N' Roses - Why the Mummery?

    One thing we sincerely can't understand is why so much mummery and drama? Wouldn't it been easier if you had announced anything to us fans? No, both parts prefered to leave us in the dark. Both treated the situation with an enormous negligence, this had never happened in the history of the band.


  2. I dunno how I got so fascinated with this show; doing a second watch now. Picking up on a lot of stuff I missed the first time around.

    I know, right? It had charm, and a somewhat creepy tension in the air.

  3. Excellent batsuit. This is what he looks like in the comics, and as a avid Batman comics reader, that's very good to know. It really seems that they're sticking it to the comics universe, which is incredible. The fact that they added Jason Todd to the Suicide Squad is awesome. He'll be the dead Robin already, which probably means Nightwing will appear too.

  4. That's not the point you fucking idiot. Fuck the messenger, the point is the message. I read your post above, and two wrongs don't make a right. You have zero sympathy for these people because they would have "ruined other people's lives" yet you have respect for a murderer state?

    I don't believe I expressed an opinion concerning Indonesia in any of my posts. I merely pointed out that I have zero sympathy for idiot heroin smugglers.

    Do you think this men should be murdered? If so, why?


    Let me make this crystal clear to you. In Asia, the law is quite explicit that getting caught up in drug dealing or smuggling = death.

    These people were not innocents abroad. They were willing participants in a highly sophisticated international drug smuggling ring. They had prior arrests for a number of offences.

    They knew the risks and went ahead.

    If I was going to protest the death sentence these idiots wouldn't exactly be high up on my list of priority cases. Especially if I lived in the US of all places which has such a shitty record on the death penalty not to mention cosying up to the likes of Saudi Arabia and sympathising with them when their piece of shit ruler dies.

    No, the Bali 9 get no sympathy from me. I feel sorry for their families but that's it.

    See, that's exactly the point. If you say that they should be killed because "it's the law" you're respecting a murderer state. You're respecting the laws of a criminal state. Fuck the law. The human life is the most important thing in the world, nothing else matters. An uruguayan jurist named Eduardo Juan Couture once said "Your duty is to fight for the Law, but if a day you ever face the Law in conflict with Justice, fight for Jusitce", and as a Law student, that's what I believe. Go on, facepalm me again to express your level of debating.

    No, that's not the point at all. I'm not saying they should be killed because "it's the law". I'm saying they are idiots because they knew the law and took the risk. I have made no assertion regarding the death sentence in Indonesia other than observing that as a sovereign state they set the law and carried it out.

    "Criminal state? Fuck the law? As a Law student..."

    You'd be getting an F from me if you were my student. Have you any idea how stupid you sound?

    Didnt you read the quote? But alright, if you wanna get all thorough, when the Law conflicts Justice, fuck the Law.
  5. That's not the point you fucking idiot. Fuck the messenger, the point is the message. I read your post above, and two wrongs don't make a right. You have zero sympathy for these people because they would have "ruined other people's lives" yet you have respect for a murderer state?

    I don't believe I expressed an opinion concerning Indonesia in any of my posts. I merely pointed out that I have zero sympathy for idiot heroin smugglers.

    Do you think this men should be murdered? If so, why?


    Let me make this crystal clear to you. In Asia, the law is quite explicit that getting caught up in drug dealing or smuggling = death.

    These people were not innocents abroad. They were willing participants in a highly sophisticated international drug smuggling ring. They had prior arrests for a number of offences.

    They knew the risks and went ahead.

    If I was going to protest the death sentence these idiots wouldn't exactly be high up on my list of priority cases. Especially if I lived in the US of all places which has such a shitty record on the death penalty not to mention cosying up to the likes of Saudi Arabia and sympathising with them when their piece of shit ruler dies.

    No, the Bali 9 get no sympathy from me. I feel sorry for their families but that's it.

    See, that's exactly the point. If you say that they should be killed because "it's the law" you're respecting a murderer state. You're respecting the laws of a criminal state. Fuck the law. The human life is the most important thing in the world, nothing else matters. An uruguayan jurist named Eduardo Juan Couture once said "Your duty is to fight for the Law, but if a day you ever face the Law in conflict with Justice, fight for Jusitce", and as a Law student, that's what I believe. Go on, facepalm me again to express your level of debating.

  6. I don't get this. "The smugglers would ruin a lot of people´s lives" They wouldn't, the cunts who chose to do heroin would. Maybe we should start forbidding anything that presents a risk to anybody. How many lives did the food industry ruin, seeing as obesity is at all time record levels? How about the sports cars industry, considering the number of car crashes around the world?

    We have free will for a reason. Heroin is not a cheap drug, anyone who has the resources to use it can easily get information on the many risks of taking it. The only reason there are drug smugglers is because there is massive demand for it. As long as demand for something exists, people will find a way to provide it, is the nature of us humans.

    Smugglers are people like us, some of them are good, some of them are bad. You'd be surprised at how many good people do illegal things, and how many bad people abide strictly by the law. Those people might be mentally ill, such as the Brazilian executed today, desperately in need of money or facing other dire situations.

    Regardless of how you look at it, shooting someone for smuggling drugs is disproportionate and barbaric. One would think we'd have evolved past that after being around for 200 thousand years.

    If you can't think of the families of these people, feel fine going around saying that they deserve to die and you don't give a shit (on an internet forum, of course. Shocker) then guess what? You are a way shittier person than someone who sells heroin for those who want it.


  7. That's not the point you fucking idiot. Fuck the messenger, the point is the message. I read your post above, and two wrongs don't make a right. You have zero sympathy for these people because they would have "ruined other people's lives" yet you have respect for a murderer state?

    I don't believe I expressed an opinion concerning Indonesia in any of my posts. I merely pointed out that I have zero sympathy for idiot heroin smugglers.

    Do you think this men should be murdered? If so, why?

  8. Despite Guns N Roses enormous critical and commercial success, things had grown troubled for the band behind the scenes. Singer Axl Rose had begun casting three shadows, and guitarist Slash had begun casting four shadows just to outdo him. Each day, Rose and Slash would show up to rehearsal casting more and more shadows as each attempted to assert his dominance as the shadow king. This rivalry came to a head when both Rose and Slash showed up with 50 shadows each. Unable to continue in the wake of what they had witnessed, the band broke up the next day.


  9. Welcome to the world of the Internet.

    You could post a picture of the cutest kitten in the world on ANY forum in the world, and by the 10th comment people would be insulting each other.

    It's not just GnR, Manets. Nickleback is a great case-and-point. Everybody on this forum bashes them......but they were the highest selling rock band of the 00s. Think about that. For an entire decade they sold more albums than any other rock band - yet they are the punch line of jokes on this forum.

    People hate Van Halen with Sammy Hagar. They pick a side with Slash-vs-Axl. Everybody hates Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift.

    It doesn't matter what website you are on. Or what topic you are talking about.

    People love to hate. And now they have the opportunity to tell everybody how much they hate something thanks to reddit, youtube, facebook, twitter, etc. Because their opinions are important enough that everybody needs to hear them!!!!

    I get your point, but I disagree. I'm not talking just about the internet. It happens in 'real life' as well.

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