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Posts posted by ManetsBR

  1. What's people's problem with Manets? He just posted the cover and what it said on the cover, no? Of course the title is stupid and misleading, but that's hardly Manets' fault. Anyone who's ever seen a magazine or newspaper knows that often titles are misleading. What should he have done? Not post the cover? Why not? Slash is on it, we're on a GNR forum. Should he have put a disclaimer in saying that they probably intentionally left out the context to make it more sensational and sell more magazines and attract attention? Duh.

    Exactly. Thanks. People just love to be annoying.

    • Like 1
  2. Im fucking with you? Fuck off. Rolling Stone is fucking with you. The quote on the thread title is the exact quote on the fucking cover.

    When I made the thread that was all the info out there. Its not my fault if Rolling Stone itself took his words out of context to have a bombastic quote on the cover in order to sell more. Fuck off, idiots.

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  3. Where does this " DJ is a good songwriter " shit come from ? he is n`t. I`ve had a misfortune to listen to all songs he either wrote or was a part of and I have to say I have never heard such rubbish in my life even Myles Kennedy writes much better songs than DJ.

    He has radio hits... They're not the greatest songs ever by any stretch, but he has a history of making hits. I'm sure him and Axl could put some good stuff together.... Noone else in current GnR has as many rock "hits" as Dj has had (besides obviously Dizzy and Axl).

    Radio hits? Rock hits? Man, DJ Ashba definetly doesn't have a "history of making hits", I guarantee. What radios have you been listening to? I'm sorry, but no one outside this place and some Crue fans have any idea who the hell that guy is. I have hundreds of friends who are really into rock, and although most of them don't like Guns N' Roses, they know who Slash, Buckethead and even Bumblefoot is. But DJ Ashba? No. Just no. He is not a hit maker. You can say you like him, his style, his writing, his playing... That's a matter of opinion. But he ain't no hit maker, that's an indisputable fact. He's barely known. People who listen to "Classic Rock" and despise the "new stuff" don't know who DJ Ashba is. People who are into indie rock, also don't know who DJ Ashba is. Even people who are into the formulatic 80s rock he plays, don't have a clue who that guy is. He is not relevant on any music scene. I'm not getting in the discussion of whether he's good or not, I'm just stating facts.

  4. [movie SPOILERS]

    Washed up actor/singer Michael Keaton/Axl Rose drops off from multi-millionaire franchise (Batman/Guns N' Roses) to prove he is not only a celebrity, but also an artist. To prove so, he produces What We Talk When We Talk About Love/Chinese Democracy. But critics insist he is only a celebrity, so Keaton bashes them.

    The ending is different, though. I know Axl's story isn't over, but I'll consider our current situation. Keaton's play proves to be genius. Then he sees Birmdan (movies's version of Batman) going away, indicating he really proved himself as an artist, although to do so, he had to almost kill himself - death imortalizes artists. But the thing Keaton used in his face in the ending, and his bruises, when he takes it off, were exactly like Birmdan's mask, perhaps indicating that, no matter how hard he tried, he would always be Batman.

    The movie is basically about Keaton's struggle not only to be loved by the public, but also to be considered a respected artist, not only a celebrity. I thought of Axl during the movie: how he tried to prove himself as an artist but "in the end" accepted that he is what he is - the lead singer of a popular band, and that people would always remember that first. I mean, I love Chinese Democracy, but Axl has as much street cred as a potato.

  5. Nosaj, you missed the point of Axl playing in a Slash concert. He wouldnt "jeopardize" NuGNR because it wouldnt be GNR. Just a small friendly jam or something like that.

    And although I understand that Slash and Axl working together again seems highly unlikely, as stated before, if he has been in good terms with Izzy, Gilby, Matt, Steven and even Duff, why couldnt it happen with Slash as well? People change their minds all the time.

    Yes people change but other things must change as well. Do you think that Slash, Izzy, Duff and Steven will be happy with TB as band managers? On top of that they are going to ask to have rights over the name and a new partnership with equality for everyone involved. And they won´t tolerate Axl´s behavior like not going to rehearsal and showing up 2 hours late for shows.

    One thing is a good relationship among them . Other thing is working together.

    No, I don't think they would be happy with the kind of management Axl has put Guns N' Roses. I didn't say that.

  6. Nosaj, you missed the point of Axl playing in a Slash concert. He wouldnt "jeopardize" NuGNR because it wouldnt be GNR. Just a small friendly jam or something like that.

    And although I understand that Slash and Axl working together again seems highly unlikely, as stated before, if he has been in good terms with Izzy, Gilby, Matt, Steven and even Duff, why couldnt it happen with Slash as well? People change their minds all the time.

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