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Posts posted by Yesterdays-Civil-War

  1. Creed is one of my favorite bands. Higher and With Arms Wide Open are two of their weaker songs, but of course, those are the award winners and the most well known. (How a lot of you probably feel about SCOM and WTTJ. To real fans, they are kinda cliche).

    My Own Prison was a phenomenal album. Human Clay had some real gritty songs on it as well. It turned into more of a soft rock thing when Weathered came out.

    Their latest album, Full Circle, was decent.

    They are probably done forever though, so you guys don't have to worry about them putting out a new album ever again. Scott is once again being a self righteous asshole, only this time it is under the guise of Christianity. His latest album, Proof of Life, is a sappy Christian record. He calls it "the most important record of [his] life." He showed a chat room some recordings of some of his new material like back in 2010. It was all heavy and really good. He did a complete 180 and released some of the worst written songs ever. Scott has always been known for his lyrics, so it was surprising to see songs like "Jesus Was a Rockstar" on his latest album.

    It's a shame Scott is such a douchebag, because he and Mark Tremonti click so well together.

  2. I always liked 'Smooth Up'.

    But I reference Adler's inclusion in this dopey band all the time. Despite him being so brilliant, and such a gifted and unique drummer, the most "high profile" thing he has done in the 25 years since he left GNR was being the drummer in Bulletboys for 15 minutes. A good 10 years after they were relevant.

    I think Celebrity Rehab is more high profile than this. I like to think I know of most relevant bands of that era and I haven't even heard of Bulletboys.



  3. I think 2011 was good; we got Civil War and Estranged back. I think from 2012 onward it's been on autopilot.

    There were rumors that it was at this stage that the label declined to put out the next record, despite Axl's wishes. Was there possibly something to that?

    It's labeled as a non-starter. That story isn't too far-fetched in the world of GN'R. The rumor I remember seeing was Axl came to the record company with an album and they said no. If that's true the speculation would be whether it was the CD remixes or if it was CD II.

  4. Just wondering if any of you are hoping for any special guests at the residency?

    Seems like Axl may have gone a bit cold on Baz in recent years, but do you think he might give Duff or Izzy a call to play a song or two?

    They are not friends anymore?

    All speculation from what it seems like.

    Bach misses one tour and their friendship is over. :lol:

    I'm still weirded out by the Bach asking Beta to tour with GN'R thing. I can see why that might lead some to think that, at the very least, communication between Baz and Axl is hindered.

  5. Speaks volumes about Sebastian and Axls relationship when Sebastians line of contact to ask/beg for a slot of the SA tour is Betas instagram. But... everybody that knows Axl always say that they used to be close and then he just goes away and then reappears years later. Sebastian is a loud mouth so I can imagine Axl getting tired of him.... I can Imagine anyone anywhere getting tired of him actually.

    And didn't Baz say that before 2006, they hadn't spoken in like a decade?

    Yeah, he said on Eddie Trunk's show, and I forget the number exactly, but that he hadn't spoken with him in like 12 years.

    Which is why I'm not so sure that this is all that big of deal. Bach and Axl will always be friends.

    It would be odd if Axl kept bringing Bach to tour with him. It would be like a never ending repeat of the 2006 tour. (I get that we already have that, but it would be like that even more so then).

  6. Bach is touring Europe and Canada during the Residency.

    And let's not try to start rumors between Baz and Axl. They're best of friends. He might as well have been a member of the band in '06. He hasn't toured with them in recent years probably because of scheduling conflicts. Kicking & Screaming came out late 2011, so I imagine he was touring after that and into 2012. He was recording his latest album pretty much all of 2013. That leaves a very small time window to be doing things with Guns, and it's understandable if he just wanted to rest for a couple months.

    He publicly asked Beta to tour with GNR in South America this year...


  7. Bach is touring Europe and Canada during the Residency.

    And let's not try to start rumors between Baz and Axl. They're best of friends. He might as well have been a member of the band in '06. He hasn't toured with them in recent years probably because of scheduling conflicts. Kicking & Screaming came out late 2011, so I imagine he was touring after that and into 2012. He was recording his latest album pretty much all of 2013. That leaves a very small time window to be doing things with Guns, and it's understandable if he just wanted to rest for a couple months.

  8. Bumblefoot just played a gig in Denmark today. Unfortunately I couldn't make it this time around, but another fan I know went and she says that according to Bumblefoot Axl was ill the night of Golden Gods.

    I know people will say it's a lie and that he's always ill during live streams etc but I thought I'd just pass along information I was given. So don't shoot the messenger.

    That dude's ill a lot these days.... :shrugs:

  9. I don't consider myself belonging to any particular camp. I'm just a Guns N' Roses fan...whatever that means. :lol: (But at the end of the day I'm an Axl Rose fan more so than anybody else in the band).

    I don't think there can only be one incarnation of "Guns N' Roses." I am however, just underwhelmed with what Axl has done from '96 onward. It could have been huge, it could have been great, unique, clever, etc.

  10. I'm not saying that Rio was anything special vocally. I'm just saying it was better than today.

    I agree it was a freakshow in Rio but there was an energy to the performance that is badly missing these days.

    I hate it when people say BS like this. I see your 2002 line up and raise you classic guns. I could argue their hasn't been any "energy" or "fire" since 1993. Sure he came back to prove his old band wrong, but what energy did he have in 2002 that he doesn't have now? I say none, he lost his fire the day Slash quit, sad but true.

    "I didn't fucking come all the way to fucking England to be told to go back fucking home."

    "[slash and Duff] can suck my dick."

    "He's in my ass, that's where Slash is."

    The dude was pissed off. He had fire in his eyes, he had something to prove to the world.

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  11. Best: I voted for CD finally coming out. Although, every time something new leaked I started flipping out, it was so exhilarating. It still got the same feeling with Going Down and the CD remixes.

    Worst: Bridge School was atrocious, the worst moment not just in nuGN'R history but GN'R history in general. I don't think many of us were expecting something amazing with Bridge School though.

    As far as disappointing goes, HV said it with Rio IV. I remember that night, and staying up the entire night to watch it. I was pissed at the delay, only for GN'R would it rain that hard. I was devastated when I heard Mickey. I got pumped right before "Sorry" as I thought we were getting a new song then and I got so excited when Axl said, "Let's do something new," before Estranged. (Although the fact that they played Estranged was incredible at that time). I held on hope for the entire night that we would hear a brand new song...after the disasters that were November Rain and Patience happened I knew that the chances of that happening were gone. In hindsight 2011 was a really good year, but at the time it was so disappointing. We got Estranged, Civil War, the Dolphin Bomb, (if I remember correctly) Duff and Baz opening during the tour, Axl still had moves...in 2014, 2011 was a feelgood year.

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