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Posts posted by HB3

  1. For anyone interested, I found a fantastic torrent for a Cam copy of Inception. This is probably one of the best cams of any movie I've ever seen:


    Audio is very good and the picture is very good for what it is, as well. :thumbsup:

    I'm reminded of a Seinfeld episode where Jerry has to record a movie while it's playing and everyone finds it to be a masterpiece.


    To compare anyone to Kubrick is sacrilege, imo.


    Though I love Quentin Tarantino and David Fincher. These are probably my top three favorite directors.

  2. I can see BF quitting the band.

    I don't see that happening. Ron cares about his fans and knows that a lot of them would be disappointed if he quit. Plus, I think he enjoys being in GN'R a lot.

    I mean, who wouldn't get sick of answering the same questions in every single interview? I think his comments were smart and full of wit.

    All I can say is BF has become increasingly sarcastic, which is a sign of anger, contempt and discontent. His personal issues with GNR are spilling over into the interviews. His fans will love him more if he is not in GNR.

    If Ron does leave GnR, it would be a huge blow for what is this current band. Ron is honest to god, the only person in the band that cares enough about the fans. If we didnt have Bumble, we would be 100% in the dark on what is happening. We would have no interviews, no insight, no nothing. It'll be like a mini 2005. Im am sure of one thing though, if Ron did leave, he would at least have positive feeling about the GnR fans that buy his albums and go to his shows. Unlike a certion nofaced guitarist that looks at the fans that made him what he is today in nothing but contempt.

    Oh would you can it already with your Ron ass kissing/Bucket hating. If Ron did leave Guns it could mean much better solos on the next record. If we didn't have Bumble we would be in the dark?! His interviews give us NOTHING, no insight, no new dates, no upcoming plans, no future projects Guns related, nothing Guns related, really man are you that infatuated with Ron that you don't see this?

    I don't mean to come off harsh, i think Ron is a nice guy, but you make it out that he is the light of new Guns N' Roses. Sorry he isn't. He isn't the reason Guns are touring, he isn't the reason we got the album, he isn't the reason that we get slightly more info now then we did back in 2005. Please tell me what ground breaking news he spilled over the last 4 years? Talking about his gear and how they choose who does what solos live don't count, what has he ever told us as to what is "happening" with Guns N' Roses???

    Ron will never leave as his solo works never achieved the recognition, status and sales of a certain no faced guitarist. Ron makes much more money off Guns than he ever did solo. Bucket still makes a killing from his albums and especially live shows. Not bad for a weirdo no faced guitarist playing songs with no lyrics hey?

    "Oh would you can it already with your Ron ass kissing/Bucket hating."-Okay let me get this straight, I LOVE Buckethead, and even own all his CD's. I just like Bumbles playing better, that's it.

    "If Ron did leave Guns it could mean much better solos on the next record."-Lol

    "If we didn't have Bumble we would be in the dark?! His interviews give us NOTHING, no insight, no new dates, no upcoming plans, no future projects Guns related, nothing Guns related, really man are you that infatuated with Ron that you don't see this?" -Maybe all I want to know is about Bumble's gear, but when do people ever talk about that stuff? They never ask, and it's now confirmed that they arent playing Turkey thanks to Bumble.

    "I don't mean to come off harsh, i think Ron is a nice guy, but you make it out that he is the light of new Guns N' Roses. Sorry he isn't."-He is, whether you like it or not, he his. But so is DJ, Pitman, and the rest of the gang. They breath new life into GnR.

    "He isn't the reason Guns are touring, he isn't the reason we got the album, he isn't the reason that we get slightly more info now then we did back in 2005."-No he isnt, but tell me one other member that does more in NuGnR more than him.

    "Please tell me what ground breaking news he spilled over the last 4 years? Talking about his gear and how they choose who does what solos live don't count, what has he ever told us as to what is "happening" with Guns N' Roses???"-Were you around for 06? He said things like the record company is hold up Chinese Democracy and such. He said a lot being the new boy.

    "Ron will never leave as his solo works never achieved the recognition, status and sales of a certain no faced guitarist."-No, he DESTROYED the recognition and sales of that certain no name guitarist. Abnormal sold 250,000 copies worldwide, did Bucket do that? He even charted in France for his last 4 albums.

    Ron makes much more money off Guns than he ever did solo.-So did Bucket.

    Bucket still makes a killing from his albums and especially live shows. Not bad for a weirdo no faced guitarist playing songs with no lyrics hey?-No not at all, he's awesome to see up live in person (saw him in 08). But just because you like a really good guitarist doesnt mean there arent better ones, and Bumble is one of them. Bucket is more melodic, and hell, I even listen to him more. But that goes down to personal preference. You like Melodic, I like Technical, big woop. So please dont get me wrong, Bucket is in my top 3 favorite guitarists and Population Override is within my top 10 favorite albums (even keep it in my car to listen to). But I like Bumble better, sue me.

    Win for Cdlove.

    And honestly, I don't think Ron really cares about the money. He only cares about his fans and making music. He didn't expect to be the main lead guitarist, he knew Robin was still in the band. DJ simply replaced Robin.

    And Ron writes and performs AMAZING solos. Just listen to some of his material. Beautiful, inspiring solos.

  3. I can see BF quitting the band.

    I don't see that happening. Ron cares about his fans and knows that a lot of them would be disappointed if he quit. Plus, I think he enjoys being in GN'R a lot.

    I mean, who wouldn't get sick of answering the same questions in every single interview? I think his comments were smart and full of wit.

    All I can say is BF has become increasingly sarcastic, which is a sign of anger, contempt and discontent. His personal issues with GNR are spilling over into the interviews. His fans will love him more if he is not in GNR.

    If Ron does leave GnR, it would be a huge blow for what is this current band. Ron is honest to god, the only person in the band that cares enough about the fans. If we didnt have Bumble, we would be 100% in the dark on what is happening. We would have no interviews, no insight, no nothing. It'll be like a mini 2005. Im am sure of one thing though, if Ron did leave, he would at least have positive feeling about the GnR fans that buy his albums and go to his shows. Unlike a certion nofaced guitarist that looks at the fans that made him what he is today in nothing but contempt.

    Bucket doesn't like GN'R fans? That's strange...

    I guess he's a very strange person overall though so maybe it doesn't surprise me. :shrugs:

  4. I can see BF quitting the band.

    I don't see that happening. Ron cares about his fans and knows that a lot of them would be disappointed if he quit. Plus, I think he enjoys being in GN'R a lot.

    I mean, who wouldn't get sick of answering the same questions in every single interview? I think his comments were smart and full of wit.

    All I can say is BF has become increasingly sarcastic, which is a sign of anger, contempt and discontent. His personal issues with GNR are spilling over into the interviews. His fans will love him more if he is not in GNR.

    Ron has always been a jokester. And everybody can get into an irritated mood every now and then. There's many things in his life that could put him in a not-so-great mood. Guns N' Roses isn't his whole life.

    And I don't see what "personal issues" you're gathering from this. He seems happy to be in the band and I don't see him leaving anytime soon. Earlier in the interview he even said this is the best touring experience he has ever had.

    Just because he wrote the song "Glad To Be Here" didn't mean he wanted to quit music. So I don't see how one little interview would make you think he would want to quit Guns.

    Fair enough.

    No hard feelings bro. :)

  5. I can see BF quitting the band.

    I don't see that happening. Ron cares about his fans and knows that a lot of them would be disappointed if he quit. Plus, I think he enjoys being in GN'R a lot.

    I mean, who wouldn't get sick of answering the same questions in every single interview? I think his comments were smart and full of wit.

    All I can say is BF has become increasingly sarcastic, which is a sign of anger, contempt and discontent. His personal issues with GNR are spilling over into the interviews. His fans will love him more if he is not in GNR.

    Ron has always been a jokester. And everybody can get into an irritated mood every now and then. There's many things in his life that could put him in a not-so-great mood. Guns N' Roses isn't his whole life.

    And I don't see what "personal issues" you're gathering from this. He seems happy to be in the band and I don't see him leaving anytime soon. Earlier in the interview he even said this is the best touring experience he has ever had.

    Just because he wrote the song "Glad To Be Here" didn't mean he wanted to quit music. So I don't see how one little interview would make you think he would want to quit Guns.

  6. I can see BF quitting the band.

    I don't see that happening. Ron cares about his fans and knows that a lot of them would be disappointed if he quit. Plus, I think he enjoys being in GN'R a lot.

    I mean, who wouldn't get sick of answering the same questions in every single interview? I think his comments were smart and full of wit.

  7. Releasing the second album is more complicated than the first, because of how bad the first got fucked up. That is a very difficult situation, and to be honest, I think it is far away.

    I think the opposite. With the first album after the breakup, people had high expectations. In my opinion, the release of a second album won’t have the same pressure as the first one. As the first album wasn’t a ¨popular¨ success, no one expects to see a successful album in the case of another release, thus, it’s not the same pressure.

    I agree.

    Furthermore, since CD1 has sold in copious amounts by todays standards, it can be thought of as a commercial success, even without a video or proper promotion. The older generation was still there to buy it, and the newer generation hopped on the train to some extent. So wa-hey, it all worked! (from the labels/A&R's perspective)

    Anyway, it will be a number of years before we see the next album. and it wont contain that much of the CD sessions I think. Axl might throw a few in there just to prove fuckers like me wrong. ;) but ultimately it will be the new band doing their thing. which might be awesome. or it might not. But I think, if you put guys like fortus,bumble, and DJ in a studio environment and tell them to write music and keep it GNR, I think they can write a pretty damn convincing and cool modern contemporary rock album in less than six months time.

    well just have to wait and see what happens after the touring subsides.

    Respectable post.

  8. Seriously?????

    Do you honestly think it's the label somehow holding up the release?????

    The record company doesn't make any money by rejecting records - THEY ONLY GET PAID BY ALBUM SALES - which, BTW, can't happen unless the album is released. :crazy:

    Their only interest is in getting the music out as quickly as possible.

    W. Axl Rose is the lone hold-up.

    I would have thought that would be patently obvious to everyone here after what's gone on for the past 17 years.

    Yes, I believe it is.

    People have said that the label thought it was too rushed or something. If they don't think the album will sell well and it needs tweaking, then they'll reject it. They aren't going to release music thrown together in a week.

    But I don't think that's the problem with Guns N' Roses. I think the problem is that the music industry hates Guns and vice versa.

    Thats nineties logic bro.

    CD1 demonstrated that GNR franchise generates tremendous sales on the name of the band alone, no additional promotion required.

    Of course theyd put out the second album, right about now or so. or in the spring.

    trouble is, there is no second album. not atleast before its recorded.

    I find it hard to believe the band is just going to throw away all the songs from the CD sessions.

    I believe there's an album made and ready to be released. Not saying it's a fact or anything, just what I believe. An perhaps my beliefs are being biased by my wants.

  9. Seriously?????

    Do you honestly think it's the label somehow holding up the release?????

    The record company doesn't make any money by rejecting records - THEY ONLY GET PAID BY ALBUM SALES - which, BTW, can't happen unless the album is released. :crazy:

    Their only interest is in getting the music out as quickly as possible.

    W. Axl Rose is the lone hold-up.

    I would have thought that would be patently obvious to everyone here after what's gone on for the past 17 years.

    Yes, I believe it is.

    People have said that the label thought it was too rushed or something. If they don't think the album will sell well and it needs tweaking, then they'll reject it. They aren't going to release music thrown together in a week.

    But I don't think that's the problem with Guns N' Roses. I think the problem is that the music industry hates Guns and vice versa.

  10. Ron made a couple of maybe bland efforts sound more like guns and he done it with a fretless, epic!

    Drums, Franks good but i think maybe axl thought that the Brain Bucket combo was great and was interested in trying bumble/frank/fortus.

    I'm really interested in what happened with the delay axl always says periodically he would present the album to the studio who would remain unimpressed and tell him to work some more which is why we got a greatest hits package instead of the kind of sticky fingers moment in time album that was mentioned in a previous post.

    who were the people at the label who actually "kept sending axl back to work", theyve been getting bashed, as a general group, for something like ten years now and never has any of them spoken up.

    You really think they'd want to speak up? And have every GN'R fan out there bashing them and making them look like fools?

    I've even heard that people at the label rejected the upcoming album that the band wanted out in June/July. So now it's rumored to be released in November.

  11. You start by uninstalling Audacity and installing Audition.

    I tried Audition first. I couldn't figure it out so I switched to Audacity.

    It's pretty simple once you get the hang of it. If you add me on MSN I can walk you through it step by step.

    I don't have MSN. I have AIM though. Do you happen to have that?

  12. You start by uninstalling Audacity and installing Audition.

    I tried Audition first. I couldn't figure it out so I switched to Audacity.

  13. Arguments are fine imo as long as they're on topic and not personal. Once the insults begin, then it's just wrong. I don't come here to sift through a bunch of grown men fighting like it's 5th grade all over again.

    You're a sexist!!! Not everybody on here is a man!!!

    Haha, just imitating a few posters on this forum. I'm just playing around. :P

  14. Can someone please tell me how you line up multi-tracks on Audacity and play them at the same time/remix them?

    Please and thank you! :)

  15. Wow... this went from being one of the most insightful and thought provoking threads on D&N in a long time to a petty war of words pretty quickly.

    I was thinking the same thing. I was pretty proud that this thread wasn't being polluted with Axl vs. Slash/Classic Guns vs. Current Guns arguments.

    But alas, people always find something to argue about.

    Not to say I'm not guilty of getting in feuds about a topic totally different from the original post. But still, I liked where this thread was going.

  16. Just a random thought i had earlier...if you had to play one and only one song from Chinese Democracy to somebody who had never heard the album, even if they are familiar with old GN'R, to convert them to the album, which one would you play them?

    I woul go with 'Better', as it's probably the catchiest, 'instant' song on the album, and it's heavy enough to keep a wider range of people interested.

    Your pics? :D

    This I Love, Catcher, or Street of Dreams.

    It'd honestly depend on the person I was playing the song for.

  17. I think classic Guns fans will appreciate the next album a lot more (unless they hate current GN'R no matter how good the music is).

    I think with Ron and DJ helping with the writing process, they're gonna put out some pretty solid tunes. Though many people greatly dislike DJ, I still feel like he has a classic rocker in him that can play some mean riffs.

    And I think Ron is pure genius. The man can play anything. He can also write some of the most emotional solos too. His solo in the song Breaking from Normal is magical. There's so much emotion in it.

    I just get a really great feeling from the current line-up, especially after seeing them live.

    Besides, how can you even begin to know that classic Guns fans will appreciate the next album when you've yet to hear a note from it?

    I didn't say I "knew" anything. I said I think they'll appreciate it more. It's just a feeling I have.

    Don't judge, bro. :P

  18. I think classic Guns fans will appreciate the next album a lot more (unless they hate current GN'R no matter how good the music is).

    I think with Ron and DJ helping with the writing process, they're gonna put out some pretty solid tunes. Though many people greatly dislike DJ, I still feel like he has a classic rocker in him that can play some mean riffs.

    And I think Ron is pure genius. The man can play anything. He can also write some of the most emotional solos too. His solo in the song Breaking from Normal is magical. There's so much emotion in it.

    I just get a really great feeling from the current line-up, especially after seeing them live.

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