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Posts posted by HB3

  1. It's definitely underrated due to such high expectations. It just makes me mad that everybody has to compare it to former Guns' albums. Twenty years is a long time in the music world. Of course current GN'R isn't going to sound like classic Guns. In my opinion currents Guns N' Roses is their own genre. No other band or artist compares to them. They're so diverse and excellent and everything. In my honest opinion, of course.

  2. I'd have to say This I Love, Madagascar, and If The World.

    Madagascar is a whole different animal when it's live. I had never been much of a fan of the song before I saw Guns live in Hamilton, but when they played it...it was so powerful and amazing. It's one of my favorite songs off of the album now.

  3. What I don't get is how I could see a topic started called "Axl In NYC", then when I click on a couple of pages it's an all out war of old vs new members, Ashba's better than Slash, vice versa, or random pot shots at each other laid out in full blown paragraphs. I mean seriously, how does anyone have that kind of time? How is that even entertaining? It's not like your going to meet this person on the other side of the world behind a computer, so why bother?

    I'm here because I like GNR, and I like to keep up with whats going on with the band, not to bicker about who is a better player, who looks better or how much the band sucks without this or these players.

    Good post. Like others have said, we are all here because we have loved Guns N' Roses at one time or another. Yes, most of us prefer one version of the band over the other. Others love GN'R no matter what the line-up is. Arguing about our personal preferences will get us nowhere. Most of us are just waiting for new music for Guns to come out. Others want a reunion. Some want both. But arguing about these things will not help us receive what we want. We can only be patient and see what happens in the world of Guns N' Roses. And I'd like to say that I'm proud to call Guns N' Roses my favorite band ever. They are and always will be legendary. And right now they are a living legend. So let's just appreciate what we can get for now.

  4. They played the US over the past decade, and I think he wanted to take the show to places they don't get to play as much, where the sales have been decent, and the crowd reaction's been the loudest. Some artists love playing other countries, some artists dread it. Van Halen never toured outside of North America last tour.

    What if GNR just decided never to tour America and play a festival show here and there, and tour the rest of the world?

    If a band isn't coming around soon, book a flight and make a trip out of it.

    I'd prefer they'd play smaller venues and charge more to see them, but they want a big stage setup and large crowds. I think the residency format is good, esp. in Vegas. Would Axl take Steve Wynn up on a multimillion dollar deal to play Vegas for 5 years? Probably... a theater and sound system designed to Axl's liking, a short plane flight away, and a lot of people coming in to see the show from everywhere. And as far as when the show starts, it would be easier to pull off going on stage at midnight-1 AM there.

    There is no way in a million years Axl would perform in Vegas for a career. He isn't a sell-out. Plus, I don't see Guns N' Roses as an act in Vegas anyway.

  5. Speaking of crushes.

    Sunny, why you're on this forum. I'm just curious. It's always amusing to see the reasons why you bash GN'R

    I need you Sunny. You complete me.

    That's what they all say. You should see my inbox.

    You're quite a desirable object. How can I blame them? I mean, you're the cheapest thing out there. Ten bucks for the works? Such a great deal. And you even give coupons to frequent customers. What more could you ask for?

  6. Speaking of crushes.

    Sunny, why you're on this forum. I'm just curious. It's always amusing to see the reasons why you bash GN'R

    Finally, you have realized that I am in love with you. I need you Sunny. You complete me. You and your negative, pessimistic attitude. I need it now. Please give it to me baby? Harder....HARDER!!!!

  7. I'm not here because of Axl Rose. I became a fan of Guns N Roses after I bought Appetite For Destruction on cassette in 1988. I didn't even know who Axl Rose was. All I knew was that the record was suppose to be really good and so, on a whim, I bought it.

    The band and sound....as a whole, is why I became a fan.

    Newsflash, those guys aren't in the band anymore - sorry to break it to you like this! It's only Axl Rose that's left from your favorite line-up, you're on the wrong site! A few of the other guys got together and formed a band called 'Velvet Revolver'... here check them out: http://www.velvetrevolver.com/

    Take care man, bye.

    It was so benevolent for you to point that out, we should be kind to the mentally deficient, apparantly he was in the dark on the issue :lol:

    and nice post demonwolf. :thumbsup:

    It's humorous to me how you very rarely pose an argument without also making some little, Jr. high school douchey insult. Does it serve a purpose? Is your life that dark outside of the internet that you need to act a douche to everyone online? Because seems to me, that's all it could be.

    I very rarely is EVER insult anyone around here. I speak my mind on the subject, without filter, and alot of the time that becomes a lightning rod (but isn't that the case when ANYONE does the same thing publicly?) but I don't just act like an asshole for the sake of acting like an asshole. I sort of....grew up.

    You are one of the most negative,insulting,immature,arrogant,deluded posters on this forum

    and a know-nothing cunt has a name: Ed Vega

    We are all entitled to opinions, no matter how delusional and unrealistic they may be

    stop using cliches like "drinking the kool aid",it's a bit like putting preparation H on your face,it makes you look like an ass.

    Those that ride the coat tails of nostalgia under the guise of elitists never fail to amaze and amuse me

    you can drag an idiot to reason but you can't make him thinkposts though :)

    I think somebody has a crush on M&S. Or maybe she's just stalking him. Either way, somebody has waaaayyyy too much free time on her hands.

  8. The thing I like the most about my birthday is the fact that is also AFD birthday :lol:

    Happy Birthday AFD!

    Happy Birthday to both of you!!!

    Here's to many more years to come of rocking out to one of the greatest albums ever...Appetite For Destruction.

  9. Listen to Scraped. Just keep in mind that you're inconquerable and perhaps it will come true. Miracles happen. You can beat this illness. Don't give up.

    Everybody, please keep King Of Spades in your thoughts and more importantly, in your prayers.

  10. I'd love to hear this live again. It''s easily one of GNR's best songs. I'd probably go nuts if I heard that damn riff in concert. Fuck the haters, this song is absolutely awesome.

    What do you guys think?

    Would sure be a way to get attention and promote the band...I'm for it but Axl won't do it GURANTEED. Because axl does not want to promote this band, if he did they would have released a music video by now.

    Maybe he won't do it, because he grew up, and doesn't feel that way anymore **shrugs**


    Sunny, I don't understand why you're on this forum. If you hate Guns and Axl so much then why do you continue to post on here? I'm just curious. Do you enjoy antagonizing the band this forum is dedicated to? If you only care about classic Guns then just go post in that section of the forum. It's very clear that you just make people upset and then this forum seems more hostile than friendly. Are you waiting for Axl to rant about you like he did about your precious Madison? Though it's always amusing to see the reasons why you bash GN'R (though they're usually the same reasons stated over and over again), it gets old very quickly. So why do you post on here? It's a serious question.

    It's a cool place to chill while I'm waiting for my porn to download.

    So you can't come up with a real, mature answer? Interesting.

  11. Sunny, I don't understand why you're on this forum. If you hate Guns and Axl so much then why do you continue to post on here? I'm just curious. Do you enjoy antagonizing the band this forum is dedicated to? If you only care about classic Guns then just go post in that section of the forum. It's very clear that you just make people upset and then this forum seems more hostile than friendly. Are you waiting for Axl to rant about you like he did about your precious Madison? Though it's always amusing to see the reasons why you bash GN'R (though they're usually the same reasons stated over and over again), it gets old very quickly. So why do you post on here? It's a serious question.

  12. Now factor in what Axl sounded like on Sebastien Bach album Angel Down and I got to say Axl sounds much better in his old style than his new. He needs to return to his roots and forget this new direction he has taken with Chinese Democracy the album.

    personally i like the new direction. i would take the riad vocals over jungle vocals any day.

    thats probably 50% of what really makes up new gnrs appeal for me.

    50% new axl

    50% bucket

    Will you still buy the album that the current (and hopefully permanent) line-up puts out? I know you're a huge fan of Buckethead, but will him not being in the band influence you on buying the current band's future albums?

    Just curious.

  13. You're right, Quentin Tarantino should definitely use Sorry at the end of one of his films. He's one of my favorite directors. It would be epic.

    And I'm not sure if I can imagine it in Fight Club. I haven't seen it since last summer so hopefully I can watch it again soon and see how it would fit. It's one of my all-time favorite movies.

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