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Posts posted by Steamboat

  1. I don't think you can just stick small bits of random riffs together and make a song, someone obviously made a backbone to begin with and thought it was cool, then they would think about the structure and what other small things could be added (Ron's fills during the CD verse and his small licks in ITW) once that's all done (not dusted) Axl, as always will probably fit a song he's written to it, whichever has a feel with the music, changing bits has he goes and bending it around to fit the track. After that it'd probably be a never ending cycle of adding and removing stuff and making it perfect.

    That's what I think.

    Think about it like film posters, people come up with so many brilliant ideas, but in the end after all the work, you're gonna have to decide on a final design. For the band and the pressure being put on them, I imagine that was a very long and very hard process.

  2. A new Gn'R site in the style of NIN.com would be awesome too. I really like the 2012 tie-in that you've got there, it's kind of awesome but at the same time kinda seems attention whoring, ah what am I saying, the band posing on a mayan temple would be fuckin' awesome. I really just hope to hear some Robin on the next album. Maybe one of these days Axl will be listening to a moving track or watching an inspirational film get a spur of the moment urge to run into the studio and get something out there.

  3. The NuGNR 1.0 KOHD was the best one ever, buckethead's solo is amazing and the vocal stuff Axl did at the Leeds 2002 performance were really awesome.

    Rock in Rio 3 was still awesome as fuck though. I noticed Paradise City being a bit of a mess (the intro solos and stuff were off I think) but that's it.

  4. He doesn't use backing tracks.. you mean for vocals? I honestly haven't heard them, there's that one in prostitute at about 2:38, things like that are just part of the song that he obviously can't sing, hell, ron has a good high pitched voice maybe he does it and I didn't notice

  5. My hopes for CD 2 are that it's similar sounding tu the last album and has a final track similar to my world/silkworms/it tastes good dont it/get in the ring and features Nas, in this track it is a venomous attack on all the fuckin' haters, slashits and the stupid mother suckers that throw shit

  6. I think I hear bullshit in English a couple times.. other than that no idea.

    I'm more interested in how that wad recorded, I wonder if they got a few Chinese speaking people in to do that or something.Hey dexter answer me please!

  7. It's true though. To this day I don't understand why they make such bogus claims about Axl and attack him so personally just because he wanted to keep the name 'guns n' roses' for the band. It's truly stupid, especially as he is a far superior musician to anyone else from the classic lineup.

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