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Everything posted by THELINESMAN

  1. When your talking to ya self…. cause there is no streams…
  2. Silence is the thief of sound - Oscar Wilde
  3. The more challenging raspy vocal lines getting sampled then. Smart move really.
  4. I like Bon Jovi too. It’s ok it’s ok, Axl and Bon made friends with Sebastian Bach and had a few drinks didn’t they. But Yeah Bon Jovi now sounds like a goat with false teeth doing an impression of Bon Jovi
  5. Nah I don’t have expectations of prime Axl which for me is 1993 and some points in 2010. If you read what I’ve said I’ve indicated a lot of places where I think he could utilise his current voice better (maintaining chest voice through choruses instead of falsetto, for example, even at an octave down sometimes if necessary). Reckless Life shows he can still use something like his signature rasp. Why he doesn’t do so in places like Hard Skool is a bit mad to me. I was hoping for something a bit more like Houston 2016, especially for Night Train. I’ve considered age etc, honestly think my criticism is fair and constructive. Still the best show of the tour anyway!
  6. Glasto, Axl voice review: It's So Easy - Superb. Bad Obsession - Great. Chinese Democracy - weird little bits of falsetto in the chorus. Why? Should have been full shouty/chesty voice throughout. Slither - Best one I’ve heard. But again, why clean falsetto in the chorus? Completely unnecessary. Chest voice like in verses would sound better. Signature rasp would be ideal but he’s never done it. Welcome To The Jungle - A but up and down. Some strong notes but occasional distracting jolts between clean voice and rasp. Mic volume dipping in and out was weird. Mr Brownstone - Good. Pretty Tied Up - Good. Double Talkin' Jive - Good. Estranged - Good. But again, why clean falsetto at the end? Fans know and love the rasp. Live And Let Die - ok. Why no Paul McCartney? We wanted Glasto surprises. Reckless Life - Smashed it. Solid performance. Best of the night I think. If you can rasp like that for this, why not Jungle or YCBM? Why not Hard Skool? TV Eye - Duff is good at one note. Down On The Farm - Superb. But no baaaa. Crowd shouted baaa, Axl did not. Rocket Queen - Strong ending. Absurd - Really fun live actually. Sounds more like techno with Johnny Rotten than Guns N Roses tho. Civil War - Some weak falsetto in chorus. Song should build to chorus but sung this way it sort of fizzles out. Strong ending rasp. You Could Be Mine (followed by band intros and a solo from Slash) - This is when friends started to text me to worry about Axl’s voice. Comparisons with Micky Mouse and Herbert the Pervert abound. Axl’s gotta do something about those verses! Strong raspy end. Sweet Child O'Mine - Missed most but end seemed good. November Rain - Nice performance but again, don’t we all miss signature voice? Patience - Good. Hard Skool - Oh my. Sounds completely different to the record. Why can’t he pronounce words properly in the verses? Should use Reckless Life style on this one. Again, a few good raspy notes near end but difficult listen imo otherwise. Knockin' On Heaven's Door - Great. Nightrain - Too many changes between chest voice and falsetto in verses. Nightrain should build to a thundering chorus but first chorus just dropped to a quieter falsetto which was distracting and disappointing. Same voice for verses should be used for chorus to at least maintain volume. Some good notes at the end again. Paradise City (with Dave Grohl) - A special guest! Yay! Should have been more special stuff for this show. Verses sounded a bit Mickey in places. Axl mix cutting out due to sound issues very annoying. That all probably sounds really critical but it’s my honest opinion shaped by what my casual fan friends told me throughout the show as well. I think Axl was really engaged throughout smiling etc which was great to see so I don’t mean to bring the man down. Constructive criticism. I think some things could be done better, even tho he does really well anyway with age etc. Overall, best show of this tour I think, but Axl could still manage that voice better by makin better choices.
  7. I’ve had friends and family who don’t listen to rock music message me to say they’re waiting to watch Guns and are excited. This is a really big deal in the UK. Hope Axl smashes it!!
  8. I have a piece of red confetti attached to my ticket from 2012, cool souvenir 🙂
  9. Exactly this. I think he can do better. He’s proved he can do before. People saying it’s not getting better due to age, look at Steven Tyler! In his 70s, still rasping those monkey man highs.
  10. Yeah and that’s sad isn’t it? I want to watch Axl kill it in HD on the BBC with AC/DC power & rasp. Instead I’m probably gonna get notes dropped, struggling and octaves down ☹️ Hard to watch for us mega fans as we know he can do so much better as he proved with AC/DC. It’s a brilliant song. Have you heard ‘AI Axl’ sing it on YouTube? Sounds like an illusions era masterpiece with the signature rasp
  11. Yeah that’s what I’m worried about.
  12. Because it’s not the usual GNR crowd. Most Brits don’t realise how Axl’s voice has changed. My impression talking to friends etc is that most don’t like his clean voice, never mind Micky with intermittent cracky rasp. I think it might get bad reviews. I think ther’ll be a lot of nasty comments about Axl’s voice. Could be embarrassing ☹️
  13. I’m seriously worried about Glasto 😬
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