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Martin Riggs

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Posts posted by Martin Riggs

  1. 4 minutes ago, GoodOlJohnnyK said:

    Music, of course, is subjective. But I could not disagree more. Both Absurd and Hard Skool at least have some energy to them and Hard Skool is catchy.

    Perhaps is dull, mid-tempo mud that never goes anywhere.

    The only nice thing I have to say about Perhaps is that it’s not as bad as Atlas Shrugged.

    Absurd as a first “single” in however many years is absurd. Hard Skool may be catchy, but it’s also lyrically cringey. There’s a good song in there but it’s not what ended up being the finished product. 

    Perhaps at least sounds like an older adult version of what you could’ve imagined a GNR ballad type song sounding like. Because of that I think it’ll fare better than the other 2. Still disappointing though the only song they’re definitely going to release in the near future is more reheated food from 20 years ago.

    • Like 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, El Guapo said:

    When they finally release Perhaps it will be such a non event that Axl probably stops everything else planned for release immediately. 

    Leaked version isn’t great but could be improved with some slight changes. Hopefully they did that. It’s definitely a better song than Absurd and the lyrically cheesy (not to mention the stupid ass ringing bell and high school locker vibe) Hard Skool.

    • Haha 1
  3. 17 minutes ago, Rovim said:
    1 minute ago, Martin Riggs said:
    17 minutes ago, Rovim said:

    Slash got pretty big bald spots, that's just a fact. Normal for a 57 year old, but it's not like he still got a full head of hair

    That could be true, I’m just saying that from the photos I just see a normal recessed hairline. Can’t see if there are any bald spots in the back. 


    That could be true, I’m just saying that from the photos I just see a normal recessed hairline. Can’t see if there are any bald spots in the back. 

  4. 2 hours ago, gavgnr said:

    Like Merck was, we’re all waiting for that illusive muse to appear. Might be tonight, might be 5 years from now.

    Thats just how Axl rolls.

    Or 15 years with only 2 mediocre songs to show for it. 🤦🏻‍♂️ 

    We’ve now reached the point where the time since CD was released has basically equalled the time between TSI and CD. Pathetic really. Happy the reunion happened but the opportunity/potential pissed away the last 30 years is ridiculous.


    • Like 3
  5. 2 hours ago, rocknroll41 said:

    Yes he did. He owes Perla $100k a month for life.

    1) He’s worth approximately $90-100 million dollars based on reports 

    2) If his income dropped considerably he could go to court to get the alimony amount lowered

    3) As an example,  if you had around $50 million to invest, you could make $1.5 million in interest alone yearly if you got just a 3% return. He won’t be running out of money anytime soon because he has to pay her  around $1 million a year

    • Like 2
  6. 4 minutes ago, Gunner55 said:

    Those were the antiquiet leaks if I recall correctly. There was If The World, Prostitute, and a third but I can't recall which one. 

    I seem to also recall a version of This I Love leaking shortly before the album release. Like, the final album version but someone had tampered with the audio to have it skip. So like, it was complete, but not compete cuz every 10 seconds or so it would make like an album skipping sound. A scratch if you will. Always assumed it was someone just fucking with us. 

    Yeah, wasn’t Prostitute originally thought to be titled Message For You or am I remembering that wrong?

  7. I listened to the Studio 60 thing first all the way through and a few other tracks of the album version. I always have high expectations when it comes to Slash and the album isn’t amazing but it’s definitely not bad. Solid stuff even though I wish it was longer and the album production was better. With that said C’est La Vie is a banger dude. Keep going back to that one. That Fill My World and to a littler lesser extent Fall To Earth are rock solid tunes that are a cut above the rest imo. 

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, CubanSkies Dummy said:

    ARE YOU SERIOUS, MAN!??!?!? Don't mess with me!!

    Serious. The person even showed me the internal release calendar. Multiple GNR releases scheduled for May 6th (It could also be May 5th as I was drunk when the person showed me but I know it was one of those 2 dates and the 6th makes more sense as it’s a Friday 🤷‍♂️).   I assume that’s just to signify the different price points of whatever they’re putting out but it should be cool. 

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, guitarpatch said:

    Well it validates the promoter for giving them their guarantee for this run. GNR got paid whether the shows made $ or not.  For LN, it’s surely revenue that they can show to their stock holders. It also sets the bar for what GNR can demand for the next go around 


    To be more accurate, it likely lowers the bar for what GNR can demand the next go around. They went from being a top 3 tour of all time a few years ago to getting outperformed by GD/Weezer. 

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Carburetta said:

    Not really a like for like comparison is it though.

    Yeah, it’s close enough imo. Green Day’s tour seemed to mostly be baseball stadiums. GNR played some of those same places as well. They also played a few smaller venues and arenas too, but they also added in 3-4 huge football stadiums to even out the potential tickets sold. It’s not a perfect apples to apples comparison, but GD’s tour was much more impressive box office wise. 

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