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Martin Riggs

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Posts posted by Martin Riggs

  1. 34 minutes ago, ironmt said:

    I am absolutely blown away at how well this show sold. Last week there was more than half of the seats In the stadium still available.

    Yeah, I see it as positive that the band is quite the draw and people want to see it in the end. They  just didn't want to pay the initial prices and/or GN'R's marketing is piss poor. The idiotic media blackout and no concrete plans for new music doesn't help out. People want to be sold to and with a good narrative. They haven't even tried and they're unique in that many people see them as great but they didn't realize their potential. People in general actually want new music from them to see if it's possible that they can add to their tragically premature legendary status. I hope they try before it's too late. Shit the hard part, getting Slash and Axl back together already happened, it'd be a damn shame if they didn't go all the way while a little lead is still in their pencils.

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  2. 9 hours ago, PeterNorth said:

    This voice is just awful...sounds like Mickey Mouse getting his balls squeezed in a vice while singing old GNR tunes.  Let's face it, right now Axl is the weak link in GNR.  Slash and Duff can make their instruments sound just like 1986-1988 (maybe even better as their performances are no longer clouded by drugs/alcohol), but Axl is a far cry from the band's peak.  As for the business side, once again Axl is the weak link as I believe it is he who is preventing Izzy and Steven (especially Steven) from assuming their proper place in the band, while we get the second rate imposters instead.

    Don't forget Axl is likely the reason we don't have any new music released as well. It's always fucking something. He has some great moments in songs but also typically has some very cringe inducing moments vocally in the same songs. Kinda makes sense though that Axl is the guy you just gotta hope has a good night while the others can always be counted on. Only difference from the past is that now instead of talking about punctuality and being a decent person...we're talking about ability to musically perform.

  3. 1 hour ago, Joeypeeps said:

    I agree. Let the man rest his voice. The guy goes balls out every night for 25-30 songs. I'm excited to see them live, but I wouldn't begrudge them for pushing the dates back.

    The guy rested on his ass for the majority of 23 years. Making up for lost time. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, GnR Chris said:

    See here: http://gnrontour.com/setlistalm85.htm for links to flyers and the lineup at the time.


    So the answer to all of my questions is no. (Edit: Well technically I was off on one thing...one of that group's shows during its month long existence as a live band took place in Anaheim which is in Orange County)

    Slash, Duff and Steven were equal partners when GNR became an official & legally recognized name and entity. Another term for that is a founding member. To say otherwise when talking about a professional band in Los Angeles, CA trying to make it big is not only incorrect but purposefully idiotic imo. 

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  5. 20 minutes ago, GnR Chris said:

    It isn't semantics though. Axl and Izzy are original members. They founded the band. It was named before Duff, Slash and Adler came on board. There are band photos and they even played live together. 

    It doesn't matter if Duff and Slash have called themselves original members in the past. That doesn't make it true. Those two said a lot of things after they left GNR, and a lot of it was false. Like the entire fiasco over signing over the rights to the name under duress prior to a show.

    Did that group of guys release anything at all? Professionally record anything? Play anywhere outside of LA County? Anywhere outside of California? Did they have a logo? Was their name even trademarked? Was there a written contract legally forming said band?

    Just curious as to why Slash and Duff would years later have to sign over their rights to the band's name if they weren't part of its founding. If they weren't founders they must've had some great negotiation skills and foresight to get an equal share of the name with people that did found it. Pretty remarkable business acumen considering their substance intake and age at the time.

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