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Posts posted by Changes

  1. He's not going to change the title. We're all giving him the attention he's desperate for in the first place. That was his whole goal, sorta like a kindergartner who disrupts class so they can get attention, be it negative or positive.

    I have a feeling the mods won't let this last. Enjoy the attention while ya can, a wad.

    hello popcorn. i don't need your attention, i just colaborate in this forum more than you.

    the title is the problem? okay. but this is the truth about the band.

    in any case, can you to learn me how to change the title?

    It doesn't matter if it is "the truth" or not, you can't fuck with quotes like that. I am assuming you are not an academic ace.

  2. I wish Axl would throw out a tweet when stuff like this happens. Do some damage control. I wonder why he stopped? He was VERY outspoken and detailed in his tweets and now nothing.

  3. If I'm not mistaken no one has heard Slash say this. Eddie said that is what Slash said. I not doubting Eddie but we do not know what kind of context this was taken out of by Eddie. JMO

    Exactly. All we have is what Eddie said. Until I hear it from Slash or Axl I don't buy it.

    Trunk seems pretty trustworthy to me.

    Especially since he wants to be respected and be friends with both of the guys. The context was pretty clear to me, Slash wondered how Axl was and when Eddie said he didn't say anything bad about Slash when he met him (which wasn't really true though, it turned out), Slash said "Yeah, we've actually been pretty cool lately". Could mean anything though.

  4. TSI should NOT have had Since I dont Have You as the single.

    It was supposed to be a punk album to re-establish GNR's attitude and coolness among the whole grunge movement.... but instead they picked a cheesy, sappy song and made a cheesy video for it which was the whole reason they were getting shit in the years prior so people immediately were like "well, GNR is still bloated and totally uncool, not even going to buy this one"

    Terribly bad move. Should have been Ain't It Fun.

    EDIT: I don't actually mind Since I don't Have You as a song, but first single and first song on the record defeated the whole point of the record imo.

    Good point.

  5. Reasons there is a higher chance for a reunion lately:

    - Ron is hurting and may be thinking of quitting

    - Axl was talking about Slash in a seemingly fun and positive light with that story about them on tour in the old days which is different than every other hate filled comment about Slash in the past.

    - The rock n roll hall of fame thing. Slash is down to go, Duff would too, Adler surely would, Matt would probably be down, Izzy is certainly questionable. The main difference lately is Axl didn't reject the idea in that metal show interview to me it seemed like he'd be interested in it and he recognizes the fans want it which is in contradiction to when he was last asked about it.

    - Chinese Democracy is out and history now. Axl doesn't seem to want to follow through with his multiple albums same bat-time next year idea so the new band may never record and I just found out they haven't recorded since 2008 so it's possible Axl doesn't even want to or doesn't want to since the people he believed in for Chinese Democracy are gone (Buckethead, Robin Finck)

    - Slash has been very cautious and respectful when talking about Axl for the last couple years showing he's over it.

    That's quite a lot different than say 2003 or 2007. I'm probably missing stuff too. Any more guys?

    Shouldn't the fact that Slash said to Eddie Trunk that him and Axl had been "pretty cool lately" be on the top of that list?

    They haven't been "pretty cool lately" it's only in his mind.

    And exactly how do you now this?

  6. Reasons there is a higher chance for a reunion lately:

    - Ron is hurting and may be thinking of quitting

    - Axl was talking about Slash in a seemingly fun and positive light with that story about them on tour in the old days which is different than every other hate filled comment about Slash in the past.

    - The rock n roll hall of fame thing. Slash is down to go, Duff would too, Adler surely would, Matt would probably be down, Izzy is certainly questionable. The main difference lately is Axl didn't reject the idea in that metal show interview to me it seemed like he'd be interested in it and he recognizes the fans want it which is in contradiction to when he was last asked about it.

    - Chinese Democracy is out and history now. Axl doesn't seem to want to follow through with his multiple albums same bat-time next year idea so the new band may never record and I just found out they haven't recorded since 2008 so it's possible Axl doesn't even want to or doesn't want to since the people he believed in for Chinese Democracy are gone (Buckethead, Robin Finck)

    - Slash has been very cautious and respectful when talking about Axl for the last couple years showing he's over it.

    That's quite a lot different than say 2003 or 2007. I'm probably missing stuff too. Any more guys?

    Shouldn't the fact that Slash said to Eddie Trunk that him and Axl had been "pretty cool lately" be on the top of that list?

  7. I really liked it when it came out even if I remember that you weren't supposed to. I rarely put it on, but when I do I really enjoy it. Ain't it Fun, Hair Of The Dog, Can't Put Your Arms Around A Memory and more are great songs.

    I think that if old GN'R only had released one more original record, TSI would have gone down much better in history. Now it represents the downfall since it is sort of a proof that they couldn't write together anymore. If it wasn't seen as a symbol of that, I think it would be considered a fun record today.

  8. I was going to this show. It may very well have been from poor ticket sales. I live 45 minutes from Albany and I hear NOTHING on any of the local rock or classic rock stations promoting it.

    It woulda been my first GNR show :'(

    Wow do you even listen to the radio? I live in Albany & I was actually surprised by how much radio promotion I heard for this show. Rock & classic rock stations & ESPN radio which was doing ticket giveaways.

    This was definitely cancelled due to poor ticket sales. I was on ticket master just yesterday & there were still floor seats & lower level seats available.

    But haven't that been the case with almost all shows?

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