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Posts posted by Changes

  1. DJ you're going to get in so much trouble!

    Not if they want to be taken seriously by their fanbase.

    That ship sailed 9 years ago when he trotted out some guy with a KFC bucket attached to his head to replace a legend.

    say what you want about slash being the perfect fit in gnr buckethead as a guitarist runs rings around slash

    But does that even matter? Is GN'R in need of a virtuoso? As far as I am concerned Slash (co-)created the GN'R guitar sound and therefore cannot fail at delivering it.

    And I mean Bucket can shred as fast as he wants, the general public isn't going to respect him as long as he is wearing that stupid bucket, and that disrespect really rubbed off on Axl unfortunately.

    have you ever listened to buckets solo stuff? he doesnt just shred fast he plays amazing acoustic stuff as well, and who cares about the general public? bucket is who he is why change that for people? he doesnt sell out or do things to get attention or to make money, saying bucket replaced a "legend" is at best vastly stretching the truth

    I have listened briefly to some stuff, and he is good yes. But in the case of the match with GN'R, of course the general public matters! We are constantly debating record sales, arena tours etc here. If Axl gets public ridicule year after year those things are gonna go away, and I am sure he himself would like to be respected, who would like to be world famous and constantly receive bashing (of course that isn't only due to Buckethead, but Bucket did put his comeback off to a bad start)? And to be honest it is not the least bit fun to be a fan of band that nobody respects.

    Personally I am not even that interested in Slash to be honest, I find him quit dull in comparison to Axl, but the ridiculous Slash bashing on this board just brings some sort of defense out of me.

  2. DJ you're going to get in so much trouble!

    Not if they want to be taken seriously by their fanbase.

    That ship sailed 9 years ago when he trotted out some guy with a KFC bucket attached to his head to replace a legend.

    say what you want about slash being the perfect fit in gnr buckethead as a guitarist runs rings around slash

    But does that even matter? Is GN'R in need of a virtuoso? As far as I am concerned Slash (co-)created the GN'R guitar sound and therefore cannot fail at delivering it.

    And I mean Bucket can shred as fast as he wants, the general public isn't going to respect him as long as he is wearing that stupid bucket, and that disrespect really rubbed off on Axl unfortunately.

  3. People, seriously!

    Why are we discussing Axl and Duffs look's when we should be discussing how cool it is to see two people who haven't spoken in 15 years actaully hanging out with eachother.

    Because "Changes" is another BBA cupcake account and everyone took the bait.

    Oh come on! I apologized for bringing it up and I have nowhere near the disrespectful tone of that idiot. This forum is fucking ridiculously paranoid, and there's no wonder you think twice before starting to post here.

  4. CD is SHit!!

    Thanks BBA!

    So far we have you as:





    Accounts being uncovered one by one.

    Are you serious? I haven't even been the least bit hostile here, I have not in any way brought up reunion and I even apologized for bringing up Axl's looks in that other thread. Those guys are morons and some even quite mean to you, I have even had the time to already defend you with my 35 posts! Fuck you.

  5. Can't believe that this turned into a surgery thread.

    This is a positive thread/thing please stop!

    Nobody mentioned surgery but I do feel a bit guilty for bringing looks up like I did. Sorry! For the record I would SO have surgery if all I had to do was log on the internet to find thousands of reviews of my own looks, good or bad. It must be terrible.

    Edit: A reaction to that Spin Magazine: Korn was around in the 80's?! Did not know that

  6. Good thing Axl looked so much better when he turned up in Australia later last year, because you can't honestly say he looks good in that picture for being a damn sex icon 15 years earlier (other examples of early 90's hottest celebrities in the same age include Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt and others who have aged like fine wine). Someone who was not a dedicated fan wouldn't even recognize him.

    OK, enough being superficial. It is just a bit hard to get over, his looks were like perfection!

    Duff looks so great though. Like a different person, but great!

    Well everyone looks different as they age, even if you get some kind of surgery, you can still see the difference.

    I agree that Johnny Depp looks amazing, but I heard that Brad Pitt in person has the worst skin, so he probably wears tons of makeup.

    I think Axl looks pretty good, but no one looks at 49 like they did at 25. It's the way things are. I'm sure Axl enjoyed his youth at the time, like all do, but age catches up with us all, my friend. Just keep a positive mind and stay active and enjoy your life and it will show on your face. :)

    Yes OK, I know. I already feel kind of bad for posting my feelings about that. But I do think most people who take care of themselves (and get to keep their hair) look pretty much the same after their 40's, give and take some wrinkles and a few pounds. Especially the ones with the means of a superstar. Axl has been looking questionably bloated and shiny the last tour, so extremely different from '06 when he still looked like Axl Rose. But as I said, he really looked much better in December. A bit hard to tell though when he has got that mustache covering half his face and for the most part sunglasses and hats too.

  7. I really, really hope we get a reunion! rock3

    With everyone but slash maybe.. does anyone even know if Izzy is still alive? Axl has said he gets up to some crazy sh*t

    slash mentioned Izzy doing his own thing when he was on the Metal Show. Izzy doesn't really socialize much. I think he keeps to himself alot and does his own music thing.

    Slash was also pretty definite about there not being a GNR reunion with him because he feels that Izzy and Steven both were a huge part of the original GNR and didn't agree with Axl when he fired Steven.

    Who knows? Slash doesn't want to discuss it anymore and Axl seems to be just as hateful as ever, so I doubt it. They are happy doing what they do, so I guess we all have to deal with it.

    I just want to see Axl live and after seeing and hearing his new GNR band online, I think I could deal with it as long as Axl is doing the singing.

    The way I interpret it, Slash really was in on firing Steven but now he denies it cause he feels guilty and doesn't want to be the bad guy in public. I mean if he saw how Steve was doing and disagreed on firing him, one might think he would have at least stayed in contact. But he did not.

  8. Good thing Axl looked so much better when he turned up in Australia later last year, because you can't honestly say he looks good in that picture for being a damn sex icon 15 years earlier (other examples of early 90's hottest celebrities in the same age include Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt and others who have aged like fine wine). Someone who was not a dedicated fan wouldn't even recognize him.

    OK, enough being superficial. It is just a bit hard to get over, his looks were like perfection!

    Duff looks so great though. Like a different person, but great!

  9. Yes, but it's really mostly an image problem. I mean one of the new band's main problems is that the public won't let it pass as anything else than "Axl and friends/hired hands". So when you've got 8 people there, also with a really high turnover on members, it just becomes a big blurry mess of revolving anonymous musicians. It would be much more wise to try to stick with two guitarists. That is the only way any one of them is ever gonna make a name for himself and be able to challenge Slash as THE GN'R guitarist (not that that would ever happen, but at least maybe they would have some sort of recognition). And if the original music could be played with two guitars, so should this music. And if not, maybe they've strived a bit too much from what will ever be perceived as Guns N' Roses.

  10. No band should have 3 guitarists unless they are some kind of heavy metal band, shut the fuck up and quit making threads.

    What gives you the right to be mean to Indigo and decide which thread subjects are valid?

    On the subject I say no, seems unnecessary. What bands actually have three guitarists outside of GN'R? And even for them it is really a bad idea in so many ways.

  11. I do think it seems like Axl has alot of power in his voice these days, and it often seems less forced than in a big part of the Illusions tour. But his raspy voice appears a bit different to me, more screechy if you know what I mean. Are there any clips from this tour where he sings in his deeper raspy voice like in for example this link of You're crazy?

    You're Crazy

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