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Posts posted by sailaway

  1. Autotune goat cries to a funk beat laced with backwards dubsteb beats taped underwater on rewind The video should take another direction completely: sober nature shots with a soul train dancers line dance and a few pet-shaming graphics

    Ha! Soul train line dancers (with gerbils) :blink:

  2. Metabolism does change when you get older, it isn't as easy to burn the midnight oil either.

    Being healthy is what matters,not complying with someone's artificial way of percieving you.

  3. Don't know what it is about this particular show but I get a positive 'vibe' about it. Not expecting anything new, any surprises, an awesome Axl performance but it might be that due to the fact there are so many forum members atteding, and that San Antonio seems like a great place, there's something about this gig that gives me a positive feeling. Gay, I know lol.

    Nah,it ain't necessarily gay to have emotions, ur alright :thumbsup:

    Something in the air tonight eh?

  4. i thought it was beta checking the vibes at trunk's interview. yoda died within the last few years. somebody posted some rumors here that her husband tried to replace her with a new guru, but axl didn't take the bait. the dude since remarried, and continues to post weird shit on the internet every once in a while.

    That was me, I found an article saying Elliot was supposedly trying to replace Sharon with an equally oriental spiritual, will see if I can spy it out again.

    Check out the Arcos Cielios website, those people are obscenely wealthy from a non profit business.

    Guy graduated from some " Tree" university.

  5. "I understood,who have you seen? I've been to so many gigs over the years I stopped counting, various artists mostly rock, but a few classical ones as well." The list is quite long anything from Bocelli to Rammstein, I do not want to derail the thread. I hope everyone is going to have a great time at the US concerts.To me GNR live concerts are like the best kept secret in the entertainment world.

    Gotcha.I stopped counting as well.Truth is GNR puts on a damn good show, few can compare or measure up to the Three hours of music you get.
    Nothing better than a 3 hr show from Guns N Roses!

    Not in my book, hope the weather doesn't deteriorate :thumbsup:

  6. "I understood,who have you seen? I've been to so many gigs over the years I stopped counting, various artists mostly rock, but a few classical ones as well." The list is quite long anything from Bocelli to Rammstein, I do not want to derail the thread. I hope everyone is going to have a great time at the US concerts.To me GNR live concerts are like the best kept secret in the entertainment world.

    Gotcha.I stopped counting as well.

    Truth is GNR puts on a damn good show, few can compare or measure up to the Three hours of music you get.

  7. This is why Chinese Democracy is so epic. A lot of people tried to foolishly label this record industrial given Axl's fleeting interest in Trent Reznor at the start of the century but the finished product couldn't do less justice to such a theory. From the Spanish/Latin guitars of If The World to the epics of TWAT and Prostitute to the industrial edge of Better right up to the rockers of Chinese Democracy and creeping metal of Shacklers. It's one of the few high profile records in musical history to neglect its one dimensional past and established groove in favour of an all-genre release. It's one of the most radical attempts at experimentation, in terms of context, ever.

    Definitely! Covers a wide variety of varied music and still is no less than amazing.

    I think it may be more appreciated in the future.

  8. I have been going to concerts and theater from the time I was 3-4 years old...

    Why did you feel you needed to include this?
    To give it some context. GNR concerts are not the only concerts I have been to.

    I understood,who have you seen? I've been to so many gigs over the years I stopped counting, various artists mostly rock, but a few classical ones as well.

    He can't even do the first half of Estranged anymore

    He's out of breath - even more than the past.
    Same ol complainers, never happy. they sit in a hole... until there is a GNR show, give it a listen, with complete negativity of course, out of the hole they burst, onto this forum ready to bash Axl.That said.... Shut up.What in the fuck are you even talking about? Has it really gotten to the point where people can't even make the most simple criticisms about the shows without some nutjob losing their shit and whining about haters? Fuck off.

    Nobody is losing it here, some are merely weary of the constant negativity every day/all day.

    We can have opinions and not be douchey to each other

    That said, from what I've heard its a good start!

  9. Sounds pretty good to me. Someone reading this thread, who has not seen them perform live, might think they are not that good… That is quite weird considering their show is one of the best there is, rock and not.

    I thought it sounded good :shrugs:

    Yes! That is was what I was trying to say. Thank you for pointing it out. They are amazing live on a normal to good night (when Axl is healthy),but if you read comments here from about any show one might think that they are not.YouTube does not really catch all of the greatness, but even YouTube fromRocklahome sounds fine. The kind of experience they give me live is like nothing else.Other than GNR I have had "wow effects" (milder ones) twice frommusic performances and twice from theater type performances.I have been going to concerts and theater from the time I was 3-4 years old...

    Saw GNR twice in two years and thought both times Axl the band were freakin awesome. Axl had a lot of energy and the band was spot on. giving every band member time to shine is amazing too. This does prove that Axl is very comfortable with the band he has now and each one delivers. Bottom line GNR have some of the greatest songs ever written and performed, so if you're a GNR fan, you're going to love their show. Hands down. And I've been going to shows since my teens and saw some of the greatest rock bands in the 70', 80's, 90's and 2000' up un

    il now.

    Cool! Who have you gotten to see?

    Actually I thought they sounded better at Rocklohoma than some gigs I was actually at in 91... Certainly more cohesive :lol:

    It's cool for everybody to be able to showcase their own talent.

    Hope the weather slacks off and doesn't affect the gig tonight!

  10. Sounds pretty good to me. Someone reading this thread, who has not seen them perform live, might think they are not that good… That is quite weird considering their show is one of the best there is, rock and not.

    I thought it sounded good :shrugs:

    Yes! That is was what I was trying to say. Thank you for pointing it out. They are amazing live on a normal to good night (when Axl is healthy),but if you read comments here from about any show one might think that they are not.YouTube does not really catch all of the greatness, but even YouTube fromRocklahome sounds fine. The kind of experience they give me live is like nothing else.Other than GNR I have had "wow effects" (milder ones) twice frommusic performances and twice from theater type performances.I have been going to concerts and theater from the time I was 3-4 years old...

    Yes, there are some that feel impelled for some reason to dig and discredit everything GNR, unfortunately.

    Good thing their opinions dont matter in the grand scheme of things.

    Been a Gunner since 88'

    They sounded really good Friday, even on the utube clips, which never sound as good as they do live.


    I have been going to concerts and theater from the time I was 3-4 years old...

    Why did you feel you needed to include this?

    Leave the personal attacks off, they did nothing wrong.

    He can't even do the first half of Estranged anymore

    He's out of breath - even more than the past.
    Same ol complainers, never happy. they sit in a hole... until there is a GNR show, give it a listen, with complete negativity of course, out of the hole they burst, onto this forum ready to bash Axl.That said.... Shut up.

    You got it!

  11. As of 12:56pm ( Central Time in San Antonio )I can confirm that the rain in Northside San Antoniohas stopped, as I live by Fiesta Texas and IH10/1604meeting point. Rainstorms are coming shockingly from southeast ( Mexico to Houston to San Antonio )!! This is quite unusual for us down here. Heard minutes ago on radio that EAST SIDE, where concert venue is, has not had as much rain as my part of town or West Side. GO FIGURE out that one ? I will keep you guys posted.

    Cool thank you, appreciated.

    Throw in some weather updates too please. Weird weather pattern.

    Time to bring out the yellow raincoat

    Was that raincoat actually Axl's or did he just half inch it off someone out of desperation? I know his dress sense is considered out there sometimes but I can't see him actually going into a store and buying it.
    I liked it. Sort of an homage to BH. Had he not messed up the lyrics to NR, and his voice was as good as it was 2 nights later, it would be a non-issue.

    How dare you interrupt the pervading negativity of some with insight and logic :shock:


    Pitiful that a grown seasoned man -Jon Bongiovi- would call anyone that has nothing to do with his life an aasshole.Bieber is 19. Both BonJovi and Bieber put out sappy meaningless music but if it makes people happy then fine.I wouldn't go to either concert with front row seats and back stage access. I think JBJ image is vile. I do. I don't believe he is ubercharitable either. The most charitable acts are undisclosed. I don't think it's cool to post that info about JBJ's daughter either. Overdose is a very near reality to loads of people.They pop pills, go to sleep, and never wake up.

    It's way too easy to OD, have had a close call when I was younger that bounced me into a hospital being pumped full of charcoal, made me shit black for a week. And this was not smack, but just as deadly.If this story opens up one single person's eyes about a child, or friend in trouble with drugs or depressed, it is worth posting and reading.Sometimes the truth is harsh and unwelcome but it is still the truth.If my main goal was to simply talk shit about Bonjovi because I dislike him/ his music/ his pompousity I could post the article where sambora is firing back at allegations that he has substance abuse probs again.Somebody mentioned BJs daughters episode and it seemed an open door to maybe save a life or two.

    Bieber, you gotta fight for your right to party.

    Such a beastly quote .

    Agreed then. People need to talk about this. Some follow signals not realizing they are listening to the wrong part of the brain (midbrain/beastbrain ) not the neocortex ("you"), Addictive Voice Recognition Technique (AVRT) really works to decipher. It bothers me to hear stories like yours, thank goodness you found the shore and presumably keep your eyes directed there. :suspicious: I just realized this -now- but the Good Samaritan 911 Law which that was just signed would have saved my friend who oded in the presence of another. I understand the dealer friend scum was more worried about hiding his stash. Very painful loosing someone you count on to make life great for something so unnecessary. :cry: If Bon Jovi is rock n' roll, it's like soap opera quality. Haven't heard good things about the "family man" so his hypocrisy is no surprise. Bieber is just unconscious, JBJ is just arrogant. I feel dirty even weighing in on their situations since their collective music is an

    assault on the senses. :no:

    Agreed, you do know that the jealous little haters squad thinks you are me? Seriously.:crazy: :crazy:

    Back on topic, I think bonblowme made some bad choices early on, he aligned himself with a message /image that has cursed him in numerous ways, tuning in to the metaphysical is involuntary in anyone who write/creates, tuning into your own pain is the only way to resolve any of it, and sometimes it is required to rip open old issues that don't have ckisure,becus it has to heal clean.

    Also, alignment, be careful of whom it what you align yourself with, because it can affect your aura on the spiritual plane,and this one in turn.

    The elements that you assemble in your real life will always shine through to some,and there's no hiding from the Awake.

    I believe what goes around comes around, and in a uber sense of deja vu. I have to keep my beliefs wrapped tightly they function as armor in a world that is much too full of pain and cold to please me.

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