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Status Updates posted by tsunta

  1. Looks like I broke my girlfriends foot...

  2. "Life doesn't owe you your own personal happy ending" - W. Axl Rose

  3. Learn to appreciate what you have until time makes you appreciate what you had.

  4. I honestly have no appetite this has been like this for a couple days...

  5. Did you know if you try and walk on your leg/foot while it is "asleep" you could end up breaking it..

  6. Cleaning out my room.

  7. 20 seconds into Facebook and I'm already sick of the fuckin prom pictures..

  8. Haven't touched a sip of pop in a week...

    1. Forsaken


      I went outside to get me a cold pop.... I SAID OH LORD JESUS THERES A FIRE

  9. When Internet activists/hackers are getting longer prison sentences than killers and rapists its scary to think about the world we are leaving for our future children.

  10. So my dad has this friend who posts a "New event" on his timeline whenever he has sex with his wife.... LMFAO XD

  11. I better not go fill up my car now at $4.19 a gallon, and then tomorrow it drops like 40 cents...

  12. Being gay isn't a option, ignorance is.

  13. I believe one day, gays and straights WILL be equal. I support gay marriage. If two people of the same sex or opposite sex love each other why should we judge and deny them that right of never ending happiness. This world is changing, slowly we are accepting people, especially if they are different. Who gave you the right to judge, no one. I have faith we will all learn that we are all equal in the same way and we need to start accepting people for who they are.

    1. DirtyDeeds


      I accept you... just... not for who you are. Because who you are isn't very good. But I accept you. I hope you understand.

      Just pulling your leg, I like commenting on your status updates since you update it all the time
  14. Kids these days with an iPhone or Android will never know what it is like to text in class and fear that the teacher will hear the clicking of the keys..

    1. Powerage5
    2. DirtyDeeds


      Th' Darn Whippersnappers!

  15. 48 Hours without drinking pop or eatin unhealthy food.. Its a start.. Lets see if I can keep it up...

  16. Hmm did the Blackhawks win.. Can't tell with ALL these statuses..

  17. Anyone wanna buy an iPhone 4S?

  18. Guns N' Roses making tour announcement at 4 pm. This is gonna be ONE KICK ASS FUCKIN' SUMMER!!!

    1. Powerage5


      Sure is, GN'R back in Western NY!!! :D

  19. Things need to change, had a huge wake up call, I've been saying this for the longest time until today. Today it's happening. I've hit 200 pounds that is a 40 pound increase since last may and guess what I'm not happy... So now my new goal by the end of summer is to lose 25-30 of those pounds. I think I can do it. No more junk food, no more going out to eat, and especially NO MORE DRINKING POP. Healthy Anthony starts NOW.

    1. DirtyDeeds


      Well... just one more Coke won't hurt... Gotta finish off what's left in the fridge anyway...

  20. I have to admit, I really don't like Fall Out Boy, but there new album "Save Rock And Roll" Kicks some serious ass!

  21. Gym time. Not leavin til 8 gonna have a great workout!

  22. I'm constantly torn between being a good person or a sarcastic little prick.

  23. Anyone looking to buy a iPhone 5?

  24. Watchin' Ed, Edd, and Eddy! Like if you remember this show!

  25. It's officially Spring! I love the smell of fresh cut grass! Especially when everyone in my neighborhood did it today!

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