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Posts posted by Eu4ic

  1. Wtf is with Axl's fashion choices? And has Ashba been working out? Wouldn't surprise me if he starts taking roids. The guy'll do anything. It's all our fault because we bullied him.

    Axl sounds really good! When I heard the beginning of that Jungle, I thought it was a joke. But he pulled it off. Looked like everyone had a blast. Nightrain was great too. I'm merely speculating, of course, since I wasnt actually there ;)

    Probably the best Axl has looked/sounded in two years, imo. Band rocked also. Tokyo got a treat. So glad to hear a flash of "the rasp" again.

  2. Axl did interviews all the time during the 90s. See Vince Neil fight, the one where he's wearing the Nirvana hat, etc.

    Regarding this press conference, I think it would've been better if they didn't do it at all. It looks pitiful.

  3. I love Jimmy Page but his live work is among the sloppiest of all the guitar gods. Page's real strength is writing and producing. That's where he has an advantage on Slash.

    Slash is definitely Page-esque in the sense he has major chops and wrote timeless riffs and solos that sold billions of copies. Slash is on Mt. Rushmore of Rock along with Page, Hendrix, Clapton, Richards, Perry, etc. But a lot of that is credited to Axl Rose since post-GNR Slash hasnt done anything really good and most of his greatest shit was done against his will in songs like NR, Locomotive, SCOM, etc

  4. The idea of NWA getting in ahead of Deep Purple, Rush, or Kiss, is outrageous. Rap/Hip hop is not rock n roll. Just because something that calls itself music and challenges the status quo, does not mean its rock n roll. It merely has something in common with rock n roll, at best.

    Seriously, inducting Run DMC (and future induction of NWA) is putting a nail in rock n roll's coffin because suddenly now you can induct Pac, Biggie..the list goes on and on, while real rock bands are being left by the wayside.

    Furthermore, there are tons of hip hop acts that were/are sooo much better than NWA. NWA had shock value. Does anybody actually know anything past the verse few lines of Fuck the Police? Or past the first couple lines of Eazy E's verse? There is nothing timeless there because there is a serious lack of substance. One of the biggest indictments of hip-hop/rap is the lack of classics. Dudes back in the day sound corny as fuck today. But in my view Zeppelin gets better with age.

    Why the hell does today's dominant music form (hip hop) not have its own HOF? Why is it parasitic on that from which it tries to distinguish itself?

  5. Thanks for the vid. Yea he looks better without those damn hats. White fedora with black leather jacket? Sorry but that's just wrong, anywhere. I like bandana Axl. When he puts it on, he's goes into Rambo mode. Sudden action movie sounds emerge from out of nowhere when he puts it on, I bet.

  6. Doesnt matter how good or bad This I Love is - the point is that it would have fit in and resonated with the general public. Put that thing on the end credits to Twilight and GNR would've been huge again.

    There are some great songs on Chi Dem, imo. I just put CITR on a mix cd for somebody among Zeppelin, Queen, Elton John and others and frankly it makes those others sound a bit one-dimensional.

  7. If you claim to be non religious, you believe in yourself... or money, or your abs, or women, or whatever. You still place something above everything else, as your reference point by which you navigate through reality. Whatever it is, that's your "God."

    Therefore I openly claim myself as religious. I am a Christian. When I fall short and sin, its because I momentarily place something ahead of the God of my understanding.

    And, reunion, on the right terms, would be great.

    Also, I have no idea why Catholicism is disconnected from Christianity in this poll. That's why I didnt cast a vote on this poll. This is coming from somebody who's working on a Masters in Theology, if those kinds of credentials matter.

    I think your "higher power" can be whatever you want. I agree with you. But Separating non denominational Christianity from Catholicism is fair to do. I don't have much experience in reading about of the denominations, but I am just gonna defer to your wisdom here though.

    And I believe that Christianity is a belief, and not concerned in metaphysics, therefore not a religion. Christians are disciples in my opinion. Agree to disagree.

    I tend to think Jesus makes metaphysical claims: He is the one through all things were made, for example. He is the first and last, Alpha and Omega, and all of those things. All those "I am.." statements he makes illustrate that, I think. But to your point, I think we discover God ultimately through sacrificing ourselves and helping others, not through metaphysical ponderings.

    Discipleship is part of religion, imo. Look at cults like Jim Jones' or Waco Texas. Those people were disciples, and I definitely say that they illustrate the ugly side of religion. Communist Russia was a devout culture (religious, imo) yet claimed not to be religious at all, and I think that part of why it was peculiarly evil. Same goes for Mao's "cultural revolution" in China; Pol Pot in Cambodia. Nazism claimed to be doing God's work yet clearly the impetus was the personality of Hitler. That's who the Germans' faith was in. When a society treats something like the state or a person as a savior, despite that person or thing not being all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good, then the society should expect problems.

    Finally, Jesus definitely made scathing critiques of religion, especially in Mark for example, which contemporary scholarship holds to be the oldest of the gospels and the one the others were based off of. This is part of what makes Jesus so cool. Unfortunately, yes, He's been exploited by worldly power structures for their purposes. But our resurrection faith means that the exploitation we see all around the world, on so many levels, is not the final word. Good ultimately prevails. Jesus is the one who delivers us from evil, according to my faith.

  8. If you claim to be non religious, you believe in yourself... or money, or your abs, or women, or whatever. You still place something above everything else, as your reference point by which you navigate through reality. Whatever it is, that's your "God."

    Therefore I openly claim myself as religious. I am a Christian. When I fall short and sin, its because I momentarily place something ahead of the God of my understanding.

    And, reunion, on the right terms, would be great.

    Also, I have no idea why Catholicism is disconnected from Christianity in this poll. That's why I didnt cast a vote on this poll. This is coming from somebody who's working on a Masters in Theology, if those kinds of credentials matter.

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