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Posts posted by Eu4ic

  1. I like Ashba but he's not Gnr-caliber. The Sixx AM stuff is better than most rock today (which is hardly saying anything), but it's nothing original: Their image, their music, their videos - it's shit we've heard before. Another out-of-focus Marilyn Manson video. smh. The production of the music is sanitized, no balls whatsoever - Rock n Roll doesnt happen on a computer, fellas. It's just more rhetoric about "being different is OK" - as if we havent been bombarded with that rhetoric enough for the past 20 effing years. That message is old and dead, and it is also the message which was 'alternative' to Guns n Roses.

  2. He also says 'said' in at least some versions of Rosie. Check L'arc performance from last year. Maybe it's Bon's original lyric, I dont know.

    Ok I just checked and the original Bon Scott lyrics are 'Wanna tell you a story/bout a woman I know/ah it come to lovin/ohh she steals the show'

    Axl changes the lyrics sometimes to 'when it come to lovin/Said she steals the show' or something like that (see Rosie l'arc). So, I vote Whole Lotta Rosie is added to the list on a technicality.

  3. Patience is definitely 'said woman'. 'Said' is one of those tics often heard in rock n roll. Probably came from the Rolling Stones, then bands like NY Dolls picked it up, all the way through 80s bands like Cinderella. Personally I think it's awesome. Oh, and dont forget to add "You're Crazy" to the list.

    In other news, I just gotta say, I'm watching Zeppelin at Earl's Court, and it's so effin special. Gnr had that kind of magic - it requires chemistry with the original group. Axl needs to throw away his Queen and Elton John drama shit and get back to playing folky stripped down stuff with that group of people with the great chemistry. Screw everything else, period It's the only way Gnr maintains its status among the greats.

  4. The first of the 'bevy of hilarious footage' of Axl happened two years ago--not very recently, buddy.

    Axl falling down was funny, even Axl joked about it-- "I'm suicidal" I think he said. I didnt see any throwing stuff really. And if they did throw stuff at somebody who fell, doesnt that reflect poorly on the crowd, not Axl?

    Slash probably laughed when he saw the video about pissing his pants. It was a good story, it has 8 dislikes, apparently all of which comes from journalists, out of 115k views. All of this stuff this dipshit writer uses as a weapon against Axl was lighthearted. And honestly, all it does is keep eyes on Gnr, so, fine by me. 'The third is the most slapstick yet'. No shit Sherlock - none of the others were examples of 'slapstick' humor. Good God where'd the writer of this article go to school.

  5. I'd like to hear something new and exciting, that's for sure. I see 3 options which come to mind: Continue to do AFD nostalgia tour (which is great, but many people are getting tired of it), do more chi dem songs which are hard to pull off live and require big production and cardio-freak Axl in order to sound optimal, or do more UYI songs with the AFD songs.

    I'd like to hear some rock n roll for sure, so why not pull in the Garden (which Axl did a masterful job of in Hartford '93), Double Talkin Jive, Locomotive (which could be a nice complement to Estranged, and the Chi Dem songs too), Dont Damn Me, Yesterdays, or Shotgun Blues. I'd love to hear these songs, but even as I'm writing this I'm thinking these songs wouldnt be right without Slash. I dunno, maybe the Garden would work. Coma without Slash seems weird. You need Slash for the swag of ALL these songs. Fuck. Where do we go now?

  6. They dont do IRS live because it's a hard song for Axl to do justice to live, especially in the midst of 20-something other songs. IRS has big high screams, but also lots of vocal nuances that Axl cant pull off if he's even slightly out of breath or struggling to be heard over the music.

    The vocals are so great it's one of my faves on CD. I think he needs to sing it high and clear; the only gritty part is "gonna call the preeezident" once or twice. Played live the flanged guitars override Axl's vocals. Maybe cut down the guitars some. I really wanna hear all those awesome vocal parts - IRS is great in the way Estranged is as far as that goes - it really makes the song.

    Another reason it isnt played live much is musically its intentions need to be clearer: "Is this an anthemic We Will Rock You kinda song? Wait no...is this...Rage Against the Machine? Whoa listen to this drum part, is this...Korn Beg for Me? Is this part where I'm supposed to jump? Woops, no. Fuck me." Again, the flanged droning sound contradicts the otherwise rockin attitude of the song.

    They did a pretty good IRS at Bucharest, btw.

  7. I dont think the OTGM Boston was all that great, aside from the band (part. Bucket) kicking ass. Axl's getting back into '10 shape now though, which is the best he's ever sounded, except maybe '93, imo

  8. Axl is ABOVE whoring himself out. It's just that 99.9% of bands today whore themselves out, so you think it's 'strange' rather than good. It also has the dramatic effect that, for example, he can say one light-hearted story about Slash and the next day it has 100k views on youtube. Axl makes things special. Gnr is special.

  9. This question is basically impossible to answer. They're all great and add really important things. Richard is definitely way underrated overall, esp. as far as chops go. Bumble has the chops, for sure, but he doesnt have the ear, or more importantly the taste, needed for creating Gnr-caliber riffs. He's more jazz/fusion/prog (=interesting) than rock n roll (=good, sexy, heavy, energy, headbanging). Dj has been part of some fairly cool projects, so as far as composing goes and flare for drama I guess he's the leader among Gnr's 3 guitarists, but still he's nowhere near Slash in terms of being Axl's muse (or whatever) the way Slash was, or Page was to Plant, or Perry was to Tyler. There's literally nobody that can do that except the guy in the top hat -- Axl and Slash were brought together by nature/God, not Axl. (Bucket did it for a while though, in a KFC hat, during the deconstruction of Gnr in the early 00s, but that was shortlived, just in the same way the deconstructionism/postmodernism was in the 20th century.)

  10. I thought it was a great performance; in fact, for me, it was the most exciting Gnr moment ever (yet ;) and basically it was MTV's swan song, AND ALSO it was a year after 9/11. I think the energy and seeing the new band was incredible - Axl's first scream was the coolest thing ever, Madagascar had the great high note and the high five, and then Paradise unleashed Buckethead and his nunchucks, with the great moment at the end with Bucket and Axl side by side. Doesnt get any better, to me. Technically there were screwups and Axl's voice wasnt strong. But the energy of the show outweighed the bad parts - it's Rock n Roll not an orchestra.

    But to say that it was better than anything recently, is just wrong, imo. Finck wasnt a good fit for the band. Brain is my favorite drummer in the world right now probably, but he couldnt keep up that energy he had at, say VMAs or Rio '01. It's just not his style - he likes experimenting and playing SCOM doesnt do it for him, it's obvious. Frank is a much better fit - he's got a nice Charlie Watts rock feel with the big Bonham sound. I really like what I've heard from him in 2011. The band overall sound more cohesive that any group under the name 'Guns n Roses' has since '93. And as for Axl, he sounded better than ever in '10 and, judging by his recovery from Rio at the S. America gigs, I believe he'll be even better in '11 and '12. There were simply soo many great moments last year that, while not on as big a stage as the VMAs, were superior to me. Look at Rosie at L'Arc, Nice Boys and YCBM with Duff, or Michelle with Baz in P. Rico. They make '01 look (and sound) like a hiccup.

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