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Posts posted by Eu4ic

  1. Axl looks great - he's charismatic as fuck and well-respected which makes people sit and listen to him like lapdogs even at 5am.

    Kinda bothers me that any mainstream mention of Gnr consists of: Axl being sued, Slash, or being late for shows. Always. ALWAYS. On the other hand, there's no such thing as bad publicity, I suppose.

  2. Hell no I dont want any particular producers. Producers have been more powerful than the bands themselves for too long, which is why in a way I'm happy Axl is a bit of a 'do-it-yourselfer.' Plus I'm sick of everyone running to Rick Rubin when they need their career rehabilitated, when they need to sound more 'contemporary.' It says a lot when a band works with one producer, sounds great, then changes producers and cant do shit. See Metallica. Basically Bob Rock might as well have been part of Metallica for all those years.

    On the other hand, I think other producers can be good at bringing out the best qualities and making them efficient with their time. In this regard I think Mike Clink was good for Gnr - maybe they should reunite in order to keep things on a schedule, and instill focus/structure to the band and the songs. Clink and also Terry Date are great for rock bands. Of course, it's questionable if Axl even wants to make 'rock' albums...

  3. When it all comes down to it, Gnr is far more interesting than any band that could be nominated, they epitomized rock and roll, and they generate $. End of story. Nobody gives a crap about the Hof anymore. It's gone from the Yardbirds to Run DMC. In fact, I hope they dont get in so that Rolling Stone can itself dig deeper into the grave of irrelevancy.

  4. Also, nobody cares what metal publications say about Axl, GnR, or Chi Dem. They've been doing the same shit for about 25 years now - they hate Gnr because Gnr ROCKS harder than their loud, belching nonsense, and they get defensive that someone from outside their orbit commands attention they'd love to get. Now, I love lots of old metal because it retained a rootsy rock element to it (see Sabbath, Pantera, CoC) which is appropriate because METAL COMES MAINLY FROM ROCK DUHHHH. Metal today on the other hand doesnt pay any homage to its rock roots and therefore, just like any cultural phenomenon which pretends to have no roots, its name merely gets hijacked by people who exploit it for ulterior purposes; namely, people who desire to be a part of a group, period.

  5. I dont think Scraped is a filler - the first 5 seconds of it encapsulate Chi Dem and will surely be used as the catchy soundbyte for any program on Chi Dem. Also many of my friends didnt like Chi Dem but they liked Scraped. But anyway, in today's impatient, attention-deficit, art-illiterate, politically-maligned world, Chi Dem is not the type of album that captivates the lamestream media's, or the popular culture's, attention for long in the beginning. Leave that to the Lady Caca's of the world. Interestingly, we may remember the Killers and Kanye West 'beating' Chi Dem in early sales - but really, who's raving about the Killers anymore? And, who doesnt see that Kanye is a shithead who typifies the mainstream today - he's all but been bought by the community-organizer-in-chief. Chi Dem crept back into the Top 100 (or whatever) over a year after it was released, unlike the others; furthermore, there are too many things about the album which stand out (for better or worse), and therefore its legacy is just beginning, unlike the others.

  6. There are many distinguishing marks, the highest of which is the inclusion of the rarely spotted beast, 'with your ass in the air' in YCBM, as one person noted - havent heard it recently; even oddly at the show with Duff with Axl was really on.

    But on a day-to-day basis, the inclusion of both Nice Boys and Rosie in the same set has been a great sign since last year. The intro scream to WTTJ, and the other 'you're gonna dieeee' when it comes back at the end are great early indicators about 75% of the time - also the same with the screams in LALD. Also, basically if he nailed YCBM on a given night, rest assured the whole set was killer - it requires great cardio and you cant cheat.

    Overall it's common sense: Does Axl sound prepared, natural, and in control? Or does he sound like Mickey Mouse dying for air? Is he nailing all the nuances of a song, or is he taking shortcuts by changing the melody, etc? Lately I've been hearing great shit and I'm pumped about the future for Gnr.

  7. Wow looks like an amazing setlist. I see he feels comfortable with Rosie and brought in Nice Boys - the distinctive mark that his voice is back. Now I'm curious to see if he's brought back any "na na na na baby"s or any of the crowd participation he did at Hartford '93, for example - check it out on youtube. They play Hartford on the American leg too, I see.. Should be great!

  8. Take the reins off and let them rock and do their thing, Axl, or either reunite please. I feel if he doesnt get creative on this tour soon and unleash some mind-blowing new shit, it's starting to hurt the name Gnr.

  9. btw what do you mean 'what's the point of a reunion?'? Dunno about you but I like to see things come full circle. Call me for a sucker for a happy ending; I'd like to see my favorite band ever get back together, heal wounds, and add something positive to the world.

  10. I love Rosie, but I can think of many ones better than Riff Raff, or Rosie for that matter - all by a band called Guns n Roses: Anything Goes, Think About You, Don't Damn Me, The Garden, etc

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