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Posts posted by Eu4ic

  1. As I watch the beginning, surprisingly the first few songs he sounds great. Then after Sorry and Shackler's he has to go into a different voice and Completely Lost It. I dunno what the explanation could be. Does he have diabetes? Was he crashing from those damned Monster Energy Drinks? Did he fire his personal trainer a few weeks ago? Seriously, wtf.

  2. Meh. This was no better or worse than any other show this tour, in my opinion.

    Some songs were good and some were normal. No special thing happened, but that cannot be expected at every show, cause then it wouldn't be special.

    It was a show like any other!! Not better, not worse!!!

    I respectfully disagree. Listen to the Joint show then listen to how much more deliberate, enthusiastic, and better he sounds at this Orlando show. There were definitely high points on this tour, up there with anything he did last year or anytime for that matter, imo.

  3. Mr. Rose, my patience is wearing a little thin as a Gnr fan in a way it hasnt before. This iClips shit didnt work for the first hour - and still isnt synched - and I didnt have a connection until you wimpered out the worst ending of Estranged, RQ, Better, LALD, This I Love I've heard. You have a kick ass band up there and you seem like you're, frankly, not in the condition or in the mood to be on a stage and perform these songs. You arent prepared; neither your management nor iClips was prepared to organize and provide the service my broke ass paid them and stayed up until 3:30 for. Think that's all I'll say for now before I say something really mean. I'm going to bed.


    I was more pissed about the what an embarrassment to Gnr the show was than getting my money back. Maybe if you read a lil closer you'd see $ wasnt the primary issue.

    I said what I meant, b/c this is a forum, it's how I felt, how others maybe felt, and maybe somebody who matters will read it. Sorry if negativity bothers you, but it was intended as constructive criticism. Peace.

  4. Mr. Rose, my patience is wearing a little thin as a Gnr fan in a way it hasnt before. This iClips shit didnt work for the first hour - and still isnt synched - and I didnt have a connection until you wimpered out the worst ending of Estranged, RQ, Better, LALD, This I Love I've heard. You have a kick ass band up there and you seem like you're, frankly, not in the condition or in the mood to be on a stage and perform these songs. You arent prepared; neither your management nor iClips was prepared to organize and provide the service my broke ass paid them and stayed up until 3:30 for. Think that's all I'll say for now before I say something really mean. I'm going to bed.

  5. This one from the Puerto Rico gig was good I thought, aside from the guy in the crowd singing at the beginning. That whole gig was great - amazing My Michelle performance. You can find lots of good RQs in 2010, lots in S. America were good I think - Sao Paulo, Santiago, B. Aires

  6. So what are your impressions after seeing the LA show? I try to keep track of shows and watch obscure shitty little fan-made vids when I have a chance but after seeing LA pro-shot I wanna see them live more than ever - stunning! So, Thanks to Gnr for being generous and kudos for having good business sense. I'm much happier with a 3 hr proshot concert than hearing some shitty 3 min vid of them playing Oh My God or whatever 'surprises' everyone was looking for.

    Favorite songs? What did they pull off well and not so much? My two cents:

    I keep going back to the beginning and enjoying Estranged (great build up), Rocket Queen (Frank and Tommy kill it; add a whole new dimension to the song. Dig the guitars at the end), and Richard's solo. Motivation is great.

    I dont like SOD live period, and if he's gonna do Civil War/Patience sing it sincerely like in the studio - not good one line, then Axl-doing-David-Bowie the next, then Axl-doing-a Mexican-or-Dracula in the next. Great KOHD.

    Jam after that was awesome. Love Richard at the lead, DJ on rhythm, with Ron fiddling on the outskirts - throw Axl with some attitude on top of that and that's the new Gnr sound. Nightrain badass - Dizzy fucking Reed sounds great at this gig because you can HEAR him.

    Axl's definitely recovered a lot since Rio but for the record he's not in '10 shape. Compare Rosie in LA to Rosie at L'Arc. PC totally had Mickey Mouse filling in for Axl. Love ya Ax, GNR RULES.


    The question "Who is better?" always turns into "Who I prefer more." People's subjective tastes (What I like) influence their idea of objective truth (Who is THE BEST). Just because you experienced the original lineup doesnt mean you can necessarily are a better judge than anyone else as to who's better.

    And, the fact the original Gnr was a massive worldwide juggernaut in terms of pop success to me means nothing by itself. Justin Beaver is a huge pop star but nobody's claiming his 'music' is quality. Popularity can mean just a sign of the times. Sadly, this generation is fed shit by the powers-that-be, and they are such followers/sheeple that they tolerate it!

    The fact Gnr was loved back in the day not only doesnt mean much - most of the great artists and albums arent initially loved by everyone - in fact you could argue the opposite! Most great shit is rejected during its own time and it takes a while to digest and people to get it. The fact there was a certain 'energy' at Gnr shows back in '89 absolutely does not mean that the band itself was better than the '11 lineup!

    For the record, I love all eras of Gnr. I've spent so much time trying to decide which band is 'the best' or whatever that I know as well as anybody that my moods change and so do the times - ya just gotta stop worrying about these questions, enjoy the music and encourage those who are carrying the name GNR into the future and honoring its legacy!

  7. It isnt very helpful when somebody says "(so and so) is better than (so and so)" while making absolutely no effort to distinguish personal opinion from objective fact; no examples or anything to help the poor reader out.

  8. Yea Fortus is so underrated. He's my favorite, if I had to pick. Major chops and style. BBF is technically off the map. Ashba has swag and, so they say, can write songs.

    Enjoying the hell out of the show - thanks to whoever posted it.

    Btw, I'm in Roanoke VA and the civic center sign said Guns n Roses January 21st (20-something, I cant remember what it said exactly. I was on interstate passing by and WAS NOT EXPECTING that - still a lil shocked like, 'Did I really see that??'). SOOO looks like Chi Dem tour continues, and looks like I might get to see GNR. If so, I might wear a damn kilt and catcher's gear.

  9. Frank Ferrer is the greatest drummer GNR has ever had.

    Wrong, Josh Freese and Brain are always sought after for their talents across the industry, if Frank was sacked do You imagine Trent calling him up for NIN, Or whoever?

    He does an ok job, best ever? No, not close imo

    Oh, so a drummer is only good if Trent Reznor wants to use him for Nine Inch Nails?

    I was using that as a benchmark, an example hence the " Or whoever?"

    If you are good enough to be a session player you have it made, Frank though good is not on that level. Sorry!

    Sorry to interrupt the convo, but Frank played with Tool, whose drum parts I think are comparable enough to NIN or any other 'elite' rock act you guys wanna talk about. Frank is laid back but can do whatever you throw at him, I think.

  10. I love it when people assume that because Frank or Brain does a fucking intro to a song different than Matt or Steven, that it wasnt intentional. That it was incompetence. SMH...

    I love Josh and Brain and Frank, but I think Frank fits this band better than any other. Well, I would've liked to have seen Josh live with Gnr. Check out youtube clips of him playing live, like with the Vandals. Total monster. Brain is a phenomenal drummer - check out his shit on Colonel Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains for example - an old fave of mine. If I had to make a distinction, Josh I think is better live, Brain better in the studio. Anyway, AXL please let Frank fucking play his ass off. He's a rockin' drummer.

    Thanks Frank!

  11. How would there be a 'backlash' against new Gnr after the HOF ceremony? New Gnr arent even on the mainstream radar to begin with, really, so how can there be a backlash? and most of the acknowledgement they receive is negative anyway. The few pittances of positivity that new Gnr receives are from people who not only like Axl but the new band period. There wont and CANT be a backlash, just some whining.

    The most probable scenario: The reunite at HOF - awesome ceremony, kick ass song or two, then everybody goes back to what they were doing. Axl is dedicated to the new band who always feels they have something to prove to begin with, so they make a kick ass album more straightforward than Chi Dem. Checkmate and a few Ashba/Axl rockers, plus the General and some epic Civil War type shit.

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