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Crash Diet

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Posts posted by Crash Diet

  1. I love to watch Axl fans become puritans. It happens frequently. They forget the fact that Appetite - Guns N' Roses's best album - was made on a daily diet of cheap whores, booze and smack,, and that, Stinson is currently an alchy. Is there any stupidity you people will not resort to?

    This is why i made my thread a few hours ago about fans being hypocritical as fuck

  2. Out of all the songs GnR have released over the years, there's pretty much 5 songs that many casual fans would immediately recognize. WTTJ, SCOM, PC, NR, and UCBM. Sure, you could argue that songs like Civil War, Nightrain, Patience, Don't Cry, Brownstone, and Yesterdays get regular airplay on many rock stations, along with KOHD and LALD, but for the purpose of this, let's decide between original GnR songs that even people who don't listen to rock stations will probably know.

    Welcome To The Jungle was popular on MTV. It's played regularly at sporting events.

    Sweet Child O Mine is a legendary guitar rift.

    Paradise City is one of the most recognized rock anthems in history.

    November Rain is Axl's baby. It was a crossover hit in the 90's.

    You Could Be Mine was used in the Terminator and received fame because of that.

    So, out of what are arguably GnR's 5 most well known songs, what is you favorite?

    Or, do you think that another song is more well known then these 5? If so, let us know why you think that!


    That's why i become a fan

    WTTJ is a close call too

    NR and PC is extremely over rated in the mainstream community

    SCOM or Don't Cry are miles better ballads too

  3. More info on the way but.....

    New supporters VIP only section being developed -- "attitude" CAN be developed within that private VIP section. High donators (TBC) can moderate the content #dementedsectionsoon

    Prob a GNR section -- an AG type section (new name) and an attitude section.

    Anyone donating $100 or more will have the option (they can decline) to moderate the entire section.

    Currently magisime would be the only mod if he wanted....


    Both ER and myself will make ourselves available for any questions

    So if you pay top dollar you can harass other members/band members/ making fun of them?

    If you pay can you shitposting that section all you want?

    Well i consider donating to this forum....

    Can I ban this moron with mod powers? That might be worth it.

    Yes you can

    Which is why i think SoulMonsters and username's points are spot on

    Less people will donte if you and broski become mods

    Time will tell i guess

  4. Someone needs to contact Thomas Meadow to come back and have his account reactivated.

    Im looking forward to Broski finally making that donation he mentioned.

    And ratbrain, certainly he qualifies for mod status too based on his monetary contribution.


    If posters like Broski, Damn_Smooth etc. have a mod power over there, you would got a clique with a bunch of cupcakes being mods for 100 dollars

    If you got more money and you donate you rule

    This is a shit concept and if this materialise i think this is the end of mygnr for good (it will become only 20-30 posters private forum)

    Try it then you will see it

    JB laid this out a little while back in another thread, which I thought had some good points/ideas:

    Here's an idea:

    How about a News section near the top of the forum that everyone can view and read, but only Supporters can post in?

    There would be several advantages.

    1. It might entice some people to become Supporters, so they could get their 2 cents in on a hot topic.

    2. It would be a "digest" version of D+N. Casual readers of the forum could read through a 2-3 page thread on recent news with comments by Supporter, rather than wading through a 65+ page thread in the main section.

    3. It might function as almost a reverse ATTITUDE section, where the overall quality of discussion is a bit higher, since generally, people who choose to become Supporters tend to be more dedicated MYGNR members.

    Again, it would not be a secret, or hidden section, everyone (even guests) can view/read, but only Supporters could post. I think you guys would gain a few new Supporters this way.

    If it doesn't work out, they section could be absorbed into D+N after a 6 month trial.

    Hmm this will be a better idea overall and would improve this forum a lot

  5. What, and fan boy wars aren't happening now since the Slash section got dumped in the nuGnR dungheap?

    It's a long simmering idea that should at least be tried out.

    I still see posts now and then in the admin section "bring back Attitude".

    So...bring it back in a paid environment.

    If you're style is antagonistic and cupcake-ish, have at it in a supporter environment.

    Anyone who partakes in douchey behaviour in non supporter areas get offered an option, move on...or move up to the attitude section in the supporter section, where that sort of behaviour is allowed.

    Non supporter areas start to move back to being amicable and the vast amount of non supporters can continue on as per usual (with the perk of a hassle free environment).

    If anything, it might entice more new members here to discuss nuGnR.

    The other areas of a Supporter section sound good as well.

    Magisme modding in there.. :devilshades: it's entertaining already! I like it.

    The anyone can mod for $100 sounds really dangerous though, you'd have to carefully think that one through and have a guideline of what is considered acceptable moderation for those who fit that criteria. And how many get to mod for $100? What's the limit on that?

    I've always liked the idea and I'm happy to see it's back on the table for consideration. :shades:

    Terrible idea, terrible viewpoint

    This is why i don't like you as a mod, but i like you as a poster

  6. To be honest.... bad idea. I think it would be bad for the board in general that there would be a free and a paid section for both things. Two places to discuss the same is never good. Basically you'd cut the forum in half and maybe create confusion and/or clique's in the process. People would miss information and/or discussion.

    Basically, I think it's sensible for supporters to get perks like message space, no flood limit etc etc etc. That's a matter of features. But I don't think you should also divide content.

    Agreed 100%

    If this really happening then this forums "free" section turned out to be a graveyard within 1 month or so...

  7. More info on the way but.....

    New supporters VIP only section being developed -- "attitude" CAN be developed within that private VIP section. High donators (TBC) can moderate the content #dementedsectionsoon

    Prob a GNR section -- an AG type section (new name) and an attitude section.

    Anyone donating $100 or more will have the option (they can decline) to moderate the entire section.

    Currently magisime would be the only mod if he wanted....


    Both ER and myself will make ourselves available for any questions

    So if you pay top dollar you can harass other members/band members/ making fun of them?

    If you pay can you shitposting that section all you want?

    Well i consider donating to this forum....

  8. Source: Axl Rose fa clube

    Produced by M1 Eventos

    I hate portugal language so much

    Why don't you brazilians speak spanish instead of this shit language?

    and i hate Axl Rose Fa Clube's with a bunch of idiots who posting here and assisting Axl's cashgrab circus (and TB's constant vacation in their homeland) by buying tickets just to hear Jungle for the 300th time in their country...

    They will do a new album after this tour......maybe

    Nope if you fa Clube idiots still continue to buy tickets to the Axl Rose circus

    You're right about Brazilian fans being blind worshippers. They are. A visit to any Brazilian Forum or Facebook page and you would be scared by how many Brazilian Warchilds you'll find. It's scary.

    But your post was just terrible. Your English sucks.

    Yup, you're right

    But the end of the day you understand, aren't you?

    I read a lot of prejudice and nonsense in this topic!

    I will not waste my time arguing with ridiculous people!
    I'll just wait for my information to materialize!

    Complaints, complaints and claims ...

    Whatever floats on your boat

    You are one of the reasons why we haven't got a new album just sayin'

    GnR "fans" are probably the only "fans" of any band in the world that complain when their band tours.....Of course it would be nice to hear Music, but actually I do not see the link that new tours might prevent the release of new music. I am very sure that they could have finished a new Album in between tours quite well, they had for sure enough time in the last couple of years. Brazil is a huge country and they love rock music, so I am happy for everyone that gets the chance to see the band they like. I wished they would tour Europe at some point again.

    are you serious?

    Fuck cares about they were finishing an album or not if they doesn't RELEASE IT and toured IT properly

    GnR "fans" are probably the only "fans" of any band in the world that complain when their band tours.....Of course it would be nice to hear Music, but actually I do not see the link that new tours might prevent the release of new music. I am very sure that they could have finished a new Album in between tours quite well, they had for sure enough time in the last couple of years. Brazil is a huge country and they love rock music, so I am happy for everyone that gets the chance to see the band they like. I wished they would tour Europe at some point again.

    Posts like this just make me want to bang my head against my desk.

    Love the "fans" in quotes too. That never gets old.

    "fans" is a nicer way of saying 'bitter ex-fans'

    i would say most of the bitter ex-fans are sane people when actual fans of this band in this current state is....

    well i keep it for myself before i get banned

  9. Comparing people is childish, yes. But the reason why there is very little interest for Steven's legal troubles, slightly more for Slash', and much more for Axl's, is their respective popularities. People simply don't care much for Slash, and even less for Steven. If Slash was as popular as Axl he would have his own large forum, which would probably attract weirdos with nothing better to do than do criticise him for the mistakes he has made.

    You do realize that Slash forums exist do you?

    You should really stop this no one cares about Slash bullshit

    If we followed your logic, nobody cares about GNR, Axl, Slash anymore... (which isn't true still to this day)

    Because GNR fans are without a doubt the most childish, idiotic fanbase to ever exist. "Axl fans vs Slash fans" is pretty much the worst thing you'll find on the internet besides child porn.

    Are you posting on child porn forums too?

    because if it's so childish then i don't know why are you here

    Watch out, I was called a nutter for reacting to that regard when someone came up with the wife beating shit in the other thread. Frankly, I don't give a damn. Of course domestic violence is wrong, always, doesn't matter who's doing it. End of discussion.

    You do give a damn since you bringing this up

    You're clearly butthurt which is funny,

    I don't even remembered that thread if you don't remind me

    Theres more legal trouble for the alumni of Guns N Roses.

    Guitarist Slash, a.k.a. Saul Hudson, was arrested at an L.A.-area recording studio on the weekend for allegedly assaulting his estranged girlfriend. The altercation was said to have taken place in a room at the Le Parc Hotel in West Hollywood on July 19, but the unnamed woman apparently didnt lodge a complaint until later in the week.

    Police officials appeared at the Sunset Boulevard facility Saturday evening (July 24) and transported the guitarist to a West Hollywood police station. He was booked and released on a $50,000 bond. Slash, who left Guns N Roses in 1996, was in the middle of a recording session for his new Slashs Snakepit album with producer Jack Douglas at the time.

    According to a source close to Slash, the arrest was the latest in a week-long series of accusations and counter-accusations.

    There was a lot of dont get mad, get even going on, says the source. Theres more

    to this story than meets the eye, and when it all comes out, Slash will be vindicated. The source added that contrary to published reports, the couple had not been living together.

    Friends and fans of the laid back guitarist are finding the story hard to believe. He never even gets mad, much less violent, says one associate.

    The top-hatted rocker has previously had accounting problems related to his ex-wife, Renee, but no criminal troubles. Former Guns drummer Steven Adler, however, recently served almost three months after he was convicted of assaulting two different women in unrelated incidents (see Slash Sues Former Business Manager, Adler Sentenced To Harder Time ).


    How come nobody ever talks about this? Why is Axl the only one who gets ragged for domestic violence allegations?

    It's actually been discussed numerous times. I remember a thread in the Attitude section where it went on for pages and pages.

    And why not post the follow up to the story. You know, the ones that explain how Perla broke into his hotel room while he was sleeping and started assaulting him and all he did was try and hold her back until the police came and escorted her out. And how she didn't file charges until days later and then dropped them. And how they then got married and have 2 beautiful boys now.

    maybe because he is a hipster?

  10. Some of those comments are very funny!

    "What an ass! I hope that woman sue him for all the health concerns she subsequently suffers whether or not it was attributed to his reckless inconsiderate behaviour."

    Seriously? :lol:

    I smell warchild or Broski or volcano here....

    I usually don't post in Slash threads because who gives a fuck, but wow. This is LAAAAAME. Can't believe this guy still has an audience.

    How exactly is he any worse than DJ?

    He isn't worse than DJ.


    Why are you rolling your eyes?

    Finck and BBF (and DJ) covered his riffs night after night for a living, just sayin'

  11. "Oh no, Slash did something that makes him look bad. Quick, let's bring up something that makes Axl look even worse so people will focus on that instead."

    Like your nutter partner said: Slash doing the same thing

    So no biggie i both disrespect them in this case

    Btw this is bad? I don't think so, it's not a big deal as beating a wife

    That's why i relate the two

    Nutter? Seriously? Are you five?

    I'm merely pointing out that often when there's a thread about Slash people tend to bring up Axl simply to talk shit about him. Why is that? Why is it necessary? It's a thread about Slash, not Axl. In fact this thread has nothing to do with Axl at all and yet he's brought up just so people can have a dig at him. It's unnecessary and it's getting really tiring.

    Yes you are nutswinger ( i just use this word since other posters are allowed the name calling so am i)

    (age, sex, posting history checked yap,)

    Why is that? Why is it necessary?

    Because on Axl related threads Axl nutters do the same

    and because we don't really have much to talk about, this band is basically dead as Axl since 2011

    "But everyone else uses name calling so I'll do it too!" Great argument there.

    Sex? What the fuck does my sex have to do with anything?

    Yes, I'm an Axl and GN'R supporter. Congratulations, you cracked the fucking case.

    Being an Axl supporter makes me no more of a nutter than it makes the people who support Slash a nutter.

    "Oh no, Slash did something that makes him look bad. Quick, let's bring up something that makes Axl look even worse so people will focus on that instead."

    Like your nutter partner said: Slash doing the same thing

    So no biggie i both disrespect them in this case

    Btw this is bad? I don't think so, it's not a big deal as beating a wife

    That's why i relate the two

    Nutter? Seriously? Are you five?

    I'm merely pointing out that often when there's a thread about Slash people tend to bring up Axl simply to talk shit about him. Why is that? Why is it necessary? It's a thread about Slash, not Axl. In fact this thread has nothing to do with Axl at all and yet he's brought up just so people can have a dig at him. It's unnecessary and it's getting really tiring.

    It happens the other way around as well. Just saying... I agree about it getting tiring. It's the reality on GNR forums. There's no music, no news. It's Axl vs. Slash that keeps the forums alive. It's sad but it's reality.

    I realise it happens the other way around also and I find that tiring too. I just don't see why it's necessary to tear one down in order to build the other up.

    Then why are you whining about it if you don't want to see it more?

    This type of comments generate more comments in the same vein, just sayin' :lol:

    Btw i'm not an Axl or a Slash nutter (unlike you' are) supporter, lol

    I guess almost everybody here a GNR/Axl/Slash etc. supporter so that's not a big deal

    I bring up your sex cause a LOT of chicks like you only like Axl from what they recollect from their childhood crush at him

    anyway carry on

  12. That was a trip and it was a little shaky, but you get past that pretty quickly. ‘Cause you’re in the moment; you can’t just sit there and go, ‘Oh my God, I can’t do this.’ You have to do it. So I got over that pretty quickly.”

    That's what matters at the end of the day

    So this means i've seen a drunken Slash performing with VR in 2005,lol

  13. Wow, what a stupid list...

    - Too much VR picks. VR didn't showcased Slash's best guitar playing, far from it.

    - LOL @ Doctor Alibi. This song is just bland. Obviously their picked it because there's Lemmy, that's their "rock cred" choice. At least Crucify the Dead had great guitar playing and an amazing tone on it.

    - Double LOL @ Mean Bone : why pick this one which is basically built around a simple power chord and not Serial Killer, Just Like Anything or The Alien which are far better guitar tracks on the 2nd Snakepit album?

    - Where's Anastasia?


    Btw Mean Bone is one of the worst Snakepit tracks (only the studio intro is good, with that MEAN bass lol)

  14. Wow! Last night's show was so damn creepy.

    When the Goth's singer's penis and balls fell in the toilet and he turned around, that was the moment you realized how drastic the changing into a vampire was going to be.

    I think this show is very bold and it just freaks me out. I feel like I'm watching something that can happen.

    When you see rats running, you know it's something bad coming your way.

    Just seeing the little girl's shadowy figure in the room was something to give you nightmares.

    I really hope those CDC people realize they are dealing with something supernatural and go to the pawn shop guy for his help. They're going to need it.

    The goth dude looks like Marilyn Manson on some album cover or something

  15. "Oh no, Slash did something that makes him look bad. Quick, let's bring up something that makes Axl look even worse so people will focus on that instead."

    Like your nutter partner said: Slash doing the same thing

    So no biggie i both disrespect them in this case

    Btw this is bad? I don't think so, it's not a big deal as beating a wife

    That's why i relate the two

    Nutter? Seriously? Are you five?

    I'm merely pointing out that often when there's a thread about Slash people tend to bring up Axl simply to talk shit about him. Why is that? Why is it necessary? It's a thread about Slash, not Axl. In fact this thread has nothing to do with Axl at all and yet he's brought up just so people can have a dig at him. It's unnecessary and it's getting really tiring.

    Yes you are nutswinger ( i just use this word since other posters are allowed the name calling so am i)

    (age, sex, posting history checked yap,)

    Why is that? Why is it necessary?

    Because on Axl related threads Axl nutters do the same

    and because we don't really have much to talk about, this band is basically dead as Axl since 2011

  16. Source: Axl Rose fa clube

    Produced by M1 Eventos

    I hate portugal language so much

    Why don't you brazilians speak spanish instead of this shit language?

    and i hate Axl Rose Fa Clube's with a bunch of idiots who posting here and assisting Axl's cashgrab circus (and TB's constant vacation in their homeland) by buying tickets just to hear Jungle for the 300th time in their country...

    They will do a new album after this tour......maybe

    Nope if you fa Clube idiots still continue to buy tickets to the Axl Rose circus

    GN'R fans right now




    The last picture is the GNR name in an utshell since Axl took the ownership

  17. I tend to agree Axl_morris. Lot of embellishment from rock stars talking about their youth.

    With Slash, I think he might be telling the truth. His Mom dated David Bowie when Bowie was a huge cocaine addict. That's the environment he grew up in. So the story might be true, but I'll bet he was older than 13.

    Watch the video, he said he was 14 or 15 stupid TMZ writers can't write a honest artucle about their shit videos and interviews..

    Legend :headbang: Slash rocks :slash:

    It's actually pretty fucking low to be honest.

    beating his wife would be much lower

    Yes, true, he only started doing that when he was 34. But please let's not go that way again.

    How do you know? :D

    maybe he beat girls at the age of 14?

    Fuck knows exactly

    Not you, not me, nobody

    That way again?

    I lost ANY respect to Axl or Slash or anybody who beat their partners...

    They're just rockstars, not MANs

    case closed

    "Oh no, Slash did something that makes him look bad. Quick, let's bring up something that makes Axl look even worse so people will focus on that instead."

    Like your nutter partner said: Slash doing the same thing

    So no biggie i both disrespect them in this case

    Btw this is bad? I don't think so, it's not a big deal as beating a wife

    That's why i relate the two

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