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Posts posted by SMG

  1. mysteron, keep in mind that arnold is a young, admittedly suicidal at times, virgin who regularly expresses on this forum that he is miserable. i worry about him and agree sometimes you can love something too much. i think he takes his other frustrations in life out on axl as some form of release or therapy. i hope one day he seeks actual professional assistance for his issues. he seems like a nice enough kid.

    Alright, try not to be too much of a dweeb.....

    Saying shit like that wont get new material out any quicker..

  2. After seeing him Twice in 2010 and 3 times in 2012......

    He DOES NOT sound the same.

    2012 were the superior shows, with the band being as tight as ever, and the setlist being fleshed out. But when it comes down to the songs that need rasp most (rocket queen...and so on)...it just wasn't there (or veryvery little).

    Oh and IMO, the London recorded show was not good for his voice, he was hitting many flat notes, especially in estranged!!

    Birmingham 12 was the most consistent/the best show I've been to.

    But Birmingham 10 (when he had a sore throat) had the greatest voice I've heard from him.

  3. This song is in no way a Hit......releasing this on the radio would be a silly.....very silly move. Better would easily get the greatest reception as it's powerful/raw and would keep radio listeners (WHO I MUST REMIND YOU ALL.....ARE NOT DIE HARD GN'R FANS) refraining from changing station.......

    This I Love on the other hand would cringe faces and say "What the fuck is this?...this isn't GN'R?!" (True story......as that was my reaction to the song when I first heard it. Before you cry i'm not saying every listener is like me.....but come on, song like that didn't get GN'R where they are today).

  4. Listening back, what works really well with the band and is a solid performance almost every time.....It has to be I.R.S.

    Although I prefer others, live, this shit is great!


  5. @Jyrgen

    I can not count how many times i've watched the first video! I absolutely love it, i've even got it saved on my iPod as an MP3!

    Yeah, I noticed just how locked down he's got his picking strokes when moving all around the neck, he seems to be able to perform really melodic shreds, something which I rarely see!

    Great stuff you've linked me to! If you find any more let me know!

  6. He's really solid at hybrid picking it seems. He incorporates it to things that do not necessarily require it. I've noticed that a lot of the time in solos he uses his pinky to pluck the high E string just for that tone even when he plays the rest of the solo with a pick.

    Another interesting thing is the guy uses a .50mm Tortex pick for rhythm playing, once again for the tone, I think, but switches over to a Jazz III for solos! Not a lot of guitarists do that.

    He also seems to prefer low output pickups, and a variety of amps, and has the most complex rig in the band. Think boutique and analog gear, although there's some TC Electronic product in there too.

    Now that's a good answer! Any advancement on that?!

    Yeah, I caught one of his picks in Manchester, and it's a really thick Dunlop, had a look on their site and they say he's a frequent user of the Jazz picks which is pretty cool.

    The hybrid picking is something that....(for me as a guitarist) is something that can really flesh out a solo or song, are there any good lessons/videos on it going around?

  7. His KOHD intro is totally a rip-off from Hendrix Little Wing.

    About his licks, its not uncommon from him to use the same Buckethead repetitive licks.

    Under no circumstances do I want this to turn into a Fortus bashing thread.

    For me, I hear very similarities in Little Wing and his improvisation, presumably Fortus uses Hendrix inspired licks.....who wouldn't!

    Regardless, even if it is a "rip-off" like you oh so claim, he's managed to implement similar techniques into a complete different song!

    Anyway...if you don't have anything helpful to say....I think we should leave it at that!

  8. @Forsaken.

    Great to hear a responce, thought it was a rather difficult question but I was wondering what sort of guitarist/musical instrument community is on here!

    Any chance some forms of scales could be specified, I know there's loads, but I have plenty of time to kill once my exams are over, and I want to go heavy into playing some more guitar!

  9. After following Richard for about 6 years now, i've never seen playing like his.

    It seems to be a mixture of all different forms of rock and roll, there's some classic pentatonic in there, but he also delves into Eric Johnson style licks and so on!

    Finally I want to head out of Slash land and move on into Fortus techniques!

    EG: The Chords/ Interpretation of Knocking on Heavens door (The intro chords/verses improvisation, as well as the miniature solos implemented in the breakdown) There's a goldmine of licks and tricks in there!

    Just thought it would be a nice thing to discuss.

    Feel free to bring in Bumblefoot tips/licks.....DJ Doesn't really have anything new to offer in my opinion (Don't just bash!)

  10. This place is starting to get fuckin retarded

    We haven't agreed on a lot. But I'm with you on this one.

    Although this thread is by far not retarded. I wouldn't mind having that coat.

    Bionic! Don't be so mean, I think you're stressed because you can't find the coat! (Joking, don't cry about it!)

    Regardless, it still hasn't been found....maybe it's mythical and we all imagined him to be in that coat.....(This is my tiredness talking)

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