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Posts posted by themadcaplaughs

  1. Here's Axl asked in November 1999 if they would play a New Year's gig that year:


    Loder: Have you thought about maybe taking the boys out and playing on New Year's Eve or something? Are we gonna see you before...

    Rose: Nah.
    Loder: : No? None of that?
    Rose: Nah!
    Loder: Why not?
    Rose: Na-nah-na-nah!
    Loder: [Laughs] It could be fun.
    Rose: [Laughs]
    Loder: Where are you going to be on New Year's Eve?
    Rose: Have no idea.
    Loder: So we'll see you some time this new year, right? You will be around?
    Rose: Yeah, we'll be around. I'm not working on all this to keep it buried. We plan on getting out there and doing it right. The new guys are a lot of fun, and like I say, we will be continuing to look for and or decide who the official new guitar player will be, but it's not that important to the band at this time, as that person's not really needed. There's not a whole lot for them to do at this time in regards to recording, as we've recorded [a] majority of material.
    Loder: But you continue to audition, right?
    Rose: Yes, we do. Yes, we do, and there's some people who have done a really great job. It's just not something we're prepared to make a complete decision on at this time.

    If Robin hadn't left, it sounds like they would have played a live show in 1999

    what made him leave back then? was it because he wanted to go back to NIN?

    He did a very brief interview in 1999. It was being tired of sitting around working on songs that never seemed to be headed anywhere.

  2. Did they re-record the Buckethead parts for Chinese Democracy?

    I think some of Ron's solos replaced some of Bucket solos at least? Like Shackler's. Maybe on Riad there's composite solo. fuck I don't know, where's Soul Monster?

    My personal guess is that if Ron completely replaced any of Buckethead's parts, the BH parts were not quite complete or where not of good enough quality to be on the album. There are way too many moments where Axl kept huge Buckethead parts for me to think he had Ron play parts for any other reason than to tie up loose ends so to speak.

  3. I think Ron and Frank were simply added in to "tie up loose ends." The songs were probably (at least in Axl's mind) not yet complete. Ron and Frank were around, Axl probably wanted them to be heard on the record, and they were lucky enough to get to play on the record.

    On the other hand, DJ came in when we've been told most of the material is more or less completed. It's very possible Ron will be on the next album's songs, but I feel, at this point, even Axl has no desire to have DJ come into a studio and record new parts.

  4. This seems like a good place to ask this:

    Why is it that among GN'R fans, it seems to be frowned upon to be anything but extreme. For me, I don't like DJ's Better, I do like Ron's and I'm luke warm on Going Down (so far). But a large group of fans seem to want to force the issue that you must either love or hate it all.

    You summed up my views on the recent leaks perfectly. DJ's "Better" was atrocious. Ron's version was hardly earth shattering, but certainly presented a cool new way to look at the song. "Going Down" is what it is to me: a Stinson song that happened to be brought to the GN'R table.

  5. I will argue only two facts. The first being there are moments on Chinese Democracy that I feel are on equal footing with the classic lineups, many moment even surpassing the weaker moments on the Use Your Illusion albums. So don't take this as me saying "if the World" is a better song than, say, "Welcome to the Jungle," but I'd take a song like "If the World" or "Catcher in the Rye" any day over "Shotgun Blues" or "Back off Bitch."

    Also, as others have pointed out, it is not unprecedented that Axl saves bigger stuff for later. That's the reason "November Rain" was not on Appetite for Destruction. Considering that Axl, as recently as 2008, claimed he saw Chinese Democracy era songs being a two album cycle, I do not think it is unfair to assume at least two or three "big" songs will be on a later album. Also worth considering is that "Atlas Shrugged" might have been as good as other songs on Chinese Democracy since Bumblefoot said it was going to be on the album until the last minute.

    Besides that, everything else is spot on. That we have people here claiming "Going Down" is radio hit material is laughable. It's a B-/C+ song that I'm willing to guess was written for a Stinson album that got an upgrade from Guns N' Roses.

  6. I tried I really did. I am not the biggest fan of Bumblefoot, but I actually found the acoustic version quite tasteful. "Going Down" wasn't an era defining track, but was certainly a fun tune to hear after all these years, but this DJ Ashba version of "Better," is awful, strips the song of everything that made it great, and it scares me immensely that people like this.

  7. I've played CD for people here and there that don't have much of an opinion on GN'R - I've never had anyone really give me negative feedback, but it isn't always glowing either. Usually a mixed bag; "this song is good, that one sucks", etc.

    Took my dad to see GN'R in June. He knows literally nothing about GN'R - like, if I hadn't told him beforehand, he wouldn't have known the current band wasn't the old band :lol: That said, he really enjoyed Better, TIL, and Catcher, and didn't really care for CD other than it made a good opener. But he also said DJ was his favorite guitarist so take his opinion as you will :lol:

    Among most people I've played it to, this is the general reaction. Most people like "Chinese Democracy," "Better," and "There was a Time." "If the World" occasionally gets mentioned as a favorite track.

    The one guy I know who loves it, loves it because of how "ridiculous" he claims it sounds. He summed it up as "elephant guitars, a ton of synths and keyboard, and Axl singing about how he can't get pussy." I know that sounds like a negative review, but he swears up and down he does love how bombastic it is.

    That being said, most people concede it's no better or worse over all than the Use Your Illusions albums. They generally say that high points are just as good as any on UYI and the low points are just as terrible and/or forgettable.

    My personal wish is that "Catcher in the Rye" had been left off in favor of a harder song. "Catcher" is a great song, but most people (myself included) agree it's just one too many ballads.

  8. It's a fantastic song. Guns N' Roses took a good song and turned into a great one. The GNR version is what the Stones should have been.

    Kudos for Axl and Matt on that song. I know Mick Jagger wrote it, but Axl plays a much better Devil, and Matt's drumming gives the song the energy it lacks on the Stones version.

    And Slash is ridiculously drammatic about what happened. The double guitar sounds awesome, and he knows it.


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