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Posts posted by DangerousCurves

  1. Doesn't anyone on this forum have anything better to do with their lives than pick apart and criticize every single thing DJ does and says?

    Yes but that doesn't mean you shouldn't find the time!

    If you don't care about or like DJ why pay so much attention to him?

    To take the piss out of him.

    Why read his tweets and Facebook posts?

    To take the piss out of him.

    Why take the time to "investigate" his pictures by zooming in on his picture to look at the reflection in his glasses?

    To take the piss out of him.

    You all like to talk about how pathetic and embarrassing he is and how he pretends to be a rockstar...NEWS FLASH...he is a rockstar!

    Uh, not really. See, to be a star people have to've heard of you. He'd have to be a helluva lot more popular than he is.

    The only thing that's pathetic and embarrassing in all of this is all of the people on here who are obsessed with someone they don't even like and spend a ridiculous amount of time trying to bash him as much as possible.

    It really doesn't require effort, you can do it at your leisure. Go on, have a go, it's fun :lol:

    Like it or not, besides Axl, DJ is by far the most popular and well known member of GNR to casual fans and the general public.

    Thats not really saying much though is it? I mean, after Axl, in terms of popularity in the current line up, there's actually a massive drop off, isn't there? This is 2014, even Axl ain't that well known anymore, let alone his merry men.

    Bump. Set. Spike.

  2. Translation:

    Urgent Press !
    To all our fans who were affected by the news
    published in various media today on
    allegedly filed application with the state government for Mexico
    the cancellation of the festival, we inform you that are just rumors
    unfounded and ridiculous attacks to discredit the festival.
    We generated a major upset that media monopolies and make such
    unfounded accusations and attacks with the sole purpose of casting
    down a major effort aimed at not more than extend the
    range of cultural events within the territory of the State of Mexico and
    surroundings , thus damaging the reputation of a company
    years of experience in the media, and especially against the same public
    sembrarles doubt try to avoid attending our event.
    Due to this and to dispel any rumors , has convened a
    press conference on Thursday March 6th where we will have
    the presence of the Mayor of Texcoco , as well as the
    relevant authorities to clarify and clear all rumors
    generated around this news.
    Thank you for your attention , we reaffirm our commitment to
    with festival audiences and we reiterate that we are working today
    stronger than ever .
    See the 15 and 16 March ]
    Live Talent
    Production of Hell & Heaven Metal Fest Corona .

    • Like 1
  3. 1. What's your real (first) name? Paul

    2. Where are you from? Inverness, Scotland

    3. How do you bring home the bacon? I work in I.T.

    4. Are you married, dating or single? I'm getting married on the 28th of March :)

    5. What's your excuse for spending too much time on here? Quiet time in work

    6. Justin Bieber. Pity or punch? Punch

    7. Do you play a musical instrument? I play guitar, have posted some soundcloud links in another thread... no-one commented... :question:

    8. What would your closest friend or partner say is your best/worst trait? I'll answer that after the wedding speeches!

    9. Tell us an embarrassing pastime.... I play an awful lot of FIFA....

    10. Do you actually like Guns N Roses? I LOVED GN'R up until ChiDem came out, I seem to have calmed down since then, I check here daily in the hope for new music, I'm just torturing myself though, and I'm not even sure I want to hear new music recorded by the current band, I do however want to hear more of the ChiDem recordings.

    Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials, Paul. :)

    • Like 1
  4. ... nearly got me killed or severely injured in Philly...

    Did Axl hit you with a car? Perhaps Bumble dropped a piano on you? DJ pushed you in front of a train?
    Were you there when people were throwing chairsfrom the 2nd level? Ever been in 20000 seat arena when shits flying from the upper levels? And no dumbass dangerous curves, neither DJ nor BBF were in the band in 2002 - dumb ass cupcake, u should know better


    First, you didn't specify a year. You just said "in Philly". Second, I've been in plenty of violent situations. I did not blame anyone but the people directly responsible. Third, you called me a "dumbass" and a "cupcake". I would suggest that you proofread and employ spellcheck where necessary before calling anyone names. I'm done with this now and have nothing more to say to you with regard to this subject.

  5. For those of you interested in Scottish history (I'm a wee bit obsessed, since my father's family is Scottish - mostly a myriad of Crawfords, Montgomerys, and Lindsays), here is a great video someone took of Albannach's Jamesie Johnston at Culloden, talking about the battle. He has issues of a personal nature against me and I think he's a douche for essentially hating me by association but he knows his history and is very patriotic. Although, I'm told, even Scots have trouble understanding the Glasgow accent. LOL

  6. 05:33

    Hey dude you might think im mad but i think we used to hang out back in the day man

    Ages ago

    Wen we was like 13 14 i think

    The good old fairfeild days lol

    Sware we skated together too man

    Wen you was slash lol

    9 hours ago

    Remember wen u Clashed tails bruv


    Was jokes

    yeah, that was fun

    Your bars were something like im gna get the london bombers that bombed them and run up in there house and rob them loool

    London, I'm gonna bomb the bombers that bombed them, then I'm gonna bomb them, swamp them, stomp them to the ground allow what they did on the underground... or something

    Lool sick you legend

    It was that, that I woke up to.

    First, if I was you, I would never be friends with someone who was capable of committing the grammatical atrocities in that message.

    Second, you come off as really arrogant.

    Third, you call them "sycophants" and yet, you adopted the moniker of "Slash" amongst your friends.


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