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Silent Jay

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Posts posted by Silent Jay

  1. 6 minutes ago, default_ said:

    13 is great, love the record for what it is. It is modern but it also has a classic feel to it, 


    To be honest I dont think anyone can bring the "magic" from the old days back. Not only the recording, mixing and mastering process are different but also the members from these bands, their methods, their ideas and ideals, their equipment... everything. When 13 came out I was really surprised by the fact it was actually an amazing record. 

    Didnt think the same of Heaven and Hell's "The Devil you may Know", for exemple. Really tought it was a generic album. 

    I'd be happy with a GnR 13. 


    The Devil You Know is really heavy and extremely dark, but give it a chance it's a grower just as Dehumanizer.

    While the first half of 13 aged awfully, the second part not: Age Of Reason, Damaged Soul, also Methademic are awesome. The End EP felt like another deluxe edition bonus disc sadly. Anyway Iommi/Geezer can't do wrong. 


    A GnR 13 would be an awful idea. No better attempt at 'Caving in' than trying unsuccessfully another Sweet Child O' Mine or Welcome To The Jungle.



  2. 1 minute ago, Live Like a Suicide said:

    Give them time. They're half way through an international tour FFS. I don't quite understand the history between MSL and MYGNRFORUM or whatever, but he isn't the only one to say that Slash has been in the studio. Arlett Vereecke has said so as well. Regardless Atlas Shrugged was one of the songs thrown about during those rumours, so i put it in the comment. My comments are more relevant because they are more timely. They relate more to the current band that is Guns N' Roses than comments made in 2014.


    As others have said, SA had been relatively strong, bar some performances. I think Guns N' Roses are continuing to sound strong this year, especially as time goes on. I have full confidence they will sound good when they get to Australia, and i have full confidence i will enjoy the show. Rose Tattoo is a great band, and i am looking forward to what they have to offer as well. Hopefully another duet with Axl on Nice Boys!

    It's just that I'd rather trust someone like Arlett Vereecke than a professional wrestler from a GnR forum. Look I want to believe it, but for now it's only fairy tales. First he had Brian May, then Bumblefoot, now Slash it's like Atlas Shrugged is the Excalibur.

    All right. 

    I had high expectations for these Japanese shows but I guess I'm delusional. Still looking forward for any soundboard recordings.

    Yeah... Nice Boys is a no brainer.


  3. 52 minutes ago, Free Bird said:

    I love what Rick Rubin did with Black Sabbath's 13. A great reunion album with powerfull sound.

    I liked 13.

    But I think Rick Rubin ruined it. You don't teach Tony how to riff, or trying to redo Planet Caravan with Zeitgest.

    13 shouldn't have been influenced by the first Black Sabbath album, Black Sabbath. Rubin can't bring the magic just like that, just as he wanted Ballbreaker to be Back In Black and Highway To Hell. It's dark but nothing as glorious and nostalgic as Never Say Die!

    Fucking love what he did for Danzig anyway.


  4. 20 minutes ago, Live Like a Suicide said:

    Oh? It's not like you're pulling your information from band members too, right? Richard is nearly everyone's source for the band's music work. The only information we had from Axl is that CD II and CD Remix was done, as well as some obscure tweet. Everything else came from other sources. Just like i am telling you that some sources state that Slash has worked on songs like Atlas Shrugged, the Axl himself said he has shown Slash and Duff CD stuff and that he intends to follow through with material, and that Richard has said they have been making new stuff on the road. What i have said is just as legitimate as your claims, and they are much more timely and relevant as well.

    Regarding Axl's consistency, i don't think he is particularly weak, and if you want to say that, we can look to the first half of 2014 as well. Clearly, Axl is performing much better with Guns and AC/DC now, than he was in 2014. Anyone can pick a couple of shows (like the 2014 Vegas residency) and say they sounded much better. Just like i can pick out Houston, Washington DC and San Diego etc and say they sounded much better. We should be looking at the entire tour, and i think it is very clear that they sound much better now.

    It's not exciting for you because you've been to the GN'R and AC/DC concerts, as well as watched many more online. I'm sure it's exciting for everybody else. Hell, i've watched nearly all of their concerts, and i'm excited to see them in the next couple of weeks because i haven't done so since 2013.

    We're back to square one as Axl doesn't seem like he's going anywhere fast. And are you calling MSL a legitimate source??! Atlas Shrugged? :D "More relevant" yeah right...


    We will have to see since I haven't yet seen a great performance as good since the beginning of the SA leg. 

    Well as they're doing a second leg I'm expecting at least a few changes.

    But I'm sure you're going to like it no matter what. At least Rose Tattoo is performing.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Live Like a Suicide said:

    but we also know things have been working on the creative front while the band has been touring during the NITL tour. Richard said they have been coming up with things on the road. Things have clearly changed, especially with the internal mechanics of the band.

    Again you have no proof of that. It has long been well known that Richard is full of it.

    7 minutes ago, Live Like a Suicide said:

    I'm convinced you're just trolling now. Axl is far more consistent, and probably sounds the best since he has since 2010. Some would even argue that he is hitting the notes with more clarity now that he was then as well...

    Not trolling. 

    Axl was far more consistent with AC/DC as I had the chance to see them performed, but his performances with GNR haven't really changed, he's been very weak since the beginning of the SA leg and it's disappointing. And no, I don't think that he sounds better than in 2014 during the residency for example.

    Look it's not all about Axl, like I said the show isn't really exciting now, and I probably won't see them this summer. Too many cooks spoil the broth.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Live Like a Suicide said:

    We've seen more rumours and activity around this band than we have since Chinese Democracy released.

    You have no real proof they've been working on new stuff. Keep dreaming for now.

    Just now, Live Like a Suicide said:

    What does that have to do with anything? I'm disagreeing with the assertion that nothing has changed for Axl or Guns N' Roses since 2011, especially with regards to activity and/or new music. If Guns N' Roses was still playing with the last line up, i would have agreed. Since there is an obvious resurgence with the semi-reunited Guns N' Roses, and rumours surrounding new music (with Axl confirming that they are looking at things), i am of the opinion that the situation now is much different to how it would have been if the lineup remains the same since 2011.


    We already knew Axl has been recorded vocals in 2014, working on new stuff (Fortus/Dj) with Pitman and Caram in the studio. CDII was also done. Going Down leaked.

    "Looking at things" lol

    The situation is not much different than with the last line-up, it's even worse. Back to square one.

  7. 23 minutes ago, AlexisGolnas said:

    THat's why some people shouldnt complain all the time.

    Shows are for the ones that goes to them, not for us behind a screen.

    And some went to see the band last year and decided they will not return for the second leg.

    8 minutes ago, Live Like a Suicide said:

    Situations have clearly changed since then. If Guns N' Roses had been playing a smaller venue with Bumblefoot, DJ Ashba, Tommy Stinson and Pitman tonight, i would have agreed with you. 

    Guns N' Roses performed 36 songs at Tokyo Dome with that line-up.

    • Like 1
  8. Quote


    Steven: Thank you guys so much for having me. I hope everybody on the AMA enjoyed this. I love you all and next time I'll come back again. Just ask me, I'll be back. You know I'm lying, right? I never want to come back to this place again. I love you guys so much. Thank you.

    Deanna: And I want to thank everyone for having us here. I wanna tell you, people, they make fun of me. They thought I was in denial.

    Steven: You are.

    Deanna: Well, I was. And you hear all this medical bunk about co-dependency. All I know is I have never given up on Steven. If I had given up on Steven, he would probably be dead now. I'm happy that I never gave up. So, who's the wiser here? My son is clean, happy, and playing drums again. Please, everyone. Read the book. Buy the book. Buy the book and read it. You're gonna love. You're gonna see that everything's gonna be alright.

    Steven: Or my brother, Chuck, will come and kick your ass.



    1 minute ago, Blackstar said:

    and also this one: You thoughts on Chinese Democracy II ? How amazing The General and Atlas Shrugged are?? Thanks Steven. :rofl-lol:

    That was me ;)

    • Like 3
  9. Did you fall in love with any groupies?



    Steven: Everyone of them. For the 3 minutes I was with them. Yes. If you got 4 out of me, god bless you. You lucked out that day.

    Deanna: One time he told me that he had sex with over 2,000 women.

    Steven: I was on drugs.

    Deanna: I says, "What kind of talk is that? I'm your mother. Stop it".

    Steven: I remember telling my grandfather, my grandparents. I brought a gold record to each my grandma and grandpa one day and I said, "Here grandma and grandpa. Look. I'm famous now". And my grandpa says," Yeah, that and 50 cents will get you a cup of coffee". And he's right.

  10. Hi Steven, have any crazy stories from touring in Canada?



    Steven: I love Canada. You're so lucky that you live there. Yes, we were touring with "Iron Maiden" and one night me and Nicko McBrain went out to this bar. We were in Quebec, French Canada, and it was just a beautiful town and it was snowing. Me and Nicko, we were hanging in a bar and we were doing shots. We did like maybe 8, 9 shots and then the 10th shot he did, everything was going great between us, we were having a good time, and then once he took that 10th shot, he got so crazy and turned into a different person and was going to kick my ass. All we were doing was just sitting there talking and that one drink just was the one that broke him. And you've seen this guy. This is one ugly motherfucker, okay. He'll kick your ass just by you looking at his face. So, I was all whooah, one second, one moment here, I'm gonna go outside for a second and I'm gonna come back in and we'll try this again. I walked outside and I left. I remember walking through the snow on these cobblestone streets, freezing my ass off, going what the fuck just happened? What the hell just happened?

  11. @Rovim

    Hi Steven, If you had the choice to play any Guns tune other than Appetite/Lies material, which one would you choose



    Steven: Back Off Bitch, Don't Cry, You Can Be Mine, Coma, Civil War.

    Hi Steven, thank you for doing this! Was there a drummer who inspired you to play while growing up? Did you ever try to emulate that person



    Steven: Piano because Freddie Mercury is God! If I could do anything, I would do anything close to being Freddie Mercury. Even if I had to be gay. In fact, I wish I was gay but I just don't have it in me!

    • Like 1
  12. You are often sporting a huge infectious smile, did Deanna bestow this trait upon you



    Steven: No, my grandmother did. My grandma always said, "A please and a thank you and a nice smile will get you far".

    Deanna: I did it. Not my mother.

    Steven: Grandma did everything.

    Deanna: I did it. No! She never smiled.

    Steven: She hated everybody, but me.

    Deanna: She only smiled at Steven.

    Steven: She hated everybody, but me.

    Deanna: My mother had 14 grandchildren and the only one she cared about was this one, Steven. That's the only one. It was amazing. People would see him and they would cry because they are so beautiful. It's true!

    Steven: And this is what you grow up into


    Do you have any future plans in music



    Steven: Right now, I'm just practicing, having fun, and enjoying my life. I have my beautiful wife, my beautiful dogs and I just enjoy being at home and being with them. I have like 6 really good friends and I enjoy hanging out with them. So, if something does come up that I'm really interested in. There is one band that might be looking for a drummer. I'm not gonna mention their name because I have a habit of saying things and then it jinxes it, but if it does come up, it happens. If it doesn't, then so be it. That's totally cool, too.


    what's your favorite color



    Steven: Turquoise

    Deanna: My favorite color is blue.

    Steven: She's lying. It's black.

    Deanna: No it's not. It's blue.

    Steven: Black as night. Black as blood.

    Deanna: No, he's lying. It's blue.

  13. When you guys finally broke out, I'm assuming you had a chance to meet alot of your idols. Who exceeded expectations for you and who disappointed you when you met them?


    [–]steven_deanna_adler[S] 1

    Steven: My favorite person that I have ever met was Steven Tyler, from Aerosmith. Nobody that I met has disappointed me. Everybody that I looked up to was already as cool as I thought there would be.

    Holy fuck, Steven, you're the reason I ever started playing drums. Which got me to playing other instruments, which got me to be the shitty musician I am today. I love your work man.

    What do you think is the coolest drum beat you've come up with to a song?



    Steven: Dude, I'm sure you kickass if you've been playing that long. Keep practicing. Repetition makes the master, as I say many times, which is true. What's my favorite drum beat I came up with? There's "Rocket Queen, there's "Welcome to the Jungle", there's "Mr. Brownstone".

    Deanna: "Paradise City" I like.

    Steven: "Paradise City" is a great one. Every song I recorded with them I love. It was my favorite.

    Deanna: And because he loves them I love them all too.

  14. According to Apple's iTunes store in Australia, Atlanta progressive metallers MASTODON will release their new studio album, "Emperor Of Sand", on March 31 via Reprise Records.

    01. Sultan's Curse
    02. Show Yourself
    03. Precious Stones
    04. Steambreather
    05. Roots Remain
    06. Word To The Wise
    07. Ancient Kingdom
    08. Clandestiny
    09. Andromeda
    10. Scorpion Breath
    11. Jaguar God



    • Like 2
  15. What's the worst experience you ever had with a fan?



    Steven: Hi u/fuck_you_in_the_valley

    This one girl, right after a show, I was walking to the bus and this one girl got so excited to see me that she jumped on me and pulled my back out. I had to miss like 10 shows because she hurt my back.

    What's your favorite dessert



    Steven: Cheesecake with whip cream. Plain New York cheesecake with whip cream in the microwave for 6 seconds.

    Deanna: And my favorite dessert is chocolate cream pie with whip cream. Lots of whip cream.

  16. Hi Steven, how surreal was it to be in a band with your friend growing up and make it big? Does your mom have any funny/interesting stories about Slash from when he was younger



    Steven: It was a dream come true. Every musician that I can imagine, having a friend that was as talented as Slash was and being able to be a part of him and his life and us doing it together was just so fun and so magical. Everything in our lives just fell into place. It's not like we had to do anything extraordinary. We just woke up in the morning and did what we did and it just worked. It was magic.

    Deanna: I didn't really know Slash when he was young because Steven was living with his Grandmother and so they hung out together, of course. But I don't really have any stories about him.

    Steven: It's funny, I was the bad influence on Slash. I'm the one who got him to start ditching school. And turned him onto Rock 'n Roll.

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