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Posts posted by Facekicker

  1. It's so depressing.

    And its spreading around the world too thanks to American fast food joints.

    You are just as likely to see some fat fuck waddling around Ireland these days stuffing their mush with Krispy Kreme donuts washed down with a large syrupy "coffee" from Starbucks.

    If I was in charge here I'd tax the fuck out of American fast food joints so they'd get the message and fuck off somewhere else.

  2. I was just looking at my thighs and wondering what they'd look like next to hers. I think she's got me by a good bit, especially once you start getting close to that enormous rump of hers. I'm over 6 ft and close to 200 lbs. Mischa Barton should not have larger thighs.

    Is it immediately noticeable to you all that Americans are generally fat as fuck? Like beyond the joke of it. How often do you see videos or pics of Americans and spontaneously think, "Man, they really are fat"?

    Let's just say my last encounter with my American cousins went something like this

    • Like 2
  3. This week;

    Benjamin Franklin

    Been watching this, this week, on YouTube, over and over.

    It was Sons of Liberty and Dean Norris's portrayal of Benjamin Franklin that got me interested in this random subject; this week.

    Did you know that he was at one point heavily involved in procuring prostitutes and is responsible for coining the word pimp?

    Franklin got the word from the French infinitive pimper meaning to dress up elegantly. He was United States Ambassador to France at the time and used the women as a diplomatic tool to influence important men in French society. A firm believer in dressing well when conducting business, he started referring to himself as a pimp due to his demand that any ladies under his watch should similarly look their best so he could get his the maximum return on his investment.

    • Like 3
  4. Also,


    What? You didn't catch her with Billy Zane in this year's highly acclaimed film, "Zombie Killer: Elephant's Graveyard."



    No, but I did see her walking down the street when she starred in a play that came to a local college here a while back :lol:

    I don't know who either of these people are :mellow:

    How about now


  5. I loved "Big trouble in Little China". It was such a good movie. Loved the plot line and the characters were all so unique.

    Kurt Russell was funny and a cool hero.

    I think this movie was one of John Carpenter's best from the 1980's.

    I love "The Rock", but this movie is a classic and I don't think they should re-make classics.

    The remake of "The Fog" was just horrible. That's my all time favorite John Carpenter movie. I can watch it over and over again. Big Trouble in Little China is the same way. This movie never gets old.

    I honestly don't think a remake will be able to top or even get close to the original.

    I can't believe there's no one in all of Hollywood who can't come up with any new movie ideas?

    Blame the idiots who will fork out money to see these remakes.

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