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Posts posted by Bumblefeet

  1. Looking through the nominees, I felt that Bumblefeet's is the best. Surprised to see it this far ahead though, as most of them are surprisingly pretty solid. Runner-up kudos to Rdeyahlxp and NachoLZ.

    With the 5-1 scoring system, Bumblefeet is currently only ahead by one point.

    Actually behind by 1 point to NachoLZ (if I'm keeping score correctly)... Never thought it was going to be this tense! Mod score will be the deciding factor.

  2. Before all the garbage was added to it, remember how much better CD sounded when it was just a 3 minute rocker?

    The 2001 live versions of the songs all sounded better than what ended up on the album.

    CD for me didn't really click until the album version, the demo and early live version always sounded a bit too thin for my taste. whoever did that mix for the album really gave the song the punch that the demo had the potential for.

    With Rhiad I actually prefer the previous version (and live performance) as that one works well without the produced sound.

  3. Depends on the songs. Some I find pack more punch live; Scraped (with that amazing drum intro by Ferrer), Madagascar (with the added cry before the interlude), This I love (always a crowd pleaser). Then there are those songs which are difficult to pull off, which is most of CD lol. TWAT is great live (mostly thanks to BBF) but notice how Axl sings the "I would do anything for you there was a time" highlight before the solo in a lower register during the latest Vegas gigs, understandable as it is a difficult note to reach after getting through the first half of the song. At least it gets played so I don't mind anymore. He does great on Prostitute but there I feel the busy playing by the band is not always in sync. I've often wonder how a more toned down version would sound with more emphasis on the piano... Then there are the regulars; chinese democracy, street of dreams (used to be regular) and better, which get good performances live. I miss IRS live but with the pinched guitar notes not that easy to give an album performance (Axl does nail the "you know it's true" part which is amazing and sadly sometimes gets buried under the soloing in the mix). Catcher has had some good performances recently and on album leaves me wanting more. I'm really looking forward to how CD, This I Love, Better, Catcher, Street of Dreams will sound on the upcoming blu-ray.

  4. I agree, how the fuck do you know which one is the best in terms of graphical design, Nargis. No offense, but Bumblefeet banner (apart from the middle) has a lot of major flaws. Those sprites of the old band are way too dark, for instance. The blue part on the right makes no sense and Bucket and Robin look awkward there. It definetly still needs a lot of work. That said, it's not my intention to trash Bumblefeet's design and it's cool he's in the lead. Good luck.

    First off, I'm not in the lead... I have the most votes but of those votes not everyone is a supporter (those are worth 5 points) so actually NachoLZ is currently in the lead... I know the vote percentage is confusing but it's not reflective of the point score.

    Second, though I respect your opinion, the reason why I chose to make the old lineup a bit darker is because they are the old lineup and the emphasis in my banner is on the current band that is more central and in the forefront in my theme (and was also my starting point). Trust me I took into account how everything relates to each other, the big fire backdrop is central highlighting the current lineup, the sides are less lighted and the figures more in shadow to give a contrast with the firy backdrops...

    The reason for the blue part as well as having bucket and robin as black and white figures is a reference to the cover art of both Use your illusions I & II... I thought this would be an obvious gimmick but perhaps not. I also like how that worked against the twitter feed. At first I didn't want to do the band history thing but I ended up using the right part to showcase the previous on/off members.

    Third, so far I haven't commented on the quality of the other banners, and wont do because I want this to stay fair (during the contest I also didn't want to tell my competitors on how to improve their banners lol).

    • Like 3
  5. Lots of great entries (some I'm seeing for the first time). Appreciate the votes so far! Can't believe the support so far but it's still early and staff will have an impact!

    I can't ask any of you to go to supporter status (though it would also be appreciated ^_^ ), I hope you all just vote for the banner you like best as we all put time and effort into this!

  6. Brazil was definitely the better team, especially throughout the 2nd half.

    This. Brazil made 4 goals, Croatia was dangerous but couldn't score. Their goalie screwed up with the penalty (which was shot terribly).

    Can't wait for Belgium to play on tuesday! We have a hell of a team, this is the year! ;)

  7. DJ struggles with TWAT. Bumble nails it perfectly, better than Finck did although he gave it a more personal spin when played live. every guitar part he's given.

    I would much prefer it if Richard played the first solo and Bumble the rest.


    In all seriousness, I did enjoy it when JD played the solos for "Sorry" and "This I love" when I saw them live, probably because those aren't the hardest to play but still he does them well!

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