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Lies They Tell

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Posts posted by Lies They Tell

  1. 41 minutes ago, El Guapo said:

    Is there anybody here who thought HardSkool was a weak song as the leaked version but loves the released version? Or vice versa? I don't think so, it's the same song.

    Well I can definitely say that I always considered Silkworms a weak song, but I love Absurd.

    The released version of Hard Skool is IMO much better compared to the demo version too, although the demo was pretty good too.

    Same can be said about Atlas Shrugged. I love the Village leak, even though it's rough around the edges. But it has a lot of potential and Slash could bring it to a whole new level.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Pele said:

    I know!

    Imagine thinking you're winning an argument against a guy who doesn't think Axl is writing/recording songs when your winning terms are 'he needs to release something in a DECADE from now'!

    Bare in mind, he hasn't released anything for 12 years (not counting the EP as his work was already done).

    I say he's done nothing since the release of Chinese Democracy, and this guy wants a 22 year window to prove me wrong!

    I wanted to see if you're confident enough in your arguments to make the bet. You agreed to the bet and I respect you for that. The next ten years will show who wins the bet and I don't know why you're acting so bitter about it.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 8 hours ago, GNFNRUK said:

    Why does your bet have a time frame of ten years?! 🤣

    You’re obviously not THAT confident about Axl releasing any ‘new’ material any time soon yourself!

    I'm confident that GNR will release new material in the next ten years. I never said that I'm confident that they will release new material soon.

    This is not complicated. What I say is what I mean. There's nothing else to it. 🥱

    • Like 1
    • ABSUЯD 1
  4. Based on the comments here I was expecting something terrible. It's really not bad for a lyric video. It's miles better than the original Hard Skool video, if you can even call it a video.

    If there's not going to be a real music video for this song, this is the next best thing I guess.

    I get that people are frustrated, but at the end of the day this is better than nothing. We've had a lot of nothing from GnR and I wasn't expecting to hear anything from GNR this year. So this is a positive surprise for me.

    • Like 3
  5. 5 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

    Yes, there might have been various reasons why some songs made CD. For example, Axl chose to finish Sorry, Shackler's Revenge and Scraped in 2005-07 although he had other songs ready with vocals (Hardschool, Atlas, etc.), some of which were arguably better, imo. He probably did that as a gesture to Buckethead, to "make up" for that press release and maybe as an effort to lure him back in.

    Plus, I think he simply wanted to save some big guns for future albums. They already did that in the Appetite days when they chose to include Anything Goes on AFD instead of Don't Cry for example. 

    GNR is not the only band that does this. It shouldn't be surprising that bands don't always put all of their best material on one album.

    • Like 3
  6. 10 hours ago, Pele said:

    When do i get my $5k?

    We made the bet on the first day of October and the timeframe was 10 years. So if you're right, you'll get the money on the first day of October in 2031.

    21 minutes ago, Dangelus said:

    Absolutely crazy to bet anything on this band! If there’s a way for them to let you down, they’ll find it. As much as I’d like Pele to be wrong, I think there’s a good chance of him winning this bet.

    You wanna bet? :D As weird as this band is, I've been right on most of my educated guesses and I wish that I had bet on this band earlier. Based on all the facts that we have the probability that Pele is right is extremely low.

    • Like 2
  7. Can't say I'm all that surprised about Slash's recent comments. I never expected there to be many brand new songs on the next album. I always thought it would be mostly CD-era material with maybe one or two brand new songs included at best.

    But it would be interesting to know more details about what exactly they have done. What does "in earnest sitting down and writing" even mean? If Slash sends Axl an idea for a song, is that the same as "in earnest sitting down and writing" or did Slash mean that they haven't gotten together in a room as a band to write new music

    It would also be interesting to know how many CD-era songs they have redone. Have they only been working on CD2 songs or have they been working on CD3 songs as well?

    Some people seem to have made quick conclusions that Axl must be creatively dead since they haven't been writing brand new songs together as a band. But we haven't heard Axl's point of view. For all we know he could be writing stuff every day. He probably has tons of unfinished songs from the CD-era that he might be working on. Finishing songs is just as creative as writing brand new songs.

    But we don't really know anything. Would be interesting to hear Axl's point of view. What has he been doing lately? But at the end of the day as long as we're getting new music I'm happy. Slash confirmed that they have been working on a lot of material, so that's good news to me.

    • Like 2
  8. 12 hours ago, Martin Riggs said:

    Not just good compared to their current expectations which are essentially in the toilet when in comparison to quality singing. 

    I tend to compare Axl's singing to other singers out there. There is almost nobody who can sing like Axl did in his prime. So I'm not gonna call Axl a bad singer just cause his voice isn't the same as it was in his prime. Otherwise I would have to call 99% of all singers terrible.

    I don't personally think that Axl sounds too great on Hard Skool live, but then again almost nobody could sing that song properly live. His performance is fine considering his age.

    But Axl does still sound great on many songs. Especially on songs that require normal singing voice, like Witchita Lineman and The Seeker. 95% of all singers only use their normal singing voice ever. But I do think that Axl sounds amazing on many trickier songs as well, like Nightrain, Chinese Democracy and even Shadow of Your Love for example. 

    What Axl did in his prime was inhuman. What he's doing now is either ok, good or amazing depending on the song he's singing.

    • Like 4
  9. 1 hour ago, oneway23 said:

    Brother, I don't have any objective demographic data with quantifiable metrics in front of me over here!  I was just referencing my own, personal, experience with friends and family, not making some grand proclamation.  Definitely wasn't looking for people to jump in and actually defend the band LOL. I have no earthly idea.  Maybe it's easier being a fan now because Guns fans from the old days are all middle-aged and hopefully have a few more things to concern themselves with.

    You seem to have a much better grasp on the larger world, but, I think you may be throwing around a couple of large assumptions there.  The Rolling Stones?  They've been active for FIFTY years and have THIRTY studio albums!  Similar with AC/DC.  Appreciate your passion for Guns, but, easy there.

    I wasn't really looking for a big argument either. I was mainly just talking about my own experiences as well. Especially now that Slash and Duff are back in the band, my experience has been that GNR has become like any other classic rock band. You rarely see anyone mocking the band, which was more or less the norm in the early 2000's. So in that sense it's way easier to be a GNR fan these days.

    You kinda misunderstood what I meant with the comparison to The Rolling Stones and AC/DC as well. I was talking about casuals and especially the younger generations. These people know barely anything about Axl's reputation. All they know is that GNR is a legendary classic rock band. In that sense it's very much comparable to The Rolling Stones or AC/DC. The young people of today know perhaps three songs from The Rolling Stones, They know perhaps three songs from AC/DC and the know perhaps three songs from GNR. In fact GNR beats The Rolling Stones in streaming numbers and that's not a passionate fanboy comment. It's just a fact. But that's besides the point. My point is that the band's reputation isn't what it was in the nineties anymore. Now it's just a legendary old rock band.

    30 minutes ago, allwaystired said:

    Haha - I really don't think people that mock GNR are stuck in the nineties! 

    I think they probably just think GNR are a bit shit and a bit of a joke. But I would say it's got easier since the 2000s! 

    I mean some of them clearly are stuck in the nineties. They have the exact same arguments as back in the day. I swear I've heard someone say just recently that there will be a democracy in China before Axl releases Chinese Democracy. 😂

    Obviously some of them just don't like the music. But my point is that it's not as bad as it used to be, which you agree with so yeah.

    • Like 3
  10. 1 hour ago, oneway23 said:

    Cuz, I had family and the majority of my friends mocking me, doing a snake dance, and asking if Axl Rose was "still a thing" wayyyyy back in 1994!!!

    Certainly hasn't gotten any easier being a GN'R fan in the years since!

    Are you sure about that? My experience is that it's way easier being a GNR fan these days.

    In the nineties there was this weird alternative vs classic rock thing going on. And after GNR broke up GNR became pretty much a joke.

    I don't sense that kind of mentality anywhere these days. The only people who really mock GNR these days are some people who still think they're living in the nineties and still think there's some kind of a Axl vs Kurt Cobain war going on. 😂

    But for everyone else GNR is like The Rolling Stones or AC/DC. Just a legendary band. Even people who don't listen to rock music respect the band.

    • Like 4
  11. 29 minutes ago, Pele said:

    If the spirit of the bet basically means a real, full song with verses and chorus that isn't an absolute joke, then yes.

    A full, 'normal' song - not some experimental crap with spoken word or 'rapping'.  Just a straightforward song

    If so, then yes, there is a bet.

    Set up an account on BetOpenly or something similar and deposit the $5k and list the terms of the bet, including the date of maturity.  I'll then log in and either accept and match the amount, or revise terms for re-submission.  The site will take a small fee.

    Yes, I'm talking about a real "normal" song. Just like all the officially released GNR songs have been so far. Not a cover song or a live song either, but a real studio track with vocals from Axl that we haven't heard before.

    Great that we're doing this! I'm going to take a closer look at that BetOpenly site soon and I'll shoot a message in your inbox afterwards, so we can talk about the details. :thumbsup:

    • Haha 2
    • ABSUЯD 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Pele said:

    Not this fucking bet again.

    Ok, I'll bet $5000 or whatever it was with a stranger, both (and everyone reading) knowing that neither party will pay.

    I 100% believe what I am posting.

    There would have to be some goodwill in the bet - 'no new songs' doesn't cut it.  We've already seen he's now resorted into pasting moans from old demos into other old demos in a further attempt to record.

    I can envision this guy patching the 'woo-woo' from Quick Song, adding some 'Blood in the Water' and pasting it over Oklahoma and claiming it's new.

    He's probably recorded a cover or two.


    I'm saying you'll never hear any of the below with full lyrics/vocal.

    Quick Song
    Eye on You
    Soul Monster
    Cuban Skies
    Prom Violence
    Real Doll
    Dub Suplex
    Devious Bastard
    Circus Maximus 
    Curly Shuffle
    As It Began
    The Rebel

    I'd bet that for sure.


    Why are you making this so difficult? You don't believe that Axl has any songs with finished unheard post 1999 vocals in the vault except for The General maybe.

    So let's make a bet that if GNR releases within the next 10 years a song other than The General, with full vocals that we've never heard before, that is not a cover song, then I win. If he doesn't release a song like that then you win.

    Obviously that excludes songs with Blood in the Water vocals cause we have already heard those vocals.

    We can even make a rule that the song must have at least 50 words that are not copy pasted from any song that we've heard before.

    How does that sound like? I'm genuinely trying to adjust this bet so that you'd be fine with it. You just need to tell me what you're unhappy with.

    I believe that we've never even heard the titles of most unreleased GNR songs, so I'm not gonna bet what songs exactly will be released within the next 10 years. But I bet that we will hear an original GNR song, other than The General that has at least 50 words of vocals that we've never heard before.

    So, do we have a bet?

    • Like 1
  13. On 9/28/2021 at 11:21 PM, Pele said:

    The site owner has already acknowledged the forum is losing popularity and won't be around forever as Discord/Facebbok groups are more popular now:

    Outside of the natural decline in forums, there are several reasons this forum may not be around in a decade from now:

    • The band wont release a new album
    • Anything exciting (i.e. Locker Leak Heist) always involves banned members and is discussed/planned elsewhere
    • Fernando is more engaged with Reddit and did a long, extensive voice chat with the Discord Group (most of whom are banned members)
    • The forum shuts down and goes 'members only' when anything exciting happens


    I mean ANY bet could get cancelled with the other party dying unexpectedly or something. If you fear losing on a bet you can always come up with excuses not to make the bet.

    But like I said this forum has existed for decades and it is the most popular GNR forum. MYGNR has tons of users who have been here forever and have no reason to go elsewhere to talk about GNR, so most likely MYGNR will be here ten years from now.

    If you win the bet, all you have to do is to come here and tag me in your post to remind me of the bet. Then you'll get your money.

    What do you have to lose? If you actually believe all the bullshit that you're spreading here, this should be easy money for you.

    So are we going to make the bet or not? It's up to you.

    • Like 1
  14. AC/DC songs and Guns n' Roses songs are very different. That's why singing AC/DC was easier for Axl in 2016. Brian Johnsson songs are full of screaming and in 2016 Axl sounded raspy always when he was screaming. Even on GNR songs. But in general Guns n' Roses songs are more melodic and melodic songs are more difficult to sing with a raspy voice.

    That being said, I don't think he can sing like that anymore, but he didn't lose that raspy screaming voice immediately after the AC/DC gigs either.

    Shadow of Your Love is the closest thing to a Brian Johnsson type song on the GNR setlist, because that song is pure screaming from start to finish. Axl used to sound pretty raspy on that song in 2018, which means that he would have sounded pretty raspy on AC/DC songs in 2018 as well.

    Over the years even Shadow of Your Love has become less raspy and the way he sings it now is the closest indication of what Axl would sound like today if he sang AC/DC.

    So if you want to know what Axl would sound like today singing AC/DC, just watch a recent Shadow Of Your Love performance. It's not bad, but it's not really the same as before either.

  15. 1 hour ago, Pele said:

    Let's be honest with ourselves, a $5000 bet between strangers online isn't going to be honored.

    You might be right about that, but I wouldn't be the one who chickens out of it. If you think we should lower the bet or something, I'm fine with that.

    3 hours ago, Pele said:

    In real life, would I take the bet?  Probably not.  It's stacked against me too much - they could release whatever the hell that 'Blood in the Water' shit was as a bonus track tagged onto some live release and I'd lose.  They may have recorded 'The Seeker' and that could drop.

    I see what you're saying and we can refine the bet for sure. Blood in the Water was a weird remix of the song Prostitute. We can agree that new versions of previously released songs don't count and cover songs don't count either.

    So how does this bet sound:

    If GNR releases a song other than Atlas Shrugged, Perhaps, The General, Soulmonster/Monstrosity or Tonto that has full vocals by Axl recorded after 1999 and is not a cover or a new version of a previously released song, then you will to pay me 5000$. If no such song will be released within the next ten years, I'll pay you 5000$.

    How does that bet sound like?

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