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Everything posted by shootingstar

  1. Someone here making AI-music videos for a reasonable charge of course?
  2. May have totally passed me by, but why have so few felt the ties between The General and Coma? Anyway, I would love a studio version of it just like they play it live. Maby because I haven't heard the studio version since it was down from YT, and the live version have totally replaced the memory of it. That version had way to much distortion, sounded like there was some layer of distortion all over the mix. Like it was mastered with it. Even the strings sound distorted. And love Axls natural voice way more, especially on the choruses.
  3. "This is the last show of the tour of the year." And then he thanked the crew and the band for the last 7 years.
  4. Just heard the strongest version of Nightrain vocally so far on this tour. Damn, wish we had some videos of the rarities.
  5. Unfortunately not one single video of the rarities This I Love (complete), Locomotive, Perhaps, Twat. I mean, who on this forum is still interested in a live version of SCOM. Edit *
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