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Posts posted by netcat

  1. it implies to what you said about Putin can do whatever he wants with Chechnya. well he can't. and war on terror didn't greenlight him anything. Russian Empire has a long history of oppressing Chechens as well as many other nations.

    as for your argument about Chechens killed in Afghanistan.. for example Ukrainians are being killed in Donbass right now. do you think it's a valid reason for me to go wherever you live and explode couple of bombs over there just to demonstrate how butthurt i am?

  2. what games did America play in Chechnya?


    are you trying to browbeat me into agreeing with you? :lol:

    I mean, the global "war on terror" has greenlighted Putin to do whatever he wants with Chechnya for the most part. And of course the Chechens killed in Afghanistan.

    Usually with women he tends to beat them into agreeing with him, no brow required :lol:

    I don't understand why you think I'm concerned with whether they agree.

    lol. you know that Putin didn't start Chechen war right? and he didn't win it either. he just bought the loyalty of Kadirovs family and let them do whatever the fuck they want within the republic. Chechnya is the state within a state now. they wipe their asses with Russian constitution or federal laws and laugh in Putin's face. and there's nothing he can do about it. just google how Kadirov told his forces to shoot any Russian federal officer on his land, or about Chechen trace in Boris Nemtsov murder, or a resent wedding of 50 something years old happily married Chechen high official with underage girl.

    anyway i don't see what it has to do with the case of Boston bomber

  3. what games did America play in Chechnya?


    are you trying to browbeat me into agreeing with you? :lol:

    Usually with women he tends to beat them into agreeing with him, no brow required :lol:

    no, he's a gentlemanly rapist :lol:

  4. i'd rather that just get a pack of bensons and smoke properly, i mean if i wanted to quit that badly that i find myself having to smoke a pretend Buck Rogers cigarette I'd rather just quit properly, i mean its fags not heroin.

    You make it sound so easy.

    Quitting today so we shall see :) Easy work :lol:
    Just like that? cold turkey?

    Uh, im gonna start tommorow! :lol:

    again? you're going Mark Twain there :lol:

  5. because America is evil, it makes good Chechen boys go mass murderers

    vicious rapists.

    The dippers gonna hand himself in eventually I'm sure :lol:

    It's a good thing I'm a gentlemanly rapist.

    you always hold the door closed, keep three quarters of your weight on your elbows and thank them for coming?

  6. There is another one like that involving Americans watching cricket for the first time. I will not post it because it is off topic but look it up.

    i've actually seen that but it was not half as funny as this one. probably because i know what is "herring under the fur coat" but don't know anything about cricket :)

  7. A character actor is someone who plays roles that are character heavy, unique, nuanced, outside of your standard main roles.

    the term is also used to describe actors who play roles, marked with pronounced national, professional, appearance-based features. actors with a specific "emploi" (pardon my French :lol: )

    Hmmm, yes, well it's a case of coq au vin pour la tabla dans la maison citroen, as they say in the French quarter!

    what? a cock in wine for the table of Citroen house? :lol:

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