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Posts posted by CardinalGunner

  1. 30 minutes ago, thunderram said:

    Frank is not a member of GNR. Never has been, never will be. Axl can call his 2000's era band whatever he likes. It ain't GNR anymore than Velvet Revolver was GNR. It's a different band altogether that just happens to cover 80's and 90's GNR simply because of the vocalist.

    You may prefer Frank if the band is a regrouping rather than an actual reunion, but, in an actual reunion situation -- which is what a vast majority of fans are hoping to see -- this guy isn't even on the radar and is in no way a superior choice.

    Those that are extremely biased toward NEW GNR and it's musicians need to wake up to some harsh realities. One, you are in the vast minority when it comes to anything happening with the band right now. Forget hardcore original fans, you lose to the casual fan which comes in even greater numbers. Two, this website and all of its ongoing discussions wouldn't be occurring w/o the original members/band. Lastly, and most importantly, the original members play the music better than anybody else in the world -- because its their music with their idiosyncrasies stamped all over it.

    If you want to see Frank and Fortus rather than Adler, Izzy, or Sorum ... then you don't really want to see GNR. You want to see a different band entirely. That's the long, short and ultimate reality of it.






    There's a lot of semantics there and arguments I simply do not wish to entertain.    Needless to say, I think you are wrong.   But you are certainly entitled to your opinion. 


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  2. 31 minutes ago, Tom-Ass said:

    Please no f'n CD songs.. What wasted slots of a setlist they would be.

    I welcome the prospect of a few CD songs in the setlist.    Let Slash put his own spin on them.    They are part of GnR's catalogue, might as well give the fans the unique opportunity to hear what might have been.


  3. Atheist but willing to be convinced otherwise by evidence.

    BTW, most people who call themselves agnostics are atheists.    gnosticsm is concerned knowledge, theism is concerned with belief.     So if you are saying you are agnostic, you are saying you don't have any knowledge of there being a god (btw this should apply to everyone).    If you are saying you are atheist, you are simply saying that you lack belief in a god/higher power.   

    So unless you have a belief in a god, you are an atheist.   (i.e. you lack belief).    It doesn't have anything to do with knowing for certain there is no god.   That would be basically impossible. 

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  4. The idea of having multiple drummers is ridiculous.   To think they need to bring one guy to play one set of songs and another to play another group of song sounds like bad fan fiction and that's not the way the world works.

    That's not to say there couldn't be a guest appearance by someone for a couple songs, like Izzy used to do.

    Frank has been there close to 10 years now, seems like its his job to lose.   

  5. Don't expect an album, don't expect a world tour, don't expect 06 or 10 Axl. They have two shows lined up right now, we will probably get a pro shot and it's going to be awesome. Enjoy this ride because there are few moments in any bands career that they get this kind of opportunity. This is as big as 01 HOB, Rock in Rio 3, 02 VMA's 06 Hammerstein, and 09 Tokyo.

    I know it's not going to happen but I hope everyone can appreciate 16 at Coachella. It's one of those moments

    Well said, this is huge. Potentially bigger than any of those other dates because of the folks involved.

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