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Posts posted by BangoSkank

  1. If Axl doesn't need the money, and I cannot conceive why he would need it, why does he keep touring without hitting the studio? Funding new records is what I'd like to believe... I know it's good cause it gives the crew and other guys income but what is Axl getting from it, the big picture?

    i have to imagine there are legal issues still surrounding the 2002 tour and the production cost CD to deal with. He's definitely well off, but with all that comes and goes legally, I bet he has a decent amount on his plate.

  2. Did a search and couldn't find it here, but I just came across this gem on a Buckethead blog. It's beautiful how he brings people together.


    you gave me a bj at the buckethead show tonight - m4w

    i was rocking out to buckethead, i noticed you were too. you got to grinding on me, seemed out of place, but then we went out and started making out and one thing lead to another...
    afterwords you gave me your number but then asked "so whats your moms name?"
    "excuse me?"
    "your Moms name"
    at this point i had already deleted you from my phonebook because i realized that you were fucking weird, but in a good way, i'm pretty sure you were high.

    Me:that dude that had his penis in your mouth
    You:crazy cute hippy chick with cool hat and hair that smelled like cinnamon rolls.

    i wouldn't say this is a missed connection so much as a confusing encounter.
    i didn't get your name and don't have your number anymore so hit me up sometime mmkay?

    btw, i thought you were super cute the way you looked kind of shocked/in awe/scared when you saw "me". i know, its an impressive piece of work, not to be cocky (pun intended).

    • Location: Denver
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  3. Why quit when he can now kick back and have some money roll in for doing absolutely nothing? You'd have to be insane to quit, given you knew what the deal with Axl was after all musicians got fed up and left him.

    He had to cancel a tour last year because of the Gn'R shows that later were also cancelled. I would be pissed too. His main problem is lack of communication with the band.

    and virtually zero recording.

  4. Vince Neil.

    BH Nightrain solo or Slash November Rain solo?

    BH Nightrain, hand down

    Don't Cry Original or ALt Lyrics?

    Alt. lyrics by far. Original lyrics are generic.

    new album of songs recorded in the last 3 years with this lineup


    2 CD collection of outtakes from the Bucket, Finck & Brain lineup

  5. Dj stays in the band, same setlist for the next 2 years, but a guaranteed 14 track new album is released at the end of 2015

    Ashba Swag - OR - BBF hot sauce?

    BBF Hot sauce, even though I have IBS and it will likely give me fire poop (I'd just really rather not have AshbaSwag).

    Bucket comes back or Finck comes back.

  6. Used to be cool with him, until I started listening closely to his playing, realized how stiff it was, etc.

    All that's fixable, but I started to really wish he would go when it became apparent that Guns is more a business for him than a chance to make music (I.E. - his "don't bite the hand that feeds you" tweet to Ron).

    • Like 1
  7. I think bumbles probably leaving because the next album track list or at least the pool of songs Axl has to choose from, means that there is no possibility for any of Rons songs to feature on the next album.

    The reality has probably hit him, I mean the guy has been touring songs he had no direct hand in the writing of (apart from doing some solos and additions) for going on 8 years now.

    He probably wanted as well as expected the next album to be a collaborative effort with the current band, and now that the reality of that is not the case, he's finally had enough.

    I think this is on the right track.

    So really, its a good news/bad news deal. Bummer that he's leaving (I guess), but if the reason is because they are actually going to release something (just not with a lot of him on it) its ultimately good news.

    Yes, but it may ultimately be a bigger shame that Guns, once again, lost a great guitarist and the weaker one remained.

  8. Wired article

    Interesting article about a guy who spent a bunch of money setting up a vintage arcade in his apartment. It should have nothing to do with GNR at first blush, until this gets dropped halfway through, while discussing Kooluris' professional background. I'm not as familiar with some of the cross-board users as some of you, so perhaps you'd recognize him by his MB handle, Kaneda?

    Apologies if this is already common knowledge:

    "The answer eventually reveals itself: The game is brilliant marketing, and Kooluris is a brilliant marketer. A vice president at Weber Shandwick, one of the world’s leading PR firms, Kooluris has been in the marketing and promotion business for 12 years. One of the highlights of his career involved his second love after gaming: Guns N’ Roses. He is an unabashed GNR fanatic, and he credits himself with getting Axl Rose to finally release the album Chinese Democracy. In early 2008, he persuaded his then-client Dr. Pepper to offer everyone in the US a coupon for a free soda if Rose released the long-delayed record. “Total guerrilla marketing,” he says.

    Chinese Democracy was indeed released later that year, Dr. Pepper gave out lots of coupons for free sodas, and Kooluris got to meet his idol. “When I met Axl,” Kooluris says, “the first thing he said to me was, ‘Are you Kaneda?’” Kaneda is the handle Kooluris uses on message boards."

    I'm still amazed that Dr. Pepper ended up being a key figured in CD's release.

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