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Posts posted by ***Flawless

  1. Posting Tom Hiddleston gifs is very inconsiderate.

    And I say I love you to people all the time, it's just something to say, it doesn't really mean anything.

  2. Because you cannot beat fresh Pizza. Frozen pizzas are garbage. The best Pizza, the only type of Pizza, is from Italy itself or in good Italian restaurants. It is really something sublime, proper Italian Pizza. It was the Americans who started adding all of these weird toppings and ruined the thing.

    Oh god no! If there's one thing Americans have got right it's pizza. Italian pizza is the most boring shit in the world.

    In a list of American war crimes, the American desecration of the Italian Pizza would certainly rank alongside, shafting the Red Indians and Vietnam. Pizza with Pineapple is literally, a grievous crime which should be brought before the United Nations.

    You heathen. Thin Crust pepperoni with pineapples is the greatest.


    Fuck anyone who thinks otherwise. Seriously.

    Fuck anyone who has different tastes, they don't understand how the world works.

  3. Euroscepticism is the body of criticism of the European Union, and opposition to the process of political European integration ;)

    Oh, well in that case you've got me banged to rights! Fuck political and economic integration! :lol:

    Well "opposition to EU membership is most prevalent among those 60 and older", maaate.

  4. Disgusting Euroscepticism :max:

    How so? Europe can suck a fatty for all I care! :lol:

    Edit: Did you vote Europe there just to spite me? :lol:

    Euroscepticism is the body of criticism of the European Union, and opposition to the process of political European integration ;)

    Of course! :awesomeface: but really, I haven't yet cast a vote.

  5. A lot of inaccuracies in the documentary. Sea World recently released a press statement discrediting the documentary...

    'SeaWorld: The Truth is in Our Parks and People'

    An Open Letter from SeaWorld's Animal Advocates

    Inaccurate reports recently have generated questions about SeaWorld and the animals in our care. The truth is in our parks and people, and it’s time to set the record straight.

    The men and women of SeaWorld are true animal advocates. We are the 1,500 scientists, researchers, veterinarians, trainers, marine biologists, aquarists, aviculturists, educators and conservationists who have dedicated our lives to the animals in our care as well as those in the wild that are injured, ill or orphaned. Whether it’s a sea lion, manatee, sea turtle or whale, we are on call 24/7.

    Here are some important facts about SeaWorld and our work:

    • SeaWorld does not capture killer whales in the wild. Due to the groundbreaking success of our research in marine mammal reproduction, we haven’t collected a killer whale from the wild in 35 years. In fact, only two of the whales in our care were collected by SeaWorld and they continue to be in our care today. In addition, our research has led to a much greater understanding of whales in the wild, giving researchers important scientific insights surrounding marine mammal reproduction.

    • We do not separate killer whale moms and calves. SeaWorld recognizes the important bond between mother and calf. On the rare occasion that a mother killer whale cannot care for the calf herself, we have successfully hand raised and reintroduced the calf. Whales are only moved to maintain a healthy social structure.

    • SeaWorld invests millions of dollars in the care of our killer whales. In the last three years alone, we have invested $70 million in our killer whale habitats and millions of dollars annually in support of these facilities. Our habitats are among the largest in the world today. They are state-of-the-art, multimillion-gallon environments of cooled and filtered water that allow for the highest and safest standards of care. We give our animals restaurant-quality fish, exercise, veterinary care, mental stimulation, and the company of other members of their species.

    • SeaWorld’s killer whales’ life spans are equivalent with those in the wild. While studies continue to define the average life span of killer whales in the wild, the most recent science suggests that our killer whales’ life spans are comparable — indeed, five of our animals are older than 30, and one of our whales is close to 50.

    • The killer whales in our care benefit those in the wild. We work with universities, governmental agencies and NGOs to increase the body of knowledge about and the understanding of killer whales — from their anatomy and reproductive biology to their auditory abilities. Some populations of wild killer whales have been classified as endangered or threatened, demonstrating the potential critical nature of these research opportunities. This type of controlled research and study is simply not possible in the wild, and has significant real-world benefits to the killer whales that live there.

    • SeaWorld is a world leader in animal rescue. The millions of people who visit our parks each year make possible SeaWorld’s world-renowned work in rescue, rehabilitation and release. We are constantly innovating when it comes to this care: Our veterinarians have created nursing bottles to hand-feed orphaned whales, prosthetics to save sea turtles, and a wetsuit to help injured manatees stay afloat during rehabilitation. Whether it’s the result of natural or man-made disasters, SeaWorld is always on call and often the first to be contacted. We have rescued more than 23,000 animals with the goal of treating and returning them to the wild.

    Naturalist Baba Dioum put it best when he said, “In the end we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we have been taught.”

    At SeaWorld, this has been our calling since we first opened our doors 50 years ago. It is a responsibility we do not take lightly. More than 400 million guests have visited SeaWorld. We are proud that their experiences here have a lasting and positive impact on them, and on the world in which we live.

    The truth about SeaWorld is right here in our parks and people. Our guests may enter our gates having never given much thought to the remarkable animals in our oceans. When they leave with a greater appreciation for the importance of the sea, educated about the animals that live there and inspired to make a difference, we have done our job.

    What makes their word reliable? Of course they'd deny any wrongdoing on their part.

  6. Come to think of it....I think I'm tired of appeasing the pro choice circle....

    Other than if the life of the mother is at risk....(rape and incest maybe)....I think I'm leaning pro-life. Technology and the fact that hundreds of thousands of people are waiting to adopt....no....women (and men) shouldn't be allowed to use abortion as a form of birth control - which 90% of them are.

    I'm a bit late, but I'm curious as to where you got this 90% from? Seems like it's just a number pulled out of thin air to try and support your argument.

    Obviously that was a very arbitrary number. I was heavily distracted when I wrote that entire post....and Rita was egging me on....sort of like when someone keeps pricking you with a needle....and you just start spouting out the first thing on your mind......

    Long story short, Izzygirl has done a much better job communicating a balanced view of the entire pro choice/pro life debate....a much better job than I have done. This is a subject that I can't debate without being emotional about it so it's best I take a step back.

    I just have a pet-hate for that I guess, I've had too many arguments with people where they magic up statistics to try and 'prove me wrong' (although there is no absolute wrong or right in a situation like this imo).

    I disagree about Izzygirl too, I think like you, her opinion seems to sway in the direction of an emotionally based one rather than an absolutely balanced one. I also prefer it not to be called pro-life, as I don't think pro-choicers are homicidal psychopaths, I think the correct term is anti-choice.

  7. I'm travelling down to Surrey for 2 weeks on Sunday for a vet placement with a specialist down there, then a week later my best friend and I are flying out to Malta for a surgery placement together! My boyfriend is coming over for a few days while we're there too ^_^

    We're also hoping to squeeze in a trip to Prague in June, between exams and graduation, for the four of us (me, boyfriend, bestie and her boyfriend). And if all goes to plan, the boyfriend and I will be booking a one-way trip to California at the end of summer!

    I'm heading down to Surrey on Sunday as well (not this one coming, but the one after) :)

    Yeah? Where are you heading?

    Back to uni, and also looking for a place to live in the area. Entirely frightening and horrible.

  8. I'm travelling down to Surrey for 2 weeks on Sunday for a vet placement with a specialist down there, then a week later my best friend and I are flying out to Malta for a surgery placement together! My boyfriend is coming over for a few days while we're there too ^_^

    We're also hoping to squeeze in a trip to Prague in June, between exams and graduation, for the four of us (me, boyfriend, bestie and her boyfriend). And if all goes to plan, the boyfriend and I will be booking a one-way trip to California at the end of summer!

    I'm heading down to Surrey on Sunday as well (not this one coming, but the one after) :)

  9. The only downside of the film was Brad Pitt. He didn't fit at all and he actually showed why Fassbender is a better actor than him. Fassbender actually disappears into the slave owner role, whereas the second Brad Pitt comes on screen the sense of reality disappears. He doesn't ruin the film, but he doesn't fit at all. Fine, there had to be that role of the white guy thats actually against slavery. But either make it an unknown or make it someone that can disappear into the role. By having Brad Pitt, who's also the exec producer of the film, it makes him look like this messiah and it was the only thing not believable.

    Otherwise, the film was outstanding. 100% the Schlinder's List of slave movies. This will be the film that is shown in schools as the go to movie about slavery. All of the actors are brilliant. Cumberbatch, Paul Dano, Fassbender, Sarah Paulson, the main character. I still can't tell how its gonna go over with the Oscars, but it is an extraordinary film. For that the fact alone that after watching it it makes you think "they seriously haven't done a slavery movie like this before". It makes you question all the slavery films that have come before it, and thats why its so amazing. There's no way to watch the film and not get uncomfortable watching Fassbender whip the girl. The scene lasts like 3 minutes and its just torture. I'm sorry, but this is the movie to end all slave movies. Since Schindler's List, there hasn't really been another Holocaust movie like that. I believe this will be the same way. Its kind of closing the book on this chapter of filmmaking, because I don't know if anyone can or will want to do better than this, just as they couldn't really do better than Schindler.

    I'm pretty sure I remember reading that Brad didn't want to be in it, but they had trouble getting a distributor or studio to support them unless he put himself in it. They didn't think they could sell a film about slavery unless it had at least one BIG name.

    Anyway, not seen it yet as it's not out in the UK but I'll watch it when I'm back at uni.

  10. Come to think of it....I think I'm tired of appeasing the pro choice circle....

    Other than if the life of the mother is at risk....(rape and incest maybe)....I think I'm leaning pro-life. Technology and the fact that hundreds of thousands of people are waiting to adopt....no....women (and men) shouldn't be allowed to use abortion as a form of birth control - which 90% of them are.

    I'm a bit late, but I'm curious as to where you got this 90% from? Seems like it's just a number pulled out of thin air to try and support your argument.

  11. I've only ever been in a Blockbuster twice in my life, although I don't remember it being very fun. I love having the internet at my fingertips and being able to watch most things I want, but I do miss popping in normal DVD's. It's much easier to find something online now than to get up and go get the DVD from the shelf.

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