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Posts posted by Nick85

  1. Axl has publicly spoke about "management" out on this tour at Tokyo and now Toronto. Obviously the business end of things has annoyed him and the band. Question is...What is it they are suppose to do...especially on tour? He also mentioned that they don't have management involvement, if the tour is going this well do they need them?

    Of course they do, if they did not have management we would still be waiting for the album.

    Axls problem is unless you are a yes man then there is a problem. Management does not kiss Axls ass and they tell him how it is, that is a so called problem to Axl.

    Axl needs more people like that around him, not ones like Beta who tell him he is always right even when he is wrong.

    I have to agree. Azoff is the creme-de-la-creme when it comes to artist management. Plus, he heads up Ticketmaster which is in the process of merging with Live Nation, which will effectively make him the most powerful man in the music industry. Not a bad person to have behind you.

    Wasn't Beta the one who stone-walled Slash when he tried to visit Axl in '05? It would be nice if he surrounded himself with people who didn't fan the flames of his insecurities and anger. That's not to say that Beta has not been a positivitve part of Axl's life. She obviously has. It's just that he should probably listen to those who have been in the business and know what will work for this band other than a group of 'yes men'.

  2. A states tour is given,

    I wouldn't say it's a given.

    It seems probable at this point. I'm sure all the positive media coverage of the Canada tour has wet a lot of fans appetite for seeing Guns live again in the U.S. I'm sure after the huge S.A. shows the band will be buzzing and ready to kick more ass on the road.

  3. This has got to be the most anti-rock n’ roll news of the week. Axl Rose apparently ordered security at a recent show to force anyone wearing ‘Slash gear’ to turn their clothing inside out before being granted entry. Some fans turned around a left, while others complied.

    The buffoonery was confirmed by TMZ, who reportedly made contact with the band’s tour staff to verify the claim.

    So why would they stoop so low? Well, for those of you who haven’t been keeping up with GnR drama, here’s a quick refresher:

    Slash and Axl have been in the midst of a bizarre falling out for quite some time. The Guardian reports that the top hot wearing, chain smoking, whisky-guzzling guitarist even refused a deal worth ‘hundreds of millions’ of dollars to reunite with the band.

    About his relationship with the singer, he said:

    “Things were so abrasive by the time I left…I’ve never thought, ‘Oh, wouldn’t it be nice to get back together’. Because I know it wouldn’t.”

    I guess the feelings are mutual for Rose, who said: “One of the two of us will die before a reunion.”

    For the average person, the idea of denying that much money over some hard feelings is beyond comprehension.

    But the reality is that there has to be a good energy flow between band members for things to work out.

    That part of it I can understand, but taking your little feud out on fans? That’s absurd. Maybe it’s time to grow up be thankful that people are still following the band after leaving them hanging with no record for decades, only to release a weak album like ‘Chinese Democracy.’

    Let us know what you think of the Guns N’ Roses dress code below. Also, check out some photos, and a video from the good ‘ole days. (SCOM Video)


    I love how your so quick to find these articles, which you obviously must dig hard for, that are against Axl, the man who holds the keys to your future joy in life (a GNR reunion) and keep sponsering a reunion.

    It's like you hate Axl and bash him constantly (mind you he doesnt know you or ever will know you or care about you) and want him to cave in for a reunion for fuckers like you.

    I think that is why there won't be reunion and we all know thats why your a tool.

    He obviously detests Axl and spends a good chunk of his time searching for negative articles like these, which is gay as it is scary. He constantly gets banned, but every once in a while will say something that gets on Madison's good side, delaying his inevitable re-banning. I don't know why the mods waste their time and let him post his drivel before he inevitably steps on their toes by being a completely off-base cupcake.

  4. Many complain about the lyrics, but I love them. It sounds like a poem you'd write for someone you really adore, and with Axl's delivery it comes off as really sincere and emotional.

    I always thought the songs message surrounded the complete surrendering of yourself to the idea that no matter how much you try to deny it, there is only one woman out there who understands you and that you could love. It's pretty clear why that would come off as cheesey and uncomfortable to some men. I find it absolutely beautiful.

  5. Why doesn't the GNR camp just say it is okay to wear a Slash shirt. A) IT is the right thing to do. B) It will make Axl look like less of an ass.

    Because it's the very reason everyone has forgotten about Axl. He IS an asshole (yes people of this forum, that is actually the majority perception of him). An asshole who also had the balls to claim he had nothing to do with the breakup of the band, then goes out and writes a piss poor song like Sorry. When you're sexually molested as a child, you are fucked up for life - he's in his own world, which is why it amuses me when people suggest he should do anything conventionally and anything for anyone other than himself. He does stuff according to him and on his terms, which quite frankly I have to admire, but its a big reason why he has the negative image from people. It's never going to change.

    He's thriving with this new GNR now because there's no competition between himself and anyone in the band. It's all Axl all the time, and nobody gives a shit about anyone else, as long as they can cover the old tunes adequately. They're all yes men in Axl's fucked up world.

    Wow. Well first of all, I don't think you're in any position to diagnose Axl or "explain" why the fact that he was sexually molested as a child plays into anything he does these days. The fact that you would use that in a rant against him makes you an even bigger "asshole." It must be nice to be so issue free, and have nothing that happened to you as a child affect you now. Man, you must be really cool.

    You're pissed that Axl won't reunite so you unleashed that dumbass tyrade. Nice dude.

  6. That fuckin' rocks! Seems like down there, it's 1991 again! Nice!

    Yeah except this time they're all there to see Axl and nobody else.

    Well, you sure blew a lot of minds with that statement. :sleeper:

    You know, it is okay to be happy for Axl when he does well. You won't get into trouble.

  7. So ... they've only played "Prostitute" twice?

    I hate griping about the setlist...But I'm also disappointed that Prostitute and TWAT have not been prominently featured on the Canada tour.

    Hope they have a few things up their sleeves for Toronto and Montreal!

  8. this SHOULD affect the setlist. Hopefully they understand that this crowd has seen GnR before, and we want to hear the new stuff.

    Give me There Was A Time, and I'll be more than satisfied! Really can't wait for this show. :)

  9. Crowd looked lame at Winnipeg - What the hell was all that about?

    There was an energy there, you could feel it.

    Danko played and he didn't go over too well, Bach was more the crowd's speed. Bach got some good pops from the crowd with the better known songs (no By Your Side though, wtf?).

    So bach left the crowd pretty happy, he didn't even get anyone kicked out this time. Good vibes...

    and then we wait...

    and we wait...

    and then you could feel the crowd vibe getting a bit, I'm not gonna say dark, but a little less positive.

    By the time Guns came on it was kinda like "Finally! Party Time! Fuck Yea!"

    But there was also a sense of "This fucking better be worth the wait!!" in the crowd.

    Glad you had a good time moreblack. Despite all the drama, I still can't wait for Toronto. Gonna be epic!

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