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Posts posted by Nick85

  1. Bummer that it's nothing new.

    But happy days for Axl now that CD is free of best buy and their fucking bullshit promo

    You're blaming Best Buy for no promo? :rofl-lol:

    Never underestimate the lengths some people around here will go to make excuses for Axl.

  2. Okay, I'll be the one to say it. Anyone else think this might just be volume 2, with 12-14 new songs? I know it's more than a stretch, but it could be something that was arranged to avoid leaks.

    Either way, I'd buy it for the new cover alone and that anything more would be a really cool extra.

    Not a chance.

    But like you any little alteration like a cover or whatever will lead me to buy it, anything major like new songs..well that's dream isn't it.

    Haha, I actually agree, just thought I'd throw my pipe-dream out there! :)

  3. Okay, I'll be the one to say it. Anyone else think this might just be volume 2, with 12-14 new songs? I know it's more than a stretch, but it could be something that was arranged to avoid leaks.

    Either way, I'd buy it for the new cover alone and that anything more would be a really cool extra.

  4. Maybe on this new CD they changed the intro on Riad. They also could have changed the intro on Scraped to the way its played live or put an alternate version as a bonus track.

    I'm actually really excited for this, as there are a number of ways they could have made this edition that much cooler. Let's hope this is something real...

  5. i agree madison has been the champion of noncensorship, and thats the single reason this place rules.

    follow me here.

    eric / montrealer rub elbows with team axl all over canada.

    team axl clearly dislikes madison.

    1 week later madison is axed.

    i smell something fishy and its not just lithium.

    i hope we arent going the way of HTGTH too.

    Dude honestly that post is bullshit!

    You should have come to the preshow party and you'd know that what you're implying is totally false.

    No, it isn't.

    His theory is absolutely correct.

    I believe in being honest with people. I think you should too.

    For someone I have a lot of respect for, I'm amazed that you'd post that.

    Guys there is so much more to this than people will ever really know. This isn't something that's just happened in the past week. Madison is somebody I regard as a friend and I admire the effort she's put in here over the years.

    In saying that... this was the right decision. Maybe Eric hasn't gone about it the best way - but this had to happen at some point. I don't see how it could have been avoided.

    Then what are we missing? HV, I've been coming here since we were both younger back in 04. Madison has always been a helpful and integral part of this forum. What changed? I think many of us would like some light to be shed on this whole situation.

  6. hold on... HOLD ON!!

    In your extremely weird analogy... who would be the ''people with money and power'' Axl? You are suggesting that ''GNR was born as a little baby, Madison took care of him for years, and when the kid became a star, Axl entered the scene and fucked everything up?'' you must be fucking kidding me...

    Focus man: Axl is the reason of this forum's existance. Its not about you, about Madison, or about whoever else you can mention. Its about GNR, the band AXL created and the band AXL kept alive. You dont like him? Cool. GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE THEN. COMMON FUCKIN' SENSE god damn it.

    So...Have you ever thought for yourself, or is it just when you talk about Axl Rose that you loose all sense of intelligence and self-respect? :crazy:

  7. sofine11, what are you gonna do now? You cant cupcake at HTGTH anymore because you were banned there for being an immature jackass hater, and now Madison is gone for good here. Poor Sofine11... i feel sorry for you... it seems all GNR message boards left LIKE guns n' roses. Whatcha gonna do now?

    If there is any other active moderator here who loves the band, close this thread and lets just focus in the imminent southamerican tour that will kick some serious butts.

    I didnt get banned from HTGTH. I did get into a tift with Jarmo because I eluded that I was a fan of Slash. But yeah my bad. I mean who would suspect a Guns N' Roses fan of mentioning Slash. If defending Madison and liking BOTH Slash and Axl makes me a cupcake then I'll wear that term like badge of honor. ;)

  8. You're supporting a homophobic asshole who can't string a sentence together and is living off his glory days from 20 years ago. And he's praying that one day, hopefully, he'll get more fans other than the retards who have been clinging to him for the past 15 years despite a failed album, failed tours, and the horrible neglect of his fanbase.

    He's living in a fantasy world, literally sheltered up on a hill somewhere where everyone treats him like he's relevant and hip, despite the fact that the only people who think so are his housekeeper, his housekeeper's son, and a bunch of people who leach off him for money - full band included.

    they're lying about him being cool so they can live off his fame

    He has no shot at ever reaching his past status in the music world, and if he would have killed himself in 1994 instead of hanging around and being a whiny dick about his past, people would have remembered him better.

    But no, now we get to see his fall from grace right before our very eyes. Including a pathetic rant towards someone who has supported him from Day 1, all so he can boost his ego and maintain his fantasy world protected by hanger-on administrators, and "friends" who couldn't care less about him.

    You truly have a wonderful life, Mr. Rose.

    I care for Axl, his band (current and past), and his music. So naturally, after reading this post I wanted to put up some kind of argument. Unfortunatly, after reading his profane, uncalled for, venomous, note to Madison, there's just not much to argue with here anymore.

    Madison has been here from day 1, supporting and defending Axl and the band when there were few reasons for the fans to do so. Don't believe me? Flip through the discussion history. It'll take about 30 seconds to see how supportive and dedicated she's always been.

    I could say so much more, but I'll stop there. What a sad day for this forum. Without a doubt the lowest.

    Chin up Maddy. There's a lot of people here who know you deserve better than this.

  9. I was there. He came out in the wheel chair during the opening riffs of CD, obviously to pay homage to Kurt. When he was ready to sing he lept out of the chair and ran around like a madman for the rest of the show. No limping. It was awesome IMO.

  10. If you were to show a pic of say,Ron,Frank and Stinson to someone,how many would say it's GNR? Now show a pic of Izzy,Duff and Adler to someone, and ask what band they are from. I left out Slash cause he's too obvious.

    Nobody in the is current "band" has carved out much of a unique persona for themselves with the exception of Dj. The general public sees them as nameless,faceless players.

    The ~50,000 people who attended the Asian and Canadian shows.


    would you say that 50,000 people at an american show would consider ron, frank, and stinson to be gnr?

    Nah, Americans are too busy with listening to the Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, and Adam Lambert.

    Ok idiot. As if those people wouldn't sell out shows everywhere else on the planet.

    If it weren't for Americans you wouldn't even know who the hell Axl Rose is as we made him famous. Think before you speak.

    If you were to show a pic of say,Ron,Frank and Stinson to someone,how many would say it's GNR? Now show a pic of Izzy,Duff and Adler to someone, and ask what band they are from. I left out Slash cause he's too obvious.

    Nobody in the is current "band" has carved out much of a unique persona for themselves with the exception of Dj. The general public sees them as nameless,faceless players.

    You're wrong sir. I dare not say his name for the legend states that speaking his name alone will cause his ominous funky tones and beeps to drive a man insane....But It rhymes with This Hitman.



  11. If you were to show a pic of say,Ron,Frank and Stinson to someone,how many would say it's GNR? Now show a pic of Izzy,Duff and Adler to someone, and ask what band they are from. I left out Slash cause he's too obvious.

    Nobody in the is current "band" has carved out much of a unique persona for themselves with the exception of Dj. The general public sees them as nameless,faceless players.

    You're wrong sir. I dare not say his name for the legend states that speaking his name alone will cause his ominous funky tones and beeps to drive a man insane....But It rhymes with This Hitman.

  12. I blame Axl for alot of things but not sure about the stuff BBF mentioned. I'm not taking sides at all and who knows it might have been Axl's decision. Probably was. But to just go "hrmph hrmph look what axls done..." right after BBF says it was management/situation's fault isn't very smart.

    I love how BBF knew people would freak out about that so he had to clarify that it wasn't Axl (or so he says). It's sad that anything negative that happens is Axl's fault now without any consideration whatsoever. Axl is or at least was a troubled person at one time or another but to call him an asshole for his whole life based on a few things he's done (more than a few) is being a bit ignorant.

    Some people say Axl is not open minded enough to forgive Slash/bury the hatchet. I'd say some of you aren't open minded enough to the fact that people can change. Not saying Axl DEFINITELY HAS, but consider it.

    Great post man :thumbsup:;)

    +1 Just freaking brilliant!

  13. If he felt Axl was complicit in denying him copies of tapes of the songs, he wouldn't have gone on record with it to begin with or risk being fired from the band for discussing band business publicly.


    Axl can't fire Bumble now - how damaging would that be to the credibility of the band?

    It would just reinforce the notion that this is a revolving-door of guitarists.

    Yup. Ron leaving would absolutely be the final nail in the coffin for this band. He can say whatever the hell he wants now.

    So Fine11, I usally agree with 99.9% of your posts but come on now. A guy named Bumblefoot leaving that hardly anyone outside these boards knows,would be the final nail in the coffin? There have been,what over 20 people by now in Guns? Ron is cool,but by no means is he more than a blip on the radar in the history of Guns.

    On this very forum,Tracii Guns is beating him in a poll that is about "Who was more essential to GNR" Tracii Guns or Bumblefoot"

    Edit*Of course Ron is gonna blame Merck. Merck is gone and can't defend himself. Either way,it's insane that a "band" member can't get a copy of the songs to learn. This enforces the belief of the public that these guys are hired help.

    Just so you know, you don't represent the public. That's YOUR opinion.

    Walk down the street Bubba and show people a picture of Ron. 9 out of 10 music fans will say "Who the fuck is that" Half the fucking people at a GNR show don't know who he is.

    Bubba, walk down the street and show people a picture of Izzy Stradlin, Duff, or Steve Adler. 9 out of 10 music fans will say "Who the fuck is that!".

    Picturing both of you approaching strangers on the street with pictures of random musicians makes me lol. :D

  14. If he felt Axl was complicit in denying him copies of tapes of the songs, he wouldn't have gone on record with it to begin with or risk being fired from the band for discussing band business publicly.


    Axl can't fire Bumble now - how damaging would that be to the credibility of the band?

    It would just reinforce the notion that this is a revolving-door of guitarists.

    Yup. Ron leaving would absolutely be the final nail in the coffin for this band. He can say whatever the hell he wants now.

    That's what people said when Bucket left. If Axl is as is irrational and temperamental as he is said to be, would it really have mattered what the public credibility implications would be for firing Ron? Would someone that temperamental care? I doubt it.


    So Fine11, I usally agree with 99.9% of your posts but come on now. A guy named Bumblefoot leaving that hardly anyone outside these boards knows,would be the final nail in the coffin? There have been,what over 20 people by now in Guns? Ron is cool,but by no means is he more than a blip on the radar in the history of Guns.

    It's a completely different situation now than in 2004 when Bucket flew the coup (pun intended). Hell, it's not even the same as 2006 nowadays. To say that this band is struggling and not even able to hook up domestic gigs would be pretty fair assessment in my opinion. And I LOVE this band.

    Ron leaving would cause more delays, more restructuring, more retooling....Less fans. Can they survive that and play theater gigs? Sure. Would Axl do that? Nope.

  15. axl is management.

    don't you idiots understand that yet........

    Ding ding ding!!

    We have a winner! :thumbsup:

    :rolleyes: I think history has shown that to not be the case. Very recent history, actually. Whatever, though. Only the people involved know the actual dynamics of the situation. People can speculate to their heart's content to reinforce pre-existing notions of how things are and work.


    Dude, c'mon. Separate the art from the artist, Ali. Think about it. If Axl was a rational man, he would have said "What?! Fuck that!!" when he heard management wouldn't give them the propper tools they needed and given him what he needed right away.

    So he is either A. Completely disconnected and disinterested in the rest of the band, or B. Making up these ridiculous rules for them.

    Both are equally strange.

    Let me be clear. I don't think Ron personally believes Axl was involved in denying him copies of songs or else he would not have gone public with this info. Do I think that Axl should have arranged for Ron to get copies of the tapes regardless of what management wants? Yes, of course. It's completely idiotic and senseless to make things harder for him than need be. Also, they could have given him a copy of a CD with measures to prevent copying of said CD. I think if anything he is disconnected because he wasn't really in the studio with the band and worked on the record on his own (Axl that is).


    Ron isn't an idiot. He chose his words very carefully. And who knows? Maybe he does truly blame "management" for making his life difficult. But it seems the majority here find it blatantly obvious that this all could have been remedied very quickly by one man.

  16. If he felt Axl was complicit in denying him copies of tapes of the songs, he wouldn't have gone on record with it to begin with or risk being fired from the band for discussing band business publicly.


    Axl can't fire Bumble now - how damaging would that be to the credibility of the band?

    It would just reinforce the notion that this is a revolving-door of guitarists.

    Yup. Ron leaving would absolutely be the final nail in the coffin for this band. He can say whatever the hell he wants now.

  17. axl is management.

    don't you idiots understand that yet........

    Ding ding ding!!

    We have a winner! :thumbsup:

    :rolleyes: I think history has shown that to not be the case. Very recent history, actually. Whatever, though. Only the people involved know the actual dynamics of the situation. People can speculate to their heart's content to reinforce pre-existing notions of how things are and work.


    Dude, c'mon. Separate the art from the artist, Ali. Think about it. If Axl was a rational man, he would have said "What?! Fuck that!!" when he heard management wouldn't give them the propper tools they needed and given him what he needed right away.

    So he is either A. Completely disconnected and disinterested in the rest of the band, or B. Making up these ridiculous rules for them.

    Both are equally strange.

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