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Posts posted by Nick85

  1. I'll take fernando's word over a fucking rent-a-cop, security rarely knows what they're talking about, i'm surprised the guy knew what band was playing.

    First, this person was a security manager who has been handling security for big-name bands, ranging from U2 to Bryan Adams, for 22 years. Second, he was the "manager" - not just a security guard. Third, why would he lie to me about this? He even went into great detail about what he was instructed to do with regard to the Slash gear/shirts because he found it so unusual and said the instructions came from Axl.

    Now, is it possible someone else in the GNR camp gave him his instructions on Axl's behalf? Sure, although the security manager said it was Axl. But if that's the case, then I think Fernando and others need to find out who is giving instructions on Axl's behalf.

    First people are releasing press-releases on Axl's behalf, now someone's banning certain apparell on his behalf. I'd say he needs to straighten that out before any more "misunderstandings" happen. :shock:

  2. From Fernando at htgth:

    Axl's twit's was not directed at anyone in particular; we were just advised that there were talks in a GNR reunion in order to raise money for the cause, which we kindly responded to such.

    People will try to find connection, when there are none to be found. Every now and then, we get the rumor in it's growing stage and I am just glad we can kill it, before it spreads.

    Like a... cancer?


    Well done.

  3. I believe Madison. I also applaud Madison. Why should we believe Fernando's post from a site that skews reailty and censors the truth? Shame on Axl. I hope the entire stadium shows up in Slash T-shirts next show.

    Posting any "clarifactions" on that site was the first mistake. The word "Truth" isn't exactly what comes to the majority of fans minds when they think of HTGTH.

  4. From Fernando on HTGH:

    We did not advise any security to ban any sort of apparel.... If they did, they did it on their own accord, or under someone else's order - from within their management.

    Can we squash it now? Or should we discuss it for like 10days, then discuss about why we discussed it for 10 days, for another 2weeks... then, reignite the conversation on how Axl himself was at the venue doors, telling everyone that Slash linkings and/or apparel is not allowed.



    There is a reliable source

    I don't buy it. Madison's word is gold and she checked with security's management and they said they recieved orders from Axl, even saying they thought it was extremely strange.

    Damage control people, damage control.

  5. I'm aware of how the site is run and how it's far more restrictive than this site in terms of what can be said. But, how do you know that he's not on tour because of the way he chooses to run his site on his accord, and not that he runs his site the way he does in exchange for going on tour? I mean, has this ever been proven? Not suspected, but proven. Have I missed something regarding this that came out?


    So, in other words, even something as blantant as Jarmo's servitude is not proovable unless he comes right out and says "Well yes, I am just a starstruck fan who's completely under their thumb. Thanks for asking!"

    C'mon. ;)

  6. This is totally in line with the type of behavior we would expect out of him. After all, he is the same guy who essentially bankrolls the webmaster at a popular Guns message board in exchange for totalitarian style censorship to create the propaganda world he wishes he could implement every where.

    As much as it saddens me, this statement is 100% correct. It's just another way to 'condition' the fans into acting the way they want us to. Apparently HTGTH was just the beginning.

  7. Wow,some of you are unreal. Now you are trying to say that Axl doesn't know about this? Come the fuck on. The buck in GNR starts and stops with Axl. If GNR will stop playing songs written by Slash then I will not wear my VR shirt to the show. As SoFine said, why can't people be fans of all the lineups? Even the biggest Axl fan can't possibly defend this move.

    Another thing,what the fuck would the security director have to gain by telling Madison,the order came from Axl? If anything he could get in trouble. Again,this is no guard, she spoke to a Director.When this shit makes it to Rollingstone.com/other media expect the fucking floodgates to open with fans wearing Slash/VR shirts to the shows.

    Agreed. People need to stop kidding themselves. The order sure as shit didnt come from Bumblefoot.

    I just hate the fact that this feeds the "You're either with us 110% or not at all." mentality. I happen to love both the original and current lineups of GNR, and am a supporter of both Axl and Slash.

    If he wants to continue his now very public beefs with Slash, fine. He can do and say what he pleases. Leave the fans out of it.

  8. Marc Canter has said in the past that Axl would be open to a reunion if Slash were to publicly apologize for some of the things he said about Axl to the press.

    It's like my wife always says to me: "If you really want me to forgive you - you have to apologize first."

    I think that in Axl's mind, he can't just "move on" while Slash is still out there spreading half-truths to the press.

    I don't know, the one thing I tend to agree with Axl about when it comes to Slash is about how he tends to try to "save face." He says things he believes that the majority of GNR fans want to believe.

    In the late 90s it wasn't working because Axl "wants the next album to sound like Pearl Jam and shit." Later when Slash formed VR and, ironically, embraced a more 'alternative' sound, it didn't work because Axl wanted complete control.

    On his official site pre-VR, it stated that his reason for leaving Guns was because he didn't believe in the sound Axl was going for on the next album, as he has always been a "rocker at heart." He batted that away in his book, as if it was something the media had created. :shock:

    Then he goes even further in his book to say that he would have done an "industrial" style album if there was mutual respect...Even though Axl stated that there were no industrial songs planned until after Slash left.

    When you look at that, by apologizing, Slash would have to also admit to telling half-truths as well, maybe even lying at times to gain support. Do you see him doing that?

  9. You think Axl doing interviews would help ticket sales? Please. They would hurt them. When people hear him say Slash is a cancer, there are drumming flaws in Appetite, there will never be a reunion, etc. it is a huge turnoff to anyone, except Internet Forum Posters.

    It seems Axl has a one track mind in that regard. If you notice the Del interview, the Billboard interview, and the Open Letter To Fans, all spent the majority of the "interviews" harping about his problems with the original members, namely Slash.

    If he could just focus on the present, and what's in store for the future, fans would be 100% more satisfied. What's done is done. Just focus on the current band and make music you can be proud of, for crying out loud.

  10. i remember very good when he sold out madison Square Garden in 20 minutes in 2002. That was even faster then the Evander Holyfield -Lennox Lewis world title fight sold out in the same arena. It appears as Axl is still very big some places,other places hes not doing that well. he would do himself a favour if he started to promote himself.

    This was before people knew for sure Chinese Democracy was not as good as original GNR.

    Dude, give it a rest. Guys like you had their minds made up about CD before they heard one song.

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